Explain advance selector used in Jquery?

Selectors in jQuery are used to select HTML elements based on their name, id, classes, types, attributes, attribute values, and much more. 


$( "selector" ).action ()
  • Here the $ sign is used to access jQuery.
  • the .action() method is used to perform a certain action on the selected element.
  • the selector is the query used to find or access the HTML element.

Let’s see a few examples of Types of JQuery Selectors, examples as:

1. Class selectors: Select elements with specific class names:


$( ".<classname>").action()

Suppose we have the following div element with the class name “w3wiki”:

<div class="w3wiki">

The below line of code demonstrates how the JQuery selector will select the div element which has classname = “w3wiki”:


Similarly, we have #ID selectors, the element selector, and some advanced selectors. These selectors help us in order to select or find the element in the HTML document according to the requirements.

2. ID selector: Select elements with a specific ID.


$( " #<ID>").action ()

Select an element whose id is w3wiki in the HTML document:

<div id="w3wiki">

JQuery selector will select the div element which has id = “w3wiki”:


3. Element Selector: Select elements by the tag name.


$( "<Element>").action ()

Select all <p> elements in the HTML document.


JQuery selector will select the tag in HTML:


Jquery Advanced Selectors:

JQuery introduced some advanced selectors by which we can easily select elements without knowing their ID and classes.

Example 1: $ ( ” #first_div ~  ul ” ) Selector: 

We have an <div> element whose id is “first_div” and after this <div> element we have two <ul> elements and we want to select these <ul> elements using this selector:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <!-- JQuery CDN Link -->
    <script src=
    <div id="first_div"
         style="color: green;font-size:50px;">
        <li>Web Development</li>
        <li>Interview Preparation</li>
        <li>Write & Earn</li>
        $("#first_div ~ ul").css("background-color", "green");



Example 2:  $ ( ” ul li :even ” ) and $ ( ” ul li :odd ” ) Selectors:

Selecting all <ul>’s <li> elements based on the index and applying the CSS. For Even index <li> change the background color to green and for odd make it red.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <!-- JQuery CDN Link -->
    <script src=
    <div id="first_div"
         style="color: green;font-size:50px;">
        <li>Web Development</li>
        <li>Interview Preparation</li>
        <li>Write & Earn</li>
        $("ul li:even").css("background-color", "green");
        $("ul li:odd").css("background-color", "red");



List of all Advance jQuery selectors:  The following table depicts the various types of Advance selectors:

Sr No.





:root $(“:root”) Selects the document’s root element which is always <html> element in an HTML document.


:last $(“div:last”) Selects the last <div> element.


:first $(“ul li:first”) If you want to select the first <li> element of the first unordered list <ul>, you can use this selector. It will only select the very first <ul>’s first <li> element.


:first-child $(“ul li:first-child”) select the first <li> element of every unordered list <ul>, you can use this selector. It will only select every<ul>’s very first <li> element.


 :eq() $(“ul li:eq(2)”) select the <li> element of the very first <ul> based on the indexing you may use it. suppose your first <ul> element contains three <li>’s and you want to select the third <li> then specify ‘2’ in this  $(“ul li:eq(2)”) selector because indexing starting from 0 only. To select the first <li> element use $(“ul li:eq(0)”).


:nth-child() $(“ul li:nth-child(2)”) select the <li> elements of every<ul> element based on the position use may use it. suppose <ul> element has three <li> elements and you want to select the 2nd position <li> element then use $(“ul li:nth-child(2)”) selector. you may use to select <li> for any positions 1,2,3….


:even $(“ul li:even”) select all<ul> elements <li> based on even indexes you may use it. indexing will start from 0 only. suppose first <ul> has three <li> then the index will be 0, 1, 2  and for the next <ul> index will start from 3 and so on.


:odd $(“ul li:odd”) select all <ul> elements <li> based on odd indexes you may use it. 


:visible $(“div:visible”) Selects all <p> elements that are visible.


:hidden $(“p:hidden”) Selects all <p> elements that are hidden.
11 parent > child $(“div > span”) Selects all <span> elements that are a direct child of their parent <div> element.
12 prev + next $(“span + h3”) Selects all <h3> elements that immediately preceded the <span> elements.
13 prev ~ siblings  $(“div ~ ul”) Selects all <ul> elements that are siblings and follow after the <div> elements.
14 :empty $(“td:empty”) Selects all <td> elements that are empty i.e that have no children including text.
15 :has() $(“div:has(h1)”) Selects all <div> elements that contain at least one <h1> tag.
16 :parent $(“:parent”) Choose all elements with at least one child node, which can be an element or text. 
17 :contains() $(‘p:contains(“w3wiki”)’) Selects all <p> elements that contain the text “w3wiki”.
18 :nth-of-type(n) $(“h2:nth-of-type(2)”) Selects all <h2> elements that are the parent’s second h2> element. 
19 :nth-last-of-type(n) $(“h2:nth-last-of-type(2)”) Selects all <h2> elements that are the parent’s second child, counting from the last to the first. 
20 :only-child $(“span:only-child”) Selects all <span> elements that are the only child of their parent.
21 :first-of-type $(“div:first-of-type”) All <div> elements that are the first div> element in their parent are selected. 
22 :header $(“:header”) Selects all  headers <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, and so on.
23 :lang() $(“:lang(en)”) Selects all items with a language value of ‘en’.
24 :not() $(“h5:not(:empty)”) select all not empty <h5> tags.
26 :submit $(“:submit”) Selects all input and button tags with type=”submit”.
27 :text $(“:text”) Selects all input tags with type=” text”.
28 :radio $(“:radio”) Selects all input tags with type=”radio”.

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