Federalism – Definition, History, Types, Features

Federalism is a kind of government where the powers of the sovereign government (usually a country) are equally given to its other legislative units (states/provinces). This division of powers can be established through a constitution or an agreement. In a federal system, these constituent units retain an equal level of autonomy and legislative authority over their own respective matters.

On the other hand, Indian federalism is a special type of federalism that incorporates features of both federal and unitary systems of government. But It is slightly tilted towards the unitary side, which is why it is referred to as a quasi-federal system. However, The word “federalism or federal” is not mentioned anywhere in the Indian Constitution, but Article 1(1) states that “India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States.”

Table of Content

  • History of Indian Federalism
  • Types of Federalism
  • Main features of federalism
  • Dispute Redressal Mechanisms of India
  • FAQs on Federalism Definition, and Types

History of Indian Federalism

The beginning of the current bureaucratic framework in India lies in the Simon Report of May 1930 which upheld the possibility of a national government in India. This help for the administrative type of government for India representing things to come was additionally asserted in the First Round Table Conference of 1930.

  • After the Third Round Table likewise slumped essentially, the British Government gave a White Paper in March 1933, which proposed another Indian Constitution with a responsible government in the regions and the standard of dyarchy at the Center. Because of the distribution of the White Paper, a Joint Select Committee of the two Houses of Parliament was named by His Majesty’s Government in April 1933 to assess and study the proposition of the White Papers.
  • These recommendations were authorized into regulation and got the consent of the British Crown and turned out to be at last the reason for the Government of India Act of 1935.
  • The meaning of the Act of 1935 lies in the way that the territories were blessed with a legitimate character under a public plan, and that the personality of the public plan was at last a government framework.
  • This implied the annulment of the standard of dyarchy at the common level and its maintenance at the Center.
  • In any case, the government development that India follows today is completely opposite from what the British came to us with.
  • The greatest smidgen of federalism in India lies in the historical backdrop of its establishment in 1947 when after the Partition of Pakistan from the Indian subcontinent every one of the regions, administrations, and royal states were joined under an instrument of promotion that implies that this multitude of already sovereign or dependent states met up to be called one country state.
  • The turn of events and the excursion of India as a government nation can be comprehensively perceived by separating it into two sections: The protected/lawful arrangements and the essence of federalist India got by the Judiciary.

Types of Federalism

In a league framework, there are two seats of force that are independent in their own circles. A government framework is not quite the same as a unitary framework in that power is naturally divided between two regional levels so that each level can act freely of one another in certain areas.

There are two types of Federalism:

  • Consolidating Federation or Keeping Intact Federation; In this type of federalism, powers are divided among different constituent parts to oblige the variety in the entire element. Here, powers are for the most part shifted towards the Focal power. Model: India, Spain, Belgium.
  • Confederating Federation or Meeting up Federation – In this type of federalism free states meet up to frame a bigger unit. Here, states appreciate more independence when contrasted with the keeping intact sort of alliance. Model: USA, Australia, Switzerland.

Main Features of Federalism

Here are the main features of federalism:

  • Dual federalism
  • Distribution of abilities
  • Written Constitution
  • Supremacy of the Constitution

Dual Federalism

  • Double federalism views the bureaucratic framework as a kind of “layer cake,” with each layer of government playing out the undertakings that seem okay for that level.
  • The underlying outlining and confirmation of the Constitution mirrored this hypothesis. Indeed, even those individuals supporting a more grounded public government recommended that powers in the central government be unmistakable and restricted, with specific undertakings listed for the public government in the Constitution and the excess errands left to the state legislatures.
  • Since this hypothesis leaves every administration incomparable inside its own circle of tasks, it is likewise in some cases called double sway.

Distribution of Abilities

  • The circulation of abilities is a fundamental component of federalism.
  • It guarantees autonomy and coordination between both the public authority and the state-run administrations that are not reliant upon one another.

