Expedia Interview Experience for SDE-1 (On-Campus) Sept 2022

Expedia came to our campus for the SWE-1 role. A total of 200+ students applied for its recruitment drive. I was also one of the applicants. All rounds were elimination rounds.

Round-1: Round 1 was an Online Test for a duration of 45 mins. It was hosted on the capability platform. It was a strength assessment round. Basically, they will give you different scenarios which you may encounter during your journey with the company and you have to answer how you will deal with them.

 96 students were shortlisted for the next round.

Round-2: Round 2 was an Online test for one hour on a hacker rank platform.

  • It had 2 going Questions both of which could be easily solved if you have done good practice.
  • One Question was on array and strings another was on priority queues.

 20 students were shortlisted after this round.

Round-3: Technical Interview 1: The interview was in offline mode so the company visited our campus.

The interviewer greeted me and asked me to tell him about myself. It is a good idea to have a proper introduction written and practiced beforehand. Make sure that you always end your introduction with a project or a work experience that you are confident in. The interviewer generally asks a follow-up question on that. I told them about my internship in my introduction and he asked me for a follow-up about what I actually learned from it . This way you can guide the interviewer to a topic you are comfortable with. I was asked two DSA Questions:

  • I have to tell the longest palindromic substring’s length and the string also for a given string s.

Firstly I told him the brute force and then went on to recursion and then memoization using DP. After we had a discussion on the problem’s solution he asked me to write code on pen and paper. I wrote it and he was satisfied.

  • The second question was to tell the diameter of a binary tree.

Again I told him the approach he asked me about the time and space complexities and after he was satisfied he asked me to write code on paper.

Tips: Prepare well for the time and space complexities they focus a lot on them.

Round-4: Again a technical Interview was taken by SDE 3 at Expedia. It started with my brief introduction and then directly she jumped to DSA Questions. I was asked 3 DSA Questions.

  • Print subarray with sum K. Firstly he asked me to tell the approach only for the positive elements and then for negative also. I told brute force and gradually optimized it. She was satisfied with my approach.
  • Clone a Linked list with the random pointer.
  • Diagonal traversal of a binary tree.

At last, I was asked some HR-related Questions also like what you will do in a situation where you have a conflict with your teammates. etc etc. After the rounds around 1/2 hour, later results were announced and I was selected for the role.

TIPS: Do not get nervous in any situation. Keep your brain calm and have faith in yourself.

  • Prepared topics like DSA and OOPs concepts thoroughly. 
  • Most questions are asked from here and your approach will be appreciated more than the final answer.
  • While ideating a solution for a DSA question, make sure that you think out loud as this help the interviewer know about your thought process and your decision-making skill. 
  • It also keeps the interviewer interested and engaged.

The interviewers are generally friendly and make you feel comfortable while giving the interview. If you are stuck on a question, you can always ask for hints for proceeding further.

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