Fe3O4 Iron (II, III) Oxide

What is Fe3O4 Iron Oxide?

Fe3O4 is an Iron(II, III) Oxide. Fe3O4 is also called Magnetite which is an Iron Ore. It is formed by the combination of Iron(II) Oxide and Iron (III) Oxide i.e. FeO and Fe2O3, respectively. Iron oxide is made up of iron and oxygen molecules. They are one of the most commonly occurring compounds in nature. Iron oxide is also known as Black iron oxide due to the physical appearance of the compound. Fe3O4 is one of the many oxides formed by iron. Iron oxide ( Fe3O4 ) is most commonly used as black pigment. It has a metallic glow and a deep black colour.

Magnetite Formula

Magnetite is one of the iron ores found in the earth’s crust. The formula of magnetite is given as

Molecular Formula of Magnetite is Fe3O4

Iron (II, III) Oxide Structure

Iron Oxide ( Fe3O4) molecule consists of Iron and oxygen atoms in its structure. The chemical formula of Iron (II, III) Oxide is Fe3O4. This means that an Iron oxide molecule consists of 3 oxygen molecules and 4 oxygen molecules. The bond formed between the atoms of iron and oxygen is ionic this is due to the metallic nature of iron and the non-metallic nature of oxygen atoms. It is due to the electronegativity difference in atoms of metallic and non-metallic atoms. The structure of Fe3O4 Iron Oxide is a cubic inverse spinel structure.

Fe3O4 Properties

Properties of Fe3O4 can be classified into two types:

  • Physical Properties of Fe3O4
  • Chemical Properties of Fe3O4

Physical Properties of Iron Oxide ( Fe3O4)

Physical properties of Fe3O4 is mentioned below:

  • It has a dark black appearance, it is called Mars black due to the colour.
  • It is present in powder or a solid form.
  • It is an orderless powder when stored at room temperature.
  • It has high electric conductivity.

Chemical Properties of Iron Oxide ( Fe3O4)

Chemical properties of Iron(ii, iii) oxide is mentioned below:

  • Melting point of iron(ii, iii) oxide is 1597 ℃
  • Boiling point of iron(ii, iii) oxide is 2623 ℃
  • Molecular mass of iron(ii, iii) oxide is 231 g/mol
  • It is ferrimagnetic
  • It can be used for the production of brown pigment which is used in dye. This is the controlled oxidation of Iron Oxide. The formed compound is known as Maghnemite.

2Fe3O4 + 1/2 O2 → 3???? – Fe2O3

  • The continuous calcination of Iron oxide leads to the formation of red Pigment. The end product of the reaction is known as Hematite.

2Fe3O4 + 1/2 O2 → 3α – Fe2O3

  • Reduction of Fe3O4 or the magnetite ore with carbon monoxide leads to production of steel

Fe3O4 + 4CO → 3Fe + 4CO2

Oxidation Number of Fe3O4

In Fe3O4, we find the oxidation number of element in it particularly that of Fe. As we know iron oxide Fe3O4 is a mixture of Fe2O3 and FeO. So the oxidation number of any element in Fe2O4 will be average of both the compounds.

  • In Fe2O3 the oxidation sate of iron is 3
  • In FeO the oxidation number of Fe is 2

Therefore the average oxidation sates of Iron Oxide is (3+3+2)/2 = 8/3

We can also find the oxidation number of Fe in Fe3O4 in the following manner:

Let Oxidation Number of Fe is x

  • We know that Oxidation Number of O is -2
  • Since, Fe3O4 is neutral, hence overall charge is zero

Therefore, 3x + 4(-2) = 0

⇒ 3x -8 = 0

⇒ x = +8/3

Preparation of Fe3O4

Though iron oxide Fe3O4 exists naturally its high usage of has lead to the wide-scale production of this compound. Below are a few methods of Iron oxide production:

Method 1

The reaction between Hot iron metal and steam, this reaction results in iron oxide and hydrogen gas

3Fe + 4H2O → Fe3O4 + 4 H2

Method 2

It can be produced by Schiorr reaction. Under a low concentration of oxygen, Freous Hydroxide can be broken down to form iron oxide, water molecules and hydrogen gas.

3Fe(OH)2 → Fe3O4 + H2 + 2H2O

Method 3

Iron oxide is commercially produced with the use of scrap iron and industrial waste. The said materials contain huge amounts of iron salts which are used in the production of Iron oxide. This process is also called Laux Process

C6H5NO2+ 3Fe + 2H2O → C6H5NH2 + Fe3O4

Applications of Fe3O4 Iron Oxide

Fe3O4 Iron Oxide is used for following purposes

  • Iron Oxide is widely used in black pigments due to its black colour.
  • Iron Oxide is used as a catalyst in Haber’s process, increasing the rate of the reaction.
  • Iron Oxide is an important component of MRI scanning as they act as contrasting agents.
  • It is widely used in the production of other products like plastic, ink and paint industry.
  • NanoParticles of iron Oxide are used for drug delivery and Biosensing.
  • It is used as a protective layer for steel, preventing it from rusting.This process is known as Bluing.

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Fe3O4 Iron Oxide Frequently Asked Question

What is Fe3O4 Iron Oxide also called?

Fe3O4 Iron Oxide is also called Magnetite

What is Schiorr Reaction?

Schiorr’s Reaction is used to produce Fe3O4. In this reaction, Ferrous Hydroxide breaks down to produce Hydrogen gas and Iron Oxide

What is Molecular Structrure of Fe3O4?

The molecular structure of Fe3O4 is cubic inverse spinel

What is Magnetic Nature of Fe3O4?

Fe3O4 is Ferrimagnetic in Nature

Is Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 same?

No, Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 are not same. Fe2O3 is Iron(III) Oxide in which oxidation state of Iron is +3 whereas Fe3O4 is Iron (II, III) Oxide which is formed due to combination of FeO and Fe2O3

Is Fe3O4 called Rust?

No, Fe3O4 is not specifically rust. Rust is given by the formula Fe2O3.XH2O

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