Facebook Interview | Set 1

I am a final year student of IIT Guwahati and the first phase of placements has just finished at our college. I was recruited by Directi but not before three grueling rounds of interview. I was also shortlisted by Microsoft, Facebook and Goldman Sachs as well but got rejected after the first round of interview from all the three companies :(. I will be posting questions relating to all the companies I was interviewed by as well as some interview preparation advice (which should be particularly useful for students sitting for on-campus placements). Following are Facebook interview questions

Online Coding round:
It boiled down to finding all possible simple paths (paths without cycles) between two vertices in a graph.

Round 1:
1) Given a string, check if it is a palindrome by ignoring spaces. E.g. race car would be a palindrome.

This article is compiled by Vikram Goyal. Many Many congratulations to Vikram for his selection in Directi. We will be soon publishing other interview experiences as separate posts.

All Practice Problems for Facebook !

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