Find a string of minimum length containing exactly N occurrences of AB Subsequences

Given an integer N. The task is to print a minimum possible length string such that there must be exactly N occurrences of “AB” subsequences.


Input: N = 5
Output: AABAB
Explanation: StringAABAB” contains exactly 5 occurrences of subsequence “AB” and has minimum length also.

Input: N = 4
Output: AABB
Explanation: It can be verified that String “AABB” is the smallest strings with 4 occurrence of AB.

Approach: Implement the idea below to solve the problem

We can observe that the maximum number of “AB” subsequences are possible when we have equal number of “A” followed by equal number of “B”. So, if we have X number of “A” followed by X number of “B”, then the total number of “AB” subsequences are X * X. So, we can find the nearest perfect square, which is smaller than or equal to N, say S and then place sqrt(S) number of “A” followed by sqrt(S) number of “B”. Now according to the difference between N and S (diff), we can have three cases:

  • Case 1: (diff == 0), no more subsequences of “AB” are needed.
  • Case 2: (diff <= K), so we can add a single “A” at (last – diff) index among the continuous “B”s.
  • Case 3: (diff > K), so we can add one more “A” before the continuous segment of “B” and now the remaining diff will be less than K, so we can add a single “A” at (last – diff) index among the continuous “B”.

Solve for these cases to get the answer.

Step-by-step approach:

  • Calculate Square Root of N
  • Calculate the difference between N and the square of K is calculated as diff = (N - K*K). The variable ext is initialized to handle the different cases.
  • Depending on the value of diff, ext is adjusted accordingly to handle the three cases discussed earlier.
  • The length of the string is calculated based on the values of K and ext.
  • The string is generated and printed character by character based on the conditions specified for ‘A’ and ‘B’.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
// Method to output the required string
void Solve(int N)
    // Calculate the square root of N and initialize
    // variables
    int k = static_cast<int>(sqrt(N)), diff = N - k * k,
        ext = 0;
    // Check conditions to determine the values of 'ext'
    // and 'diff'
    if (diff > k) {
        ext = 2;
        diff -= k;
    else if (diff > 0) {
        ext = 1;
    // Calculate the length of the output string
    int len = 2 * k + ext;
    // Print the required string based on conditions
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (i < k) {
            cout << 'A';
        else if (ext == 2 && i == k) {
            cout << 'A';
        else if (diff > 0 && i == len - diff - 1) {
            cout << 'A';
        else {
            cout << 'B';
// Driver Function
int main()
    // Input
    int N = 5;
    // Function call to Solve method
    return 0;


// Java code to implement the approach
// Driver Class
public class Main {
    // Driver Function
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Input
        int N = 5;
        // Function call to Solve method
    // Method to output the required string
    public static void Solve(int N)
        // Calculate the square root of N and initialize
        // variables
        int k = (int)Math.sqrt(N), diff = N - k * k,
            ext = 0;
        // Check conditions to determine the values of 'ext'
        // and 'diff'
        if (diff > k) {
            ext = 2;
            diff -= k;
        else if (diff > 0) {
            ext = 1;
        // Calculate the length of the output string
        int len = 2 * k + ext;
        // Print the required string based on conditions
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            if (i < k) {
            else if (ext == 2 && i == k) {
            else if (diff > 0 && i == len - diff - 1) {
            else {


import math
# Method to output the required string
def solve(N):
    # Calculate the square root of N and initialize variables
    k = int(math.sqrt(N))
    diff = N - k * k
    ext = 0
    # Check conditions to determine the values of 'ext' and 'diff'
    if diff > k:
        ext = 2
        diff -= k
    elif diff > 0:
        ext = 1
    # Calculate the length of the output string
    length = 2 * k + ext
    # Print the required string based on conditions
    for i in range(length):
        if i < k:
            print('A', end='')
        elif ext == 2 and i == k:
            print('A', end='')
        elif diff > 0 and i == length - diff - 1:
            print('A', end='')
            print('B', end='')
# Driver Function
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Input
    N = 5
    # Function call to Solve method


using System;
public class GFG {
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // Input
        int N = 5;
        // Function call to Solve method
    // Method to output the required string
    public static void Solve(int N)
        // Calculate the square root of N and initialize
        // variables
        int k = (int)Math.Sqrt(N), diff = N - k * k,
            ext = 0;
        // Check conditions to determine the values of 'ext'
        // and 'diff'
        if (diff > k) {
            ext = 2;
            diff -= k;
        else if (diff > 0) {
            ext = 1;
        // Calculate the length of the output string
        int len = 2 * k + ext;
        // Print the required string based on conditions
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            if (i < k) {
            else if (ext == 2 && i == k) {
            else if (diff > 0 && i == len - diff - 1) {
            else {


// Method to output the required string
function Solve(N) {
    // Calculate the square root of N and initialize
    // variables
    let k = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(N));
    let diff = N - k * k;
    let ext = 0;
    // Check conditions to determine the values of 'ext'
    // and 'diff'
    if (diff > k) {
        ext = 2;
        diff -= k;
    } else if (diff > 0) {
        ext = 1;
    // Calculate the length of the output string
    let len = 2 * k + ext;
    // Print the required string based on conditions
    for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (i < k) {
        } else if (ext === 2 && i === k) {
        } else if (diff > 0 && i === len - diff - 1) {
        } else {
// Driver Function
function main() {
    // Input
    let N = 5;
    // Function call to Solve method
// Execute the main function



Time Complexity: Sqrt(N)
Auxiliary space: O(1)

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