Expedia Interview Experience

I applied through LinkedIn. Almost, after 1 week I received a Hello From Expedia, It was the link for Online Assessment.

Round 0(Online Assessment 1Hr 40Mins):

  1. You are given a vector of strings you are supposed to concatenate their occurrences if they occur more than once.

    Example : 

    Input: [tv, musicPlayer, microwave, tv, mediaPlayer, tv]
    Output: [tv, musicPlayer, microwave, tv1, musicPlayer1, tv2]

    Solution: Can be easily solved using hashmaps.

  2. You are given a Comparator class you need to implement 3 functions, 

    1. bool compare(int a, int b)
    2. bool compare(vector<int> a, vector<int> b)
    3. bool compare(string a, string b)

    You need to implement these functions such that it returns true if both arguments are equal otherwise false. 

  3. Count the number of ways to divide N in k groups incrementally

Round 1(Technical Interview): The Interviewer has 5 years of experience and was very friendly. He introduced himself first and asked me for a quick introduction. Then he jumped into coding questions

  1. https://leetcode.com/problems/best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock/
  2. https://www.w3wiki.net/find-number-of-islands/

I was choked on 1st question for some time but the interviewer gave me some hints, and we solved the question. I did a minor mistake in the 2nd question interviewer pointed out and I fixed that and then the interview ended. 

Round 2(Technical Interview): The Interviewer has 8.5 years of experience and was very calm. He introduced himself first and asked me for a quick introduction. Then he jumped into coding questions

I solved both the questions in a very short span of time, then the interviewer asked me some questions on the sorting algorithms. He asked me about the Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, and Merge Sort. And finally, he asked me if I have any questions. 

Round 3(Hiring Manager): This round was not pre-scheduled, and was scheduled after evaluating my performance in the earlier rounds. The hiring manager was very experienced, 15 years. He asked me a lot of conceptual and theoretical questions. He started with my introduction. Questions asked in the round were:

  1. Previous experience, current project, and tech stack I have worked on.
  2. Difference between Interface and Abstract class with a real-life example
  3. OOPs concepts
  4. Deep dive on Inheritance and Polymorphism
  5. Why use Cloud Service
  6. Features and Benefits of AWS
  7. Resiliency in AWS
  8. What Platform independence.
  9. Why are you looking for a change and why Expedia?

The interview lasted long for 1.5 hours. 

Verdict: Not Selected. After 2 days I was informed by HR that my profile and skills were very impressive, but they can’t take my candidature further. I asked for feedback they told me that I need to work on my coding and problem skills. 

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