Ericsson Interview Experience for Internship

I applied for a 1-year long internship at Ericsson Company. There was an aptitude test before the interview which I easily cracked. 

First round: Technical Interview: In the technical interview, Interviewer asked me 3 questions. 

  • The first one was to reverse the list of numbers without using any inbuilt function. 
  • The second one was to find the octal of a number without using any inbuilt function.
  • And the third one was to find the maximum subset sum and the subset which gives the maximum sum from the list of numbers(+ve and -ve both included).

So, I have done it in time like 30-35 minutes. and qualified for the second round. I have done it in Python.

 Second Round: Technical Managerial Interview:  In this interview, the interviewer was a senior manager with 29 years of experience. At first, he asked me about myself, and then In the interview, he asked me about deep learning concepts and algorithms. I wasn’t that much prepared for this although I am doing MTech. in AI & ML. He was too much knowledgeable in the field. He suggested 2-3 courses on deep learning. The interview was not that bad. Also, he asked me about the projects I have done in MTech. Then a question about how you see yourself in the next 5 years in the line. At last, He said that he may consider me, after talking with the 1st round interviewer. 

I haven’t been selected but certainly, I got to know that there are people which will guide you on the path even at the Interview.

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