Expedia Interview Experience for SDE Intern (Seattle USA)

How I applied: (Via Referral)

Screening round (Resume Shortlisting)

After 1-2 weeks I received the test link Online assessment

Online assessment (Time: 90 minutes)

Pattern: 2 DSA problems and 6 MCQs 

Platform: Hackerank

(Able to solve all 2 problems with all the test cases and 6 MCQs)

 Level : (Easy-Medium

After 3-4 months I got a mail from the recruiter that my OA Is clear so we can proceed further 

Now she gave me a fixed slot (Pacific Time), and I forgot to convert it into IST ????, My bad.

But due to some reason that slot was canceled.

She gave me a new slot so I have roughly 3-4 days to prepare.

Well fortunately am in practice So I barely revised some sort of DP problems and Graphs.

I also approached some previous SDE interns of Expedia and they suggested I do (stack queue and LinkedList kinda stuff) but to be honest it will give you a rough idea only, Don’t take this stuff seriously.

I prepared well for the interviews.

The interview consists of 2 technical rounds (HR and behavioral round is mixed in this round)

Now it’s the morning time (3 AM) 

1 Round : 

The interview starts with the introduction of the interviewer then it’s my turn.

And to be honest the interviewer is too much supportive and humble.

Then she passed me 1st problem on HackerRank IDE.

  • Problem I can’t disclose but it is related to linkedin list with some sort of mathematical calculations. (Medium)With all the edge cases and corner cases, I put my approach in front of her.

She was satisfied with my approach then she asked me to write the code Code did then I have to optimize the code and reduce the code lines and improve the code quality.(able to do all the stuff within 8-9 minutes) 

  • Discussion on Time and space complexity 

2nd problem

  • Stack-related problems ( some operations I have to implement in 0(1) time ) including the minimum one  (Easy) Able to solve it again with the complete code (7-8) minutes
  • Discussion on Time and Space complexity

The interviewer was satisfied Now comes the behavior round (4-5 common questions) 

Round 1 complete

——— 15-minute break ——- 

But I completed the first round in 45 minutes so I have 30 minutes now.?

2 Round:

Interviewer (male) 

But again too much supportive interviewers The interview started with his introduction and then my Turn. then he said, let’s quickly move to the coding part. (my heart beats crossed their limits ) 

  • 1st problem (sorting+ greedy approach) (Medium Level) Able to solve it within a time limit code + Dry run + edge cases 
    • Discussion on Time and Space complexity 
  • 2nd problem A very good DP problem (partition DP) (Hard Level) Able to solve it Recursion -> Memoisation -> DP -> 1D space optimization.
    • Time and space complexity discussion 

The interviewer was satisfied with my approaches 

Again Behavioral Part 

6-7 common questions and interview over.

After 2-3 Days I received a mail that I had cleared all the rounds and they offered me an SDE intern role (Seattle USA) 

But unfortunately due to lack of Money Reallocation was not possible, But yeah overall I enjoyed the interview.

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