Top 10 Famous Landmarks to Visit In World

The most famous landmark in the world is considered to be the Eiffel Tower situated in Paris, France. Landmarks are the most important component of many locations and elite cities. According to the survey taken in September month of the year 2023, there are almost 1,199 landmarks present around the globe, from which 933 landmarks are culturally based, 227 are naturally based, and the remaining 39 landmarks are mixed cultural based and are also considered to be the national properties.

This record is taken from across the 168 countries present around the globe. Below is the list of famous landmarks to visit in the world.

List of Famous Landmarks to Visit in the World

Here is the listing of 10 most famous landmarks to visit in the World along with their essential details:

Serial No.



Year Of Built



Eiffel Tower




Great Wall Of China

220 BC







Leaning Tower Of Pisa




Pyramid of Giza

2600 BC



Sydney Opera House




Statue Of Liberty




Taj Mahal




Easter Island Moai

300-1200 CE



Machu Picchu

1450 AD

Landmarks to Visit in World

Landmarks are the places or a particular building which is used for navigation. Landmark is basically showing an historic event, an achievement, a story, or an important event. Travelers who have a tight budget can focus on visiting places with reasonable pricings, while others might choose the top class places or landmarks to visit. 

No matter where travelers will visit, they definitely come across the many well-known landmarks, which have its history, story and distinctive qualities, which will make their visit worth it and more memorable for them.

Machu Picchu

A very well known destination in Peru named Machu Picchu placed in tenth position. The place is also known as “The Lost City of the Incas”. In the native Quechua language, Machu Picchu means an “Old Mountain”.

  • It is situated above 2400/8000 meters above sea level. The site has almost around 200 distinct buildings. 
  • It was constructed in the 14th century and more than a thousand people used to live there. 
  • The city has an amazing infrastructure and remarkable illustration of the engineers of Peru. All the buildings were constructed without the use of wheels.


Huge statues known as Moai are situated on the Polynesian Island of Rapa Nui. People referred to this place by its common and unique name, which is Easter Island. This island is a part of Chile and the landmark is situated in the center of the largest ocean, which is the Pacific Ocean. 

  • The islanders sculpted around 900 different statues out of big stones. 
  • The statues situated in the island are characterized by some of the main features found in them  like Large and broad nose, eminent chins, ears in rectangular shape, and huge and deep eye slits. 
  • These statues have no legs and the bodies of the statues are crouching and the arms of the statues are shown at the resting position. 
  • The bodies of these statues are displayed with their arms in a resting position, and they lack legs.

Taj Mahal

India’s Agra is home to the very romantic and very well known palace named Taj Mahal. Another name for this huge palace is “crown of palaces.” On the Yamuna River’s banks is where the palace is situated. The magnificent emperor Shah Jahan commissioned the construction of this mansion in remembrance of his adored and beloved wife Mumtaz which was now no more with him.

  • The monument is the symbol of pure love and affection.
  • The finest resources from all around Asia were used to build the palace, including white marble, rare and semi-precious stones. 
  • Verse fragments and important quotes from the Quran adorn the castle walls.

Statue of Liberty

The statue is also known as Lady Liberty. The Statue of Liberty is a very strong structure made with different metals and iron, whose height is 305 feet. The designer who designed the structure of the statue is a very famous designer of France named, Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. Another name for the statue is Lady Liberty.

  • The tower’s structural designer, Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, is honored with the statue’s name. 
  • The statue’s construction took place in France and was finished till the year 1883 to 1884. The French gave this statue to the people of the USA in the year 1886 in observance of the country’s centenary. 
  • The statue is facing New York City and is situated on Liberty Islands in the Hudson River.

Sydney Opera House

The Sydney Opera House is situated in the largest city present in Australia. This is highly recognised for its architecturally influenced, shell-shaped roof. The building was designed by the very renowned designer Jorn Utzon. He was a Danish architect and he built this in between 1959 and 1973. The roof is fully covered with around a million of beautiful and good quality tiles. 

