Find points at a given distance on a line of given slope

Given the co-ordinates of a 2-dimensional point p(x0, y0). Find the points at a distance L away from it, such that the line formed by joining these points has a slope of M.


Input : p = (2, 1)
        L = sqrt(2)
        M = 1
Output :3, 2
        1, 0
The two points are sqrt(2) distance away 
from the source and have the required slope
m = 1.

Input : p = (1, 0)
        L = 5
        M = 0
Output : 6, 0
        -4, 0

We need to find two points that are L distance from given point, on a line with slope M.
The idea has been introduced in below post. 
Find Corners of Rectangle using mid points

Based on the input slope, the problem can be classified into 3 categories.  

  1. If slope is zero, we just need to adjust the x coordinate of the source point
  2. If slope is infinite, the we need to adjust the y coordinate
  3. For other values of slope, we can use the following equations to find the points


Now using the above formula we can find the required points.



// C++ program to find the points on a line of
// slope M at distance L
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// structure to represent a co-ordinate
// point
struct Point {
    float x, y;
    Point() { x = y = 0; }
    Point(float a, float b) { x = a, y = b; }
// Function to print pair of points at
// distance 'l' and having a slope 'm'
// from the source
void printPoints(Point source, float l, int m)
    // m is the slope of line, and the
    // required Point lies distance l
    // away from the source Point
    Point a, b;
    // slope is 0
    if (m == 0) {
        a.x = source.x + l;
        a.y = source.y;
        b.x = source.x - l;
        b.y = source.y;
    // if slope is infinite
    else if (m == std::numeric_limits<float>::max()) {
        a.x = source.x;
        a.y = source.y + l;
        b.x = source.x;
        b.y = source.y - l;
    else {
        float dx = (l / sqrt(1 + (m * m)));
        float dy = m * dx;
        a.x = source.x + dx;
        a.y = source.y + dy;
        b.x = source.x - dx;
        b.y = source.y - dy;
    // print the first Point
    cout << a.x << ", " << a.y << endl;
    // print the second Point
    cout << b.x << ", " << b.y << endl;
// driver function
int main()
    Point p(2, 1), q(1, 0);
    printPoints(p, sqrt(2), 1);
    cout << endl;
    printPoints(q, 5, 0);
    return 0;



// Java program to find the points on
// a line of slope M at distance L
class GFG {
    // Class to represent a co-ordinate
    // point
    static class Point {
        float x, y;
        Point() { x = y = 0; }
        Point(float a, float b)
            x = a;
            y = b;
    // Function to print pair of points at
    // distance 'l' and having a slope 'm'
    // from the source
    static void printPoints(Point source, float l, int m)
        // m is the slope of line, and the
        // required Point lies distance l
        // away from the source Point
        Point a = new Point();
        Point b = new Point();
        // Slope is 0
        if (m == 0) {
            a.x = source.x + l;
            a.y = source.y;
            b.x = source.x - l;
            b.y = source.y;
        // If slope is infinite
        else if (Double.isInfinite(m)) {
            a.x = source.x;
            a.y = source.y + l;
            b.x = source.x;
            b.y = source.y - l;
        else {
            float dx = (float)(l / Math.sqrt(1 + (m * m)));
            float dy = m * dx;
            a.x = source.x + dx;
            a.y = source.y + dy;
            b.x = source.x - dx;
            b.y = source.y - dy;
        // Print the first Point
        System.out.println(a.x + ", " + a.y);
        // Print the second Point
        System.out.println(b.x + ", " + b.y);
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Point p = new Point(2, 1), q = new Point(1, 0);
        printPoints(p, (float)Math.sqrt(2), 1);
        printPoints(q, 5, 0);
// This code is contributed by Rajnis09



