Epsilon Interview Experience For Full Stack Developer SDE 1

Online Test:

4 sections were there-

  1. Aptitude
  2. Coding (https://discuss.codechef.com/t/amazon-coding-round/32757)
  3. Reasoning
  4. Technical MCQ related to (SQL Queries, AWS, Kafka etc.)

Interview Rounds:

ROUND – 1 : (Technical)

Firstly he asked me to introduce myself, then name of projects I did. After that, he asked me to write code for Binary Search and also some basics regarding it, then one OS question was there –

  • How to remove Deadlock?
  • What are the methods to do so? Worst Time Complexities of Quick Sort and Merge Sort.

He asked me about Palindromes and to write code to check Palindromes and their Time Complexity. After that, he asked me a puzzle (https://practice.w3wiki.net/problems/the-3-5-litre-die-hard-water-puzzle). At the end he asked me whether I had any questions to ask, I asked a few company-related questions. (DON’T LOSE THIS OPPORTUNITY).

ROUND – 2 :

Again to introduce myself, then he asked me managerial que. regarding “WORK-LIFE BALANCE”. After that he asked me to design a Database System for a school where details of all students should be there from Grades 1 to 12, each grade has 5 sections, different subjects, and a record of the score of each student in every section in exams, he asked me how will you organize data regarding that and what are the tables? How they are related? and to write a query to fetch toppers from each section. This was quite a time taking he asked me to do the same on an Excel sheet.

After that, some questions were like –

  • How Amazon serve millions of requests in seconds
  • How do they balance the load on the server?
  • What happens when we search for something on Amazon everything regarding that? Asked me to design a system like Amazon.

Later he asked me “Do you have any questions?”. This round was tough for me as I didn’t know much about the system design part so in the end I asked him a few interesting questions related to the company and he was so impressed.

ROUND – 3 :

He asked me what I do usually (in technical terms) – I answered Coding, and then he asked me “Which language do you prefer for coding and why?” I said C++ then he asked a few questions like –

  • Difference between C++ and Python?
  • What are Interpreted and Compiled languages and what differences between them?
  • OOPS concepts in depth. Project discussion – I gave a brief regarding my database project.

Again comes similar questions like

  • How load balancing is done by companies like Amazon and Flipkart?

Then he asked me to explain my other Project which was – “Hand Gesture Recognition”. He was very much impressed with the way I explained this project and complimented me. In the end, I asked a few questions regarding the company like Work culture etc.

ROUND – 4 : (HR-Round)

He asked me “How much I know about the company and the role?” I told him everything that I had read and asked the interviewers in the previous rounds. The discussion went long, later he asked me about my strengths and weakness and at the end again “Do you have any questions?” I asked him again some questions and the discussion went pretty long enough.

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