Express.js | app.render() Function

The app.render() function is used to render the HTML of a view via the callback function. This function returns the HTML in the callback function. 


app.render(view, [locals], callback)


  • view: It is the name of the HTML page which is to be rendered.
  • locals: It is an optional parameter that is an object containing local variables for the view parameter passed.
  • callback: It is a function that is passed as a parameter.

Installation of the express module:

You can visit the link to Install the express module. You can install this package by using this command.

npm install express

After installing the express module, you can check your express version in the command prompt using the command.

npm version express

Create an email.ejs file in the views folder with the following code: 

Filename: email.ejs 


    <title>Function Demo</title>
    <h3>Greetings from w3wiki</h3>

  • Note: You may use any view engine, in this case, we have used ejs.
  • After that, you can just create a folder and add a file, for example, index.js. To run this file you need to run the following command.
node index.js

Filename: index.js 


const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const PORT = 3000;
// View engine setup
app.set('view engine', 'ejs');
app.render('email', function (err, html) {
    if (err) console.log(err);
app.listen(PORT, function (err) {
    if (err) console.log("Error in server setup");
    console.log("Server listening on Port", PORT);

Steps to run the program:

Make sure you have installed express and ejs modules using the following command:

npm install express
npm install ejs

Run the index.js file using the below command:

node index.js


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