  • The venue hosts almost forty performances per week. Millions of tourists visit this place every year.
  • The evening view is very amazing. Many tourists are drawn to the monument in the evenings because of its colorful light display.

Great Pyramid of Giza

This pyramid also comes under the list of Seven Wonders situated in the Ancient World. It is located close to Cairo. Bricks and stones are used to build the pyramids. A restricted number of laborers and no equipment were available when the pyramid was being erected. 

The pyramids were made for a purpose as they hold the royal remains of pharaohs of ancient Egypt. 

  • This was built 5 millennia ago and  these pyramids rank among the world’s tallest constructions ever. 
  • Since they house the royal bones of former Egyptian pharaohs, the pyramids were built with a specific purpose.

Leaning Tower of Pisa

One of the main tourist destinations is this  very well-known tower, named the Leaning Tower. The tower is located in Italy. After more than 200 years of work, the tower’s structure and construction was completed in the year 1399.

  • The height of the tower is 196 feet. However the length of the tower is actually just 184 feet because of its slight tilt.
  • The tower was leaning even though the builders attempted to straighten it up because of the weak soil.
  • With its breathtaking perspective, it’s a wonderful spot to visit and an amazing experience for tourists.


Russia is where the Kremlin Wall is situated. It has been placed in Moscow, which is the capital city of Russia, it is very adjacent to Red Square and the Cathedral. 

  • This famous landmark is situated close to the well-known Moskva River. 
  • Built approximately five centuries ago, this was previously used as a house to the Tzar. 
  • It serves as the Russian President’s home today. Travelers ought to travel there and discover Russia’s splendor and beauty.

Great Wall of China

It also comes under the list of Seven Wonders present in the World. The Wall of China is also known as “long wall” as it is for a very long distance representing China.  The wall is over 13171 miles long. 

  • The wall is constructed from various stones, tiles, bricks, and natural materials. There are also some pieces of wood included in the wall. 
  • It took more than two millennia to build the wall, which was eventually finished in 1644. 
  • It is currently the most visited tourist destination.

Eiffel Tower

The tower is situated in capital of France and is made up of different kinds of metals. The tower has three floors built within it, which got completed in 1889 as part of the World Fair festivities commemorating the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution.

  • Together with a team of engineers, Auguste Eiffel constructed this 1062-foot tower. 
  • Till date, this famous tower has welcomed over 300 million visitors, and more are planning to see this magnificent structure in coming days.

7 Famous Monuments in the World

Here’s a table featuring 7 famous monuments from around the world along with relevant data:

Monument Location Year Built Architectural Style(s) UNESCO World Heritage Site
Taj Mahal Agra, India 1632-1653 Mughal Yes
Eiffel Tower Paris, France 1889 Iron lattice Yes
Great Wall of China China 7th century BC – 17th century AD Fortification Yes
Statue of Liberty New York, USA 1886 Neoclassical Yes
Machu Picchu Cusco Region, Peru 15th century Inca Yes
Colosseum Rome, Italy 70-80 AD Ancient Roman Yes
Petra Ma’an Governorate, Jordan 312 BC – 106 AD Nabatean, Hellenistic Yes

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Top 10 Famous Landmarks to Visit In World – FAQs

What is the most famous landmark in the world?

The most famous landmark in the world is the Eiffel Tower located in France.

Write top 5 landmarks to visit in the world.

Top 5 landmarks are stated below:

  • Eiffel Tower
  • Great Wall of China
  • Kremlin
  • Leaning Tower of Pisa
  • Great Pyramid of Giza

What is the first landmark in the world?

Gobekli Tepe, was the first landmark in the world.

What is the oldest landmark in India?

The “Great Stupa” at Sanchi is the oldest landmark in India.

What is a famous landmark in China?

The Great Wall of China is a famous landmark in China.

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