FIITJEE’s Online Classes During the Pandemic: A Student’s Journey

I attended coaching at FIITJEE and transitioned to online classes in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. The environment at FIITJEE was competitive yet supportive, fostering a culture of hard work and perseverance. The live classes provided interactive learning experiences, enhancing understanding and retention despite the challenges posed by the pandemic.

Few things which I remember doing to stay motivated daily were:-

  1. Create a dedicated study space: Establish a quiet and organized area free from distractions to enhance focus during online classes, especially amidst the disruptions caused by the pandemic.
  2. Stick to a schedule: Maintain a consistent study routine to stay disciplined and make the most out of online learning, adapting to the changes in daily routines caused by the pandemic.
  3. Actively participate in live classes: Engage with the material by asking questions and participating in discussions to clarify doubts and deepen understanding, leveraging the interactive nature of online platforms.
  4. Utilize technology effectively: Familiarize yourself with the online learning platform and utilize available resources such as recordings, notes, and quizzes to supplement your learning, embracing the digital tools to overcome the limitations of in-person instruction during the pandemic.
  5. Stay motivated and accountable: Set achievable goals and track your progress regularly, staying motivated by connecting with peers and seeking support from instructors when needed, despite the uncertainties and challenges brought about by the pandemic.

Remember health and wealth come from fit mind and body.

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