Find maximum value of Indices of Array that satisfy the given conditions

Given an integer N (N ? 5) Then assume you have two infinite arrays X and Y where X[] is an array of element N and each element of Y[] is 2i where i is the index of the array, the task is to find two indices let’s say A and B which are the maximum value of the index at which the prefix sum in X[] is at least the same as the prefix sum of Y[] and the index value at which the X[i] – Y[i] is maximum respectively, Where The value of B should be less than or equal to A. Formally, B ? A.


Input: N = 7
Output: A = 5, B = 3
Explanation: Y[] = {1, 2, 4, 8….., 2i – n}, X[] = {7, 7, 7, 7, …..7}
The sum of X[] till index 5 is: 35 
The sum of Y[] till index 5 is: 31
5 is the maximum value of index at which, The sum of elements of X[] is strictly greater than or equal to Y[]. Maximum possible difference of sum(Xi – Yi) is at index 3, Which is 14. Therefore, A = 5 and B = 3.

Input: N = 6
Output: A = 4, B = 3
Explanation: It can be verified that 4 is maximum possible value of index at which sum of elements of X[] is strictly greater than or equal to Y[] and max difference is at index 3. Therefore, A = 4 and B = 3.

Approach: Implement the idea below to solve the problem:

Take two long data type integers lets say K and L to store sum of X and Y respectively, run a while loop till the sum difference is greater than or equal to zero

Follow the steps to solve the problem:

  • Take two long data type variables let’s say K and L to store the sum of X[] and Y[] respectively till index i, other two integers A and B for output as discussed in the problem statement. 
  • Take another variable Z, and initialize it to 0, Which will use to store the difference at index i as X[i] – Y[i]. Run a While loop till Z ? 0, and follow the below steps inside the loop :
    • Update the value of K and L.
    • Update the value of Z as Xi – Yi.
    • Increment A.
    • If Z is the maximum current value of the index at i, Then update B as i.
  • Print the value of A and B.  

Below is the code to implement the above approach:


// C++ code for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
static void calculateIndices(int N)
    // Variable to store difference at
    // each iteration of while Loop
    long Z = 0;
    // Counter for calculating
    // power of 2
    long Pow_counter = 1;
    // Variable K to store sum of
    // elements of X[]
    long K = 0;
    // Variable K to store sum of
    // elements of X[]
    long L = 0;
    // Variable to store Max value of
    // index at which Z >= 0
    long A = 0;
    // Variable to store Max value of
    // index at which Z is maximum in
    // all iterations of while loop
    long B = 0;
    // max variable to store maximum
    // value of Z
    long max = LONG_MIN;
    // While loop to execute
    // till Z >= 0
    while (Z >= 0) {
        // Updating value of K
        K += N;
        // Updating value of L
        L += pow(2, Pow_counter - 1);
        // Incrementing A
        // Updating value of Z
        Z = K - L;
        // If Z is maxed till now
        if (Z > max) {
            // Update max variable as Z
            max = Z;
            // Update B as max_counter
            B = Pow_counter;
        // Incrementing variable
        // Pow_counter, if Z is
        // non-negative(Z >= 0)
        if (Z >= 0)
    // Printing value of Z
    cout << (A - 1) << " " << B << endl;
// Driver code
int main()
    long N = 6;
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by Tapesh(tapeshdua420)


// Java code for the above approach
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
    static void calculateIndices(long N)
        // Variable to store difference at
        // each iteration of while Loop
        long Z = 0;
        // Counter for calculating
        // power of 2
        long Pow_counter = 1;
        // Variable K to store sum of
        // elements of X[]
        long K = 0;
        // Variable K to store sum of
        // elements of X[]
        long L = 0;
        // Variable to store Max value of
        // index at which Z >= 0
        long A = 0;
        // Variable to store Max value of
        // index at which Z is maximum in
        // all iterations of while loop
        long B = 0;
        // max variable to store maximum
        // value of Z
        long max = Long.MIN_VALUE;
        // While loop to execute
        // till Z >= 0
        while (Z >= 0) {
            // Updating value of K
            K += N;
            // Updating value of L
            L += Math.pow(2, Pow_counter - 1);
            // Incrementing A
            // Updating value of Z
            Z = K - L;
            // If Z is maxed till now
            if (Z > max) {
                // Update max variable as Z
                max = Z;
                // Update B as max_counter
                B = Pow_counter;
            // Incrementing variable
            // Pow_counter, if Z is
            // non-negative(Z >= 0)
            if (Z >= 0)
        // Printing value of Z
        System.out.println((A - 1) + " " + B);
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String args[])
        long N = 6;