# Python program to find the points on a line of
# slope M at distance L
import math
# structure to represent a co-ordinate
# point
class Point:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
# Function to print pair of points at
# distance 'l' and having a slope 'm'
# from the source
def printPoints(source, l, m):
    # m is the slope of line, and the
    # required Point lies distance l
    # away from the source Point
    a = Point(0, 0)
    b = Point(0, 0)
    # slope is 0
    if m == 0:
        a.x = source.x + l
        a.y = source.y
        b.x = source.x - l
        b.y = source.y
    # if slope is infinite
    elif math.isfinite(m) is False:
        a.x = source.x
        a.y = source.y + l
        b.x = source.x
        b.y = source.y - l
        dx = (l / math.sqrt(1 + (m * m)))
        dy = m * dx
        a.x = source.x + dx
        a.y = source.y + dy
        b.x = source.x - dx
        b.y = source.y - dy
    # print the first Point
    print(f"{a.x}, {a.y}")
    # print the second Point
    print(f"{b.x}, {b.y}")
# driver function
p = Point(2, 1)
q = Point(1, 0)
printPoints(p, math.sqrt(2), 1)
printPoints(q, 5, 0)
# The code is contributed by Gautam goel(gautamgoel962)



// C# program to find the points on
// a line of slope M at distance L
using System;
class GFG {
    // Class to represent a co-ordinate
    // point
    public class Point {
        public float x, y;
        public Point() { x = y = 0; }
        public Point(float a, float b)
            x = a;
            y = b;
    // Function to print pair of points at
    // distance 'l' and having a slope 'm'
    // from the source
    static void printPoints(Point source, float l, int m)
        // m is the slope of line, and the
        // required Point lies distance l
        // away from the source Point
        Point a = new Point();
        Point b = new Point();
        // Slope is 0
        if (m == 0) {
            a.x = source.x + l;
            a.y = source.y;
            b.x = source.x - l;
            b.y = source.y;
        // If slope is infinite
        else if (Double.IsInfinity(m)) {
            a.x = source.x;
            a.y = source.y + l;
            b.x = source.x;
            b.y = source.y - l;
        else {
            float dx = (float)(l / Math.Sqrt(1 + (m * m)));
            float dy = m * dx;
            a.x = source.x + dx;
            a.y = source.y + dy;
            b.x = source.x - dx;
            b.y = source.y - dy;
        // Print the first Point
        Console.WriteLine(a.x + ", " + a.y);
        // Print the second Point
        Console.WriteLine(b.x + ", " + b.y);
    // Driver code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        Point p = new Point(2, 1), q = new Point(1, 0);
        printPoints(p, (float)Math.Sqrt(2), 1);
        printPoints(q, 5, 0);
// This code is contributed by Amit Katiyar



    // Javascript program to find the points on
    // a line of slope M at distance L
    // Class to represent a co-ordinate
    // point
    class Point
        constructor(x, y)
            this.x = x;
            this.y = y;
    // Function to print pair of points at
    // distance 'l' and having a slope 'm'
    // from the source
    function printPoints(source, l, m)
        // m is the slope of line, and the
        // required Point lies distance l
        // away from the source Point
        let a = new Point();
        let b = new Point();
        // Slope is 0
        if (m == 0)
            a.x = source.x + l;
            a.y = source.y;
            b.x = source.x - l;
            b.y = source.y;
        // If slope is infinite
        else if (!isFinite(m))
            a.x = source.x;
            a.y = source.y + l;
            b.x = source.x;
            b.y = source.y - l;
            var dx = (l / Math.sqrt(1 + (m * m)));
            var dy = m * dx;
            a.x = source.x + dx;
            a.y = source.y + dy;
            b.x = source.x - dx;
            b.y = source.y - dy;
        // Print the first Point
        document.write(a.x + ", " + a.y+"\n");
        // Print the second Point
        document.write(b.x + ", " + b.y+"\n");
    // Driver code
    let p = new Point(2, 1);
    let q = new Point(1, 0);
    printPoints(p, Math.sqrt(2), 1);
    printPoints(q, 5, 0);
    // This code is contributed by shruti456rawal


3, 2
1, 0

6, 0
-4, 0

Time Complexity: O(1)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

This article is contributed by Ashutosh Kumar ?

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