Eruvaka Technologies Interview Experience for Junior Software Developer

Telephonic round 

In January 2021, I embarked on my job search journey, applying to various companies through LinkedIn. Among them was Eruvaka Technologies, which caught my attention for its exciting opportunities in web development. To my delight, the HR representative from Eruvaka reached out to me and scheduled an interview call to gather basic details about my background. During the call, the HR representative provided valuable insights into the company, and I enthusiastically shared my details with her.

Round 1

The technical interview at Eruvaka Technologies was a crucial step in the hiring process, conducted by a seasoned senior developer. The interview aimed to assess my expertise in web development, focusing on JavaScript, CSS, and React JS. To ensure I performed well, I dedicated time to diligently prepare, brushing up on essential skills and core concepts. During the interview, the senior developer posed various challenging questions, testing my understanding of key topics. Here are some of the questions and topics that were covered:

  • Difference between var, let, and const: I explained the differences between these variable declarations in JavaScript, highlighting scoping and reassignment characteristics.
  • Flex and Grid in CSS: I elaborated on the differences and use cases of Flexbox and CSS Grid, two popular layout systems in CSS.
  • Box Model: I discussed the Box Model concept in CSS, which involves understanding the spacing and dimensions of HTML elements.
  • HTML Tags: The interviewer asked me to identify and briefly explain the purpose of certain HTML tags, such as `<div>`, `<span>`, and semantic tags like `<header>`, `<section>`, etc.
  • useState Hook in React: I provided a clear explanation of the useState hook in React, discussing its significance in managing state within functional components.
  • Custom Hooks: The interviewer inquired about custom hooks and how they can be used to share logic between React components efficiently.
  • Synchronous and Asynchronous Operations: I differentiated between synchronous and asynchronous operations in JavaScript, emphasizing the importance of asynchronous tasks in handling time-consuming processes without blocking the main thread.
  • Node.js: Single-Threaded or Multi-Threaded: I clarified that Node.js is single-threaded, explaining its event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which allows for scalability and efficient handling of concurrent requests.

As the interview progressed, I felt increasingly confident in my responses, showcasing my familiarity with the topics and practical application of web development concepts. The engaging discussion with the senior developer not only validated my skills but also sparked my eagerness to move forward in the hiring process.

At the conclusion of the technical interview, the senior developer mentioned that if I qualified for the next round, I would receive further communication via email. With anticipation and enthusiasm, I eagerly awaited the next steps in the hiring process, hopeful for the opportunity to progress and join the dynamic team at Eruvaka Technologies.

Round 2

Soon after the technical interview, I received an email from Eruvaka Technologies, inviting me to the assessment round. The task involved working with ReactJS, and I was given three days to complete it. I gladly accepted the challenge and immediately started working on the assignment, using the details provided in the email.

With dedication and focus, I diligently tackled the task and managed to complete it within just two days. As I submitted my work, I felt a sense of pride and satisfaction, hoping that my effort would leave a positive impression on the hiring team.

Final Round

A few days after submitting the assessment, the HR team contacted me to arrange a virtual call for the managerial round. During this round, the interviewer aimed to know me better as an individual and a professional. The conversation started with a general introduction about myself, my background, and my passion for web development. As the discussion progressed, the interviewer asked me about my strengths and what I could bring to the team at Eruvaka Technologies. I shared my genuine enthusiasm for problem-solving, teamwork, and my eagerness to contribute to the company’s growth.

Moreover, salary expectations were discussed, and I felt comfortable expressing my thoughts on this matter. The interviewer concluded the round, leaving me with a positive feeling about our interaction.

Job Offer and Onboarding 

As the weeks went by, I received the delightful news that Eruvaka Technologies was offering me the position of Junior Software Developer. Excitedly, I accepted the job offer, and my joining date was set for February 15th.

With enthusiasm and eagerness, I prepared to embark on this new chapter in my career journey with Eruvaka Technologies. The journey ahead promised to be filled with learning, growth, and exciting challenges in the world of web development.


Joining Eruvaka Technologies as a Junior Software Developer marked the beginning of a remarkable professional journey. The hiring process was both rigorous and rewarding, and it affirmed my passion for web development. I am grateful for the opportunity and eager to make valuable contributions to the team and the company’s success.

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