# Python code for the above approach
import math
# Function to calculate indices
def calculateIndices(N):
    # Variable to store difference at
    # each iteration of while Loop
    Z = 0
    # Counter for calculating
    # power of 2
    Pow_counter = 1
    # Variable K to store sum of
    # elements of X[]
    K = 0
    # Variable K to store sum of
    # elements of X[]
    L = 0
    # Variable to store Max value of
    # index at which Z >= 0
    A = 0
    # Variable to store Max value of
    # index at which Z is maximum in
    # all iterations of while loop
    B = 0
    # max variable to store maximum
    # value of Z
    max = -math.inf
    # While loop to execute
    # till Z >= 0
    while (Z >= 0):
        # Updating value of K
        K += N
        # Updating value of L
        L += pow(2, Pow_counter - 1)
        # Incrementing A
        A += 1
        # Updating value of Z
        Z = K - L
        # If Z is maxed till now
        if (Z > max):
            # Update max variable as Z
            max = Z
            # Update B as max_counter
            B = Pow_counter
        # Incrementing variable
        # Pow_counter, if Z is
        # non-negative(Z >= 0)
        if (Z >= 0):
            Pow_counter += 1
    # Printing value of Z
    print(A - 1, B)
# Driver code
N = 6
# This code is contributed by Tapesh(tapeshdua420)


// C# code for the above approach
using System;
public class GFG{
      static void calculateIndices(long N)
        // Variable to store difference at
        // each iteration of while Loop
        long Z = 0;
        // Counter for calculating
        // power of 2
        long Pow_counter = 1;
        // Variable K to store sum of
        // elements of X[]
        long K = 0;
        // Variable K to store sum of
        // elements of X[]
        long L = 0;
        // Variable to store Max value of
        // index at which Z >= 0
        long A = 0;
        // Variable to store Max value of
        // index at which Z is maximum in
        // all iterations of while loop
        long B = 0;
        // max variable to store maximum
        // value of Z
        long max = Int64.MinValue;
        // While loop to execute
        // till Z >= 0
        while (Z >= 0) {
            // Updating value of K
            K += N;
            // Updating value of L
            L += (long)Math.Pow(2, Pow_counter - 1);
            // Incrementing A
            // Updating value of Z
            Z = K - L;
            // If Z is maxed till now
            if (Z > max) {
                // Update max variable as Z
                max = Z;
                // Update B as max_counter
                B = Pow_counter;
            // Incrementing variable
            // Pow_counter, if Z is
            // non-negative(Z >= 0)
            if (Z >= 0)
        // Printing value of Z
        Console.WriteLine((A - 1) + " " + B);
    static public void Main (){
        // Code
          long N = 6;
// This code is contributed by lokeshmvs21.


  // JavaScript code for the above approach
  function calculateIndices(N) {
      // Variable to store difference at
      // each iteration of while Loop
      var Z = 0;
      // Counter for calculating
      // power of 2
      var Pow_counter = 1;
      // Variable K to store sum of
      // elements of X[]
      var K = 0;
      // Variable K to store sum of
      // elements of X[]
      var L = 0;
      // Variable to store Max value of
      // index at which Z >= 0
      var A = 0;
      // Variable to store Max value of
      // index at which Z is maximum in
      // all iterations of while loop
      var B = 0;
      // max variable to store maximum
      // value of Z
      var max = -Infinity;
      // While loop to execute
      // till Z >= 0
      while (Z >= 0) {
          // Updating value of K
          K += N;
          // Updating value of L
          L += Math.pow(2, Pow_counter - 1);
          // Incrementing A
          A += 1;
          // Updating value of Z
          Z = K - L;
          // If Z is maxed till now
          if (Z > max) {
              // Update max variable as Z
              max = Z;
              // Update B as max_counter
              B = Pow_counter;
          // Incrementing variable
          // Pow_counter, if Z is
          // non-negative(Z >= 0)
          if (Z >= 0) {
              Pow_counter += 1;
      // Printing value of Z
      console.log(A - 1, B);
  // Driver code
  var N = 6;
  // This code is contributed by Tapesh(tapeshdua420)


4 3

Time Complexity: O(A)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)  

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