FarePortal Interview Experience for Software Engineer (Off-Campus) 2023

I would like to share my interview experience at Fareportal which I attended in August 2023. They were exclusively hiring for the role of software engineer. The recruitment process consisted of three technical rounds and one HR round.

Round 1: Online Assessment (60 minutes)

  • The very first round was an online test, which consisted of 2 questions related to data structures and algorithms that had to be solved within a span of 60 minutes.
  • The first question was an easy one and could be solved within 5-15 minutes.
  • The second question was relatively harder and was of a medium level, and I did spend some time solving it. I finally came up with a recursive approach, and because the constraints were not that tight, the recursive code passed all the test cases. It took me around 30 minutes to solve the same.
  • A total of 61 people were shortlisted.

Round 2: Technical Round 1 (50 minutes)

  • I received a call for the next interview on the same day. It started off with an introduction from the interviewer in order to make me comfortable. I then proceeded to introduce myself.
  • The interviewer then asked me about the programming language I was most comfortable with (C++), and based on that, he asked me about its basic concepts like virtual functions, interfaces, abstract classes, overriding, overloading, etc. I was also asked about OOPS-related concepts and was asked to give real-life examples of the same.
  • Next, he moved on to my resume. I was asked to explain my projects in depth and was also cross-questioned on them. Since I had mentioned a web development-related project (MERN Stack), I was quizzed on the basic questions of Javascript, React Js, Node Js, and MongoDB.
  • He then proceeded to ask me questions about Core CS fundamentals, specifically DBMS and computer networks.
  • The interview ended with me asking him a few questions about the company and the interview ended on a positive note.

Round 3: Technical Round 2 (1 hour 10 minutes)

  • A few minutes later, I got a call from HR regarding the next round. Here, I was only asked about data structures and algorithms to test my problem-solving skills.
  • I was also asked basic questions like printing patterns, output of psuedo codes, etc. for the first 15 minutes or so. Later, I was asked about the different sorting techniques and was asked to write pseudocode and dry run the Quick Sort Algorithm. I was also asked to derive the time complexity of a merge sort from scratch.
  • Next, I was asked to implement a stack using 2 queues. I was also asked about the types of trees that exist and the real-life applications of trees. The interviewer later quizzed me on BST (Binary Search Tree). It included discussing its time complexity and a few problems related to it that were of medium level.

Round 4: HR Round

  • After a few hours, I received a call for my HR interview.
  • I was asked the standard HR questions. For example, how was my interview experience, the soft skills that I mentioned on my resume, and my strengths and weaknesses.

The interview ended on a positive note, and overall, it was an amazing experience.

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