Excel Formula to Get Next Day of Week

MS-Excel is a program that is part of the Microsoft Office suite. It is a multi-row and multi-column electronic spreadsheet that is used to organize data, graphically portray data(s), and conduct various calculations. It has 1048576 rows and 16383 columns, with each row and column forming a cell. Each cell has an address that is determined by the column name and row number, such as A1, D2, and so on. A cell reference is another name for this.

Next-Day of Week in Excel

To find the next day of the week, we can apply a formula based on the WEEKDAY function. All you’ll need is the start date, and you’ll be able to get the next day of the week with ease. This article explains how to use a formula based on the WEEKDAY function to obtain the following day of the week. We may need to find the next weekdays from a particular start date in certain situations like scheduling a meeting or an appointment etc.

The formula to get the next day of the week in excel: date + 7 – WEEKDAY(date + 7 –dow), here the WEEKDAY() worksheet function is used. WEEKDAY() function syntax,

WEEKDAY (serial_number, [return_type])


  • Serial number – The date for which the day of week is needed.
    Return type [optional] – A number that represents the weekday mapping system. 1 is the default.
  • Date: This is the date from which Excel is supposed to begin counting. A cell range is used here.
  • Dow: Dow stands for “day of the week” and is abbreviated as dow. This indicates the day of the week Excel should be counting from.

Each day has its own number in Excel. The term ‘weekday’ or ‘day of the week’ is derived from this notion. When using Excel in its usual settings, you’ll note that Sunday is set to 1, Monday is set to 2, and so on until Saturday is set to 7. We must provide a valid date for the function to return a number between 1 and 7. When it comes to determining the next day of the week, this formula is essential. This is accomplished by first moving the date forward by seven days. The function then returns to the right date. This is accomplished by subtracting the result of the WEEKDAY function computation.

Dow values

Number Day
1 Sunday
2 Monday
3 Tuesday
4 Wednesday
5 Thursday
6 Friday
7 Saturday

In this example, present or start date values are taken in the A column of our sheet; in column B, the next Monday of the given date is given, and in column C the next Tuesday of the given day. Now we implement the formula for column B. We give dow value as 2, and the start date is set to get the result.


For column C, dow is set to 3 to find the next Tuesday from the given start date. 


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