Factset Interview Experience

Hello everyone. I trust that you all are doing well. Today I’m going to share Factset Interview experience for the role of Senior Software Engineer. I hope that my interview experience will help everyone. So without further ado let’s explore the interview experience. 

Job application: I applied for the job of Senior Software Engineer at Factset through Glassdoor. I got a HackeRrank invite to take the online assessment.  

Online Assessment: There were three questions. The first two questions were based on data structures & algorithms and the last question was on SQL. 

  1. The first question was based on file handling. The input is a file containing logs of HTTP responses with status codes. As part of the final output, you’ve to create a new file that will contain formatted details of specific logs based on specific status codes. The problem was based on a string pattern matching algorithm. 
  2. The second question was based on Javascript where it was asked to perform CRUD operations.
  3. Last question was based on SQL. It asked to write a complex SQL query based on a specific condition.  It was based on Self Join in SQL.

Round 1: There were two coding questions based on DS & Algo and the questions were put in HackerRank coding editor. 

  1. An array of strings will be given. We need to remove anagrams and after removing sort the final output lexicographically in ascending order.
    Say for example you've an array --> 
    ["abc", "bac", "cab", "def", "fed", "bca"]
    Output will be like --> 
    ["abc", "def"]

    So abc, bac, cab, bca are anagrams, hence pick the first one and ignore others.
    Also def and fed, pick def and ignore fed 

  2. Given an array that is sorted and rotated around a certain point and also a number K
    Find a pair in the array which sums to K. If no pair is found print -1

    Say for example [40, 50, 10, 20, 30], K = 80
    The Output will be like 30, 50

So I was able to solve the 2nd problem but the first problem I was able to solve partially. 

I got rejected after this round. What I learned is you need to have a lot of practice before you appear for interviews. Also, knowledge and experience in algorithms and data structures will help you a lot. Lastly never give up and keep practicing problems on DS & Algo. 


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