Fast Fourier Transform in MATLAB

Fast Fourier Transform is an algorithm for calculating the Discrete Fourier Transformation of any signal or vector. This is done by decomposing a signal into discrete frequencies. We shall not discuss the mathematical background of the same as it is out of this article’s scope. MATLAB provides a built-in function to calculate the Fast Fourier Transform of a signal, the FFT function. 


A = fft(X, n, dim)

Where A stores the Discrete Fourier Transformation (DFT) if signal X, which could be a vector, matrix, or multidimensional array.  n specifies the n-point DFT for X, if not specified then, it is for all points in X. ‘dim’ specifies the dimension across which the DFT is to be calculated in N-D arrays.

Let us see this in practice for vectors as they are the more practical way of signal processing. We will compute the DFT of a dummy sinusoidal wave corrupted with some random error.

Example 1:


% MATLAB code for
% Defining axes for multiple plots
ax1 = axes('Position',[0.1 0.1 0.45 0.45]);
ax2=axes('Position',[0.6 0.6 0.35 0.35]);
% Defining signal
freq = 23;                %freq
afreq = 2*pi*freq;        %angular frequency
amp = 0.23;                %amplitude
phase = pi/4;            %phase angle
% Time vector
T = linspace(-pi,pi,100);
% Creating signal
signal = amp*sin((afreq * T) + phase);
% Adding random error in signal
signal = signal + 0.23*random(size(T));
% Plotting original signal in axes 1
plot(ax1,T,signal),title(ax1,"Original signal")
%computing DFT using Fast Fourier Transform
%plotting transformed signal in axes 2
plot(ax2,T,y),title(ax2,"FFT signal")


FFT of a random sinusoidal signal

Let us take another example where we will compute the DFT of a rectangular pulse using FFT.

Example 2:


% MATLAB code for
% Defining the pulse
% Computing the DFT using FFT
% Defining axes for multiple plots
ax1=axes('Position',[0.03 0.03 0.3 0.3]);
ax2=axes('Position',[0.39 0.39 0.5 0.5]);
% Plotting original pulse
axis(ax1,[-1 1 -0.1 1.23]),title(ax1,"Rectangular pulse")
% Plotting the DFT of the rectangular pulse
axis(ax2,[-1 1 -.9 .9]),title(ax2,"DFT of rectangular pulse")



Now, we will Fast Fourier Transform a matrix.

Example 3:


% MATLAB code for  creating a
% matrix of exponential of random numbers
mat = exprnd(1,3);
% Calculating its DFT using FFT entire matrix
fft_mat_entire = fft(mat);
% Calculating its DFT using FFT dimension 1
fft_mat_dim1 = fft(mat,[],1);
% Calculating its DFT using FFT dimension 2
fft_mat_dim2 = fft(mat,[],2);


The output will give us Fourier Transform in three cases:

  1. FFT along the entire matrix.
  2. FFT along dimension 1
  3. FFT along dimension 2


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