Facts about Infinity

Infinity is an idea that has amazed and puzzled thinkers for a very long time. It means something that has no end, something that goes on forever. Unlike regular numbers, which have a set value, infinity is not an actual number but a concept that describes things bigger than any number we can think of.

In this article, we will learn several facts related to infinity.

What is Infinity?

Infinity is a concept that refers to something without any limit. It can be understood in various contexts:

  • Mathematical Infinity: In mathematics, infinity is often used to describe an unbounded quantity. For example, the set of natural numbers (1, 2, 3, …) is infinite because it goes on forever.
  • Physical Infinity: In physics, infinity can refer to endless space or time. For instance, the universe is often considered infinite in extent.
  • Philosophical Infinity: Philosophers have debated the nature of infinity for centuries, questioning whether true infinity can exist in reality or is purely a conceptual construct.

Fun Facts about Infinity

There are several fun facts about infinity; some of them are mentioned below:

Different Sizes of Infinity

  • One of the most surprising facts about infinity is that there are different sizes of infinity.
  • This was first discovered by mathematician Georg Cantor. For example, the set of all integers (whole numbers) is infinite, but the set of all real numbers (which includes all possible decimal numbers) is a larger infinity.

Infinite Series

  • An infinite series is a sum of infinitely many terms. Some infinite series converge to a finite value. For example, the series 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + … converges to 2. This concept is crucial in calculus and analysis.


  • It is a very interesting science because some operations can give us a finite result while in the same time contain infinity.
  • According to the set theory, if the set of natural numbers is represented by N and the set of even numbers by E, subtracting E from N gives the set of odd natural numbers which is a finite set. This is evidence that similarity between infinity and infinity can result to a finite value.

Hilbert’s Hotel Paradox

  • Hilbert’s Hotel is a thought experiment that illustrates the strange properties of infinity.
  • Imagine a hotel with infinitely many rooms, all occupied. If a new guest arrives, they can still be accommodated by moving the guest in room 1 to room 2, room 2 to room 3, and so on, freeing up room 1. This paradox shows that infinity plus one is still infinity.


  • It might be easier to visualize that there are more real numbers between 0 and 1 than there are counting numbers.
  • This goes to show that infinity can be measured in different proportions. On this basis, it is possible to conclude that the cardinality of real numbers is larger than natural numbers.

Comparison of Infinity

  • Infinity is greater than every finite quantity, but it is also the smallest transfinite number.
  • Transfinite numbers are larger than the counting numbers, thus they are numbers beyond the counting numbers. Infinity as pointed out above is the smallest number in this system and is greater than any integer.

Zeno’s Paradox

One of the oldest paradoxes that explore the concept of infinity – Zeno’s paradoxes, developed by Greek philosopher Zeno of Elea in the 5th century BC. Some of the paradoxes are the paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise, where in a race the swift Achilles has to catch up with the slow moving Tortoise which is initially at some distance. In this paradox one could realize that Achilles is actually faster, but he will never be able to overtake the tortoise because each time Achilles covers the distance, the tortoise has moved slightly ahead to another point which in turn means that Achilles has to cover an infinite number of these gaps just to catch up with the tortoise. This paradox challenged conceptions concerning the movement and the infinitude.

Pi as an Example of Infinity

Pi (π) is an irrational number that represents the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. It is known for its infinite and non-repeating decimal expansion. Despite countless attempts, no pattern has ever been found in the digits of pi, making it a fascinating example of mathematical infinity. The infinite nature of pi’s decimal representation continues to intrigue mathematicians and enthusiasts alike.

Monkey Theorem

Monkey theorem is a thought experiment wherein it is supposed that a monkey, typewriter and infinite amount of time will produce Hamlet by accident. This is the characteristic of infinity indicating that even the inconceivable can become reality given a sufficiently large number of trials, years, or actions. The theorem is actually quite theoretical in its nature rather than being applied but in theory the theorem does well in illustrating the concept of infinity.

Fractals and Infinity

Fractals are indeed shapes that portray some form of geometry that is self-similar at each resolution so that zooming into the fractal will reveal further detail that is similar in structure to that of previous level of zoom. Fractals qualitatively describe the concept of mathematical infinities contained in a limited area. Some popular illustrations are the Mandelbrot set and the Koch snowflake. The ability to nest patterns again and again in the fractals depicts elements of the boundlessness of the concept of infinity.

Different Sizes of Infinity

When it comes to actuality, infinity may be viewed for all intents and purposes as an absolute quantity, yet in mathematics there is a division of infinity. For instance the set of integers: 1, 2, 3, and so on is countably infinite since the set can be correlated one-on-one with the set of natural numbers. But numbers between 0 and 1 are countably infinite set – a higher degree of infinity which cannot be paired with any other set. This leads to quite paradoxical situations, which are also logically sound like the notion that there are different sizes of infinity.

Cosmology and Infinity

Some of the best cosmological theories suggest that the Universe goes on forever and there are no boundaries in the physical sense. The universe we observe might just be a part of a larger multiverse structure The concept of the multiverse is relatively new compared to the Big Bang theory, but it simply expands the potential universe beyond the theoretical confines of the current universe. This gives one a food for thought with regard to some of the philosophical questions and concepts touching on infinity of existence. The time t = 0 platform is impossible to measure but an infinite age of the universe is also not entirely improbable.

Dividing by Zero

One more math fail that people are familiar with is the division by zero which is an undefined operation. This is an error arising from considering what happens mathematically ‘at’ infinity and sheds light on the association between infinity and paradoxes in math. In calculus however, the concept of limits help mathematicians to approach and bypass infinities in operation, which makes theory windows on the concept of infinity useful.


Infinity is one of the most astonishing concepts in mathematics and it has the ability to spin one’s head. But this abstract idea goes on revealing increasingly interesting facts and paradoxes – from different-sized infinities to negative numbers of infinities. As much as mathematicians are unable to fathom its significance as a quantity, such is the case of infinity, which offers mathematicians great fun in their daily discoveries.

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Fun Facts about Infinity FAQs

Can infinity be counted?

No, infinity can not be counted, and that is why we say that there is something that has no limit, or measure. Infinitum means something continues without any end, which means that counting to the infinite number would be virtually impossible.

What does the symbol mean that is used to represent the infinite?

The latest symbol that is most commonly used to represent infinity is ∞ known as the infinity symbol.

Is infinity a number?

Infinity is not a numerical value and it is not a finite value that can be used in math problems. This is however similar to very large numbers in that it involves calculation of ratios of a large number of digits.

Can infinity be used in real-life calculations?

Infinity is often used in theoretical calculations, such as in calculus and cosmology, but not in practical finite measurements.

How did Georg Cantor contribute to our understanding of infinity?

Georg Cantor developed the concept of different sizes of infinity and introduced the idea of cardinality.

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