Fermat’s Factorization method for large numbers

Given a large number N, the task is to divide this number into a product of two factors, using Fermat’s Factorisation method. Examples

Input: N = 105327569 Output: 10223, 10303 Input: N = 249803 Output: 23, 10861

Fermat Factorization: Fermat’s Factorization method is based on the representation of an odd integer as the difference of two squares. For an integer N, we want a and b such as:

N = a2 - b2 = (a+b)(a-b) 
where (a+b) and (a-b) are
the factors of the number N.


  1. Get the number as an object of BigInteger class
  2. Find the square root of N.
  3. It is guaranteed that the value of a is greater than sqrt(N) and value of b less than sqrt(N).
  4. Take the value of sqrt(n) as a and increment the number until and unless a number b is found such that N – a^2 is a perfect square.

Below is the implementation of the above approach: 


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;
// Function to find the Floor
// of square root of a number
long long sqrtF(long long x)
    // if x is less than 0
    if (x < 0)
        throw invalid_argument("Negative argument.");
    // if x==0 or x==1
    if (x == 0 || x == 1)
        return x;
    long long y = x / 2;
    // run a loop
    while (y > x / y)
        y = (x / y + y) / 2;
    return y;
// function to find the Ceil
// of square root of a number
long long sqrtC(long long x)
    long long y = sqrtF(x);
    if (x == y * y)
        return y;
        return y + 1;
// Fermat factorisation
string FermatFactors(long long n)
    // if n%2 ==0 then return the factors
    if (n % 2 == 0)
        return to_string(n / 2) + ", 2";
    // find the square root
    long long a = sqrtC(n);
    // if the number is a perfect square
    if (a * a == n)
        return to_string(a) + ", " + to_string(a);
    // else perform factorisation
    long long b;
    while (true)
        long long b1 = a * a - n;
        b = sqrtF(b1);
        if (b * b == b1)
            a += 1;
    return to_string(a - b) + ", " + to_string(a + b);
// Driver code
int main()
    string N = "105327569";
    cout << FermatFactors(stoll(N)) << endl;
    return 0;
//This code is contributed by Aman


// Java program for Fermat's Factorization
// method for large numbers
import java.math.*;
import java.util.*;
class Solution {
    // Function to find the Floor
    // of square root of a number
    public static BigInteger sqrtF(BigInteger x)
        throws IllegalArgumentException
        // if x is less than 0
        if (x.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Negative argument.");
        // if x==0 or x==1
        if (x.equals(BigInteger.ZERO)
            || x.equals(BigInteger.ONE)) {
            return x;
        BigInteger two
            = BigInteger.valueOf(2L);
        BigInteger y;
        // run a loop
        y = x.divide(two);
        while (y.compareTo(x.divide(y)) > 0)
            y = ((x.divide(y)).add(y))
        return y;
    // function to find the Ceil
    // of square root of a number
    public static BigInteger sqrtC(BigInteger x)
        throws IllegalArgumentException
        BigInteger y = sqrtF(x);
        if (x.compareTo(y.multiply(y)) == 0) {
            return y;
        else {
            return y.add(BigInteger.ONE);
    // Fermat factorisation
    static String FermatFactors(BigInteger n)
        // constants
        BigInteger ONE = new BigInteger("1");
        BigInteger ZERO = new BigInteger("0");
        BigInteger TWO = new BigInteger("2");
        // if n%2 ==0 then return the factors
        if (n.mod(TWO).equals(ZERO)) {
            return n.divide(TWO)
                + ", 2";
        // find the square root
        BigInteger a = sqrtC(n);
        // if the number is a perfect square
        if (a.multiply(a).equals(n)) {
            return a.toString()
                + ", " + a.toString();
        // else perform factorisation
        BigInteger b;
        while (true) {
            BigInteger b1 = a.multiply(a)
            b = sqrtF(b1);
            if (b.multiply(b).equals(b1))
                a = a.add(ONE);
        return a.subtract(b).toString()
            + ", " + a.add(b).toString();
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String args[])
        String N = "105327569";
                new BigInteger(N)));


import math
# Function to find the Floor
# of square root of a number
def sqrtF(x):
    # if x is less than 0
    if x < 0:
        raise ValueError("Negative argument.")
    # if x==0 or x==1
    if x == 0 or x == 1:
        return x
    y = x // 2
    # run a loop
    while y > x // y:
        y = (x // y + y) // 2
    return y
# function to find the Ceil
# of square root of a number
def sqrtC(x):
    y = sqrtF(x)
    if x == y * y:
        return y
        return y + 1
# Fermat factorisation
def FermatFactors(n):
    # if n%2 ==0 then return the factors
    if n % 2 == 0:
        return str(n // 2) + ", 2"
    # find the square root
    a = sqrtC(n)
    # if the number is a perfect square
    if a * a == n:
        return str(a) + ", " + str(a)
    # else perform factorisation
    while True:
        b1 = a * a - n
        b = sqrtF(b1)
        if b * b == b1:
            a += 1
    return str(a - b) + ", " + str(a + b)
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    N = "105327569"
# This code is contributed by sarojmcy2e


using System;
public class FermatFactorization
    // Function to find the Floor
    // of square root of a number
    public static long SqrtF(long x)
        // if x is less than 0
        if (x < 0)
            throw new ArgumentException("Negative argument.");
        // if x==0 or x==1
        if (x == 0 || x == 1)
            return x;
        long y = x / 2;
        // run a loop
        while (y > x / y)
            y = (x / y + y) / 2;
        return y;
    // function to find the Ceil
    // of square root of a number
    public static long SqrtC(long x)
        long y = SqrtF(x);
        if (x == y * y)
            return y;
            return y + 1;
    // Fermat factorisation
    public static string FermatFactors(long n)
        // if n%2 ==0 then return the factors
        if (n % 2 == 0)
            return (n / 2) + ", 2";
        // find the square root
        long a = SqrtC(n);
        // if the number is a perfect square
        if (a * a == n)
            return a + ", " + a;
        // else perform factorisation
        long b;
        while (true)
            long b1 = a * a - n;
            b = SqrtF(b1);
            if (b * b == b1)
                a += 1;
        return (a - b) + ", " + (a + b);
    // Driver code
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        string N = "105327569";
// This code is contributed by Aman


function sqrtF(x) {
  if (x < 0) {
    throw new Error("Negative argument.");
  if (x === 0 || x === 1) {
    return x;
  let y = BigInt(x >> 1n);
  while (y > BigInt(x / y)) {
    y = BigInt((BigInt(x) / BigInt(y) + BigInt(y)) >> 1n);
  return y;
function sqrtC(x) {
  const y = sqrtF(x);
  if (x === y * y) {
    return y;
  } else {
    return y + 1n;
function FermatFactors(n) {
  const ONE = 1n;
  const ZERO = 0n;
  const TWO = 2n;
  if (n % TWO === ZERO) {
    return `${n / TWO}, 2`;
  const a = sqrtC(n);
  if (a * a === n) {
    return `${a}, ${a}`;
  let b;
  while (true) {
    const b1 = a * a - n;
    b = sqrtF(b1);
    if (b * b === b1) {
    } else {
      a += 1n;
  return `${a - b}, ${a + b}`;
const N = "105327569";


10223, 10303

Performance Analysis : 

Time Complexity: O(sqrt(N))
Space Complexity: O(1)

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