Factset Interview Experience | Set 3 (On-Campus)

Hello Everyone recently I had an interview with factset, it was overall a nice experience for me. 

First Round (Written Round): 

This was Pen and Paper coding round, 3 questions were asked and 90 min were there to solve them. 

Third Round (Face to Face): 

1) Tell me about yourself. 
2) Difference between pointer to constant and constant pointer. 
3) static keyword. 
4) Height of Binary Tree without recursion. 
5) Median in a running stream of integers. 

Fourth Round (HR): 

This was final HR round, interviewer was very nice he was listening my answers properly this was the best HR I had faced. 

1) Tell me about yourself. 
2) Asked about my family background – He felt good to hear that I live in a joint family. 
3) Why you will didn’t joined your father’s business. 
4) Any reallocation problem. 
5) Are you comfortable in working on new technologies. 
and many Hr questions. 


All Practice Problems for FactSet



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