Find roots or zeros of a Polynomial in R Programming – polyroot() Function

polyroot() function in R Language is used to calculate roots of a polynomial equation.
A polynomial equation is represented as,

p(x) = (z1) + (z2 * x) + (z3 * x2) +...+ (z[n] * xn-1)

Syntax: polyroot(z)

z: Vector of polynomial coefficients in Increasing order

Example 1:

# R program to find zeros of a polynomial
# Creating vectors of coefficients
x1 <- c(1, 2, 3)
x2 <- c(-8, 4, -2)
x3 <- c(12, -2, 3)
# Calling polyroot() function


[1] -0.3333333+0.4714045i -0.3333333-0.4714045i
[1] 1+1.732051i 1-1.732051i
[1] 0.333333+1.972027i 0.333333-1.972027i

Example 2:

# R program to find zeros of a polynomial
# Calling polyroot() function
# For equation 2x - 3 = 0
polyroot(c(-3, 2))
# For equation 3x ^ 2 - 4x + 5 = 0
polyroot(c(5, -4, 3))
# For equation 2x ^ 4 - 3x -12 = 0
polyroot(c(-12, -3, 0, 2))


[1] 1.5+0i
[1] 0.666667+1.105542i 0.666667-1.105542i
[1]  2.090489+0.000000i -1.045244+1.333269i -1.045244-1.333269i

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