Written Constitution

  • A government constitution should fundamentally be a composed constitution. the composed constitution gives the sovereign powers of the two legislatures (for instance, Center and State).
  • In the event that debates and issues emerge between these two foundations, it very well may be settled with the arrangements of the constitution.

Supremacy of the Constitution

  • A Federal state gets its presence from the constitution, similarly as an organization gets its presence from the award by which it is made. Thus every power, chief, authoritative, or legal whether it has a place within the country or to the singular State is subordinate to and constrained by the constitution.
  • The Constitution is a preeminent rule book that everyone must follow and consequently, the arrangements of the Constitution will beat any remaining regulations.

Dispute Redressal Mechanisms of India

Disputes between the central government and state governments can arise due to various reasons, such as differences in policy implementation, allocation of funds and resources, or constitutional interpretations. To address these disputes, several mechanisms and institutions have been established over the years. Here are some of the key dispute redressal mechanisms and institutions in India:

  • Inter-State Council (ISC)
  • Zonal Councils
  • Finance Commission
  • NITI Aayog
  • Judicial Intervention (Supreme Court)
  • Administrative Coordination

Inter-State Council (ISC)

  • It is established under Article 263 of the Indian Constitution.
  • It is chaired by the Prime Minister and includes Chief Ministers of all states and UTs.
  • It serves as a forum for discussing and resolving disputes and sharing information between the central government and states.

Zonal Councils

  • India is divided into five zones, and each zone has a Zonal Council consisting of the respective Chief Ministers and each council is chaired by the Union Home Minister.
  • The council promotes inter-state cooperation and coordination on various issues, including dispute resolution.

Finance Commission

  • It is a constitutional body established under Article 280 of the Indian Constitution.
  • It recommends the distribution of financial resources between the central government and states.
  • However, its primary role is fiscal in nature, but its recommendations can impact the resolution of disputes related to resource allocation.

NITI Aayog

  • It endeavors to promote competitive federalism by facilitating the improved performance of States/UTs.
  • It encourages healthy competition among states through transparent rankings, in various sectors, along with a hand-holding approach.

Judicial Intervention (Supreme Court)

  • The Supreme Court of India has the authority to adjudicate disputes between the central government and state governments, and its decisions are binding.
  • Administrative Coordination
  • Many disputes are resolved through administrative coordination and cooperation between central and state government officials.


A democratic government like India, with its diverse population, requires a kind of rule that allows for cooperation among the states. While a strict unitary nature may not be feasible. The government at the apex level must strike a balance to ensure equal resource distribution and the upliftment of all the states may be done. Further, To move India towards becoming a good example of a cooperative federal country in the world arena, the central government must prioritize its trust and confidence relationship with its states.

FAQs on Federalism Definition, and Types

1. What are the Three Elements of Federalism?

Following are three elements of federalism: In a bureaucratic construction of government, there are at least two levels or levels of government. The various tires of the public authority administer similar residents. Nonetheless, every level has its own purview in unambiguous issues of regulation, tax assessment, and organization.

2. What is the main Element of Organization?

The main element of an organization is that its constitution ought to be a thought of one, so both the Union Government too as the State can allude to that as and when required. The Constitution of India is a composed record and is the most intricate Constitution of the world.

3. What is the Significance of Federalism in India?

Federalism is important for the fundamental construction of the Indian constitution which can’t be changed or obliterated through protected alterations under the constituent powers of the Parliament without going through legal audit by the Supreme Court.

4. What is Federalism in Simple Words?

In simple words, federalism is a form of government where one territory is governed or administered by two levels of government. Actually, it combines a sovereign government (country) with its regional governments (state/province, and other sub-unit governments) in a single political system, but divides the powers between them.

5. Is India an Example of True Federalism?

No, Indian federalism is a unique type of federal government system that has both asymmetrical and symmetrical characteristics. However, federalism in India which practices is somewhat tilted towards the Centre. It means the Center has more power than the States.

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