Fareportal Interview Experience For SDE

There were a total of 5 rounds in the recruitment process:

Round 1: Resume-Based Shortlisting

I got shortlisted in this round based on my resume.

Round 2: Online Assessment (Duration: 1 Hr)

In this round, there were only two DSA questions. One was of easy level, and another was of medium level. I was able to solve all the DSA problems and the aptitude questions, which led to my shortlisting for the next interview.

Round 3: Technical Interview (Duration: 1 Hr)

The interviewer began by discussing my projects, spending about 10-15 minutes on them. Afterwards, we delved into various coding questions. The interviewer asked a total of 4 coding questions. The first question was based on HashMap, which was a little tricky but I was able to solve it. Then he moved on to the second question, which was an easy question based on strings. After that, he asked me a standard problem of Dynamic Programming, and finally, he asked me a question about Graph. Then he inquired about my area of interest, whether it was front or Backend. I told him it was the Backend, and he asked me to write a REST API, providing a link that I had to fetch. The interviewer seemed impressed, and I advanced to the next round.

Round 4: Advanced Technical Interview (Duration: 1 Hr)

In this round, the interviewer continued to inquire about my projects, particularly focusing on the usage of SpringBoot. Afterwards, we moved on to DBMS topics, covering ACID properties. He then asked me to implement the merge sort algorithm and discussed the time complexity of sorting algorithms. Additionally, he asked me to write an SQL query to fetch the second-highest salary and dive into memory management.

Round 5: HR Interview (Duration: 10 Minutes)

This interview was relatively straightforward. The HR interviewer asked about my background, education, normal HR-related questions, and plans.

Finally, I received the good news of my selection for the Full-Time Employment (FTE) position.

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