Environmental Pollution Essay

Environment refers to the changes in the surroundings of an organism and is made of various components which include air, water, land, etc. The components of the environment are found in fixed proportions for the creation of a harmonious balance in the environment for different organisms to live in and any kind of unwanted changes, in the proportions of the components are known as pollution and this issue is increasing rapidly over the years, which creates issues in economic, physical as well as social factors. Air, water, and soil are three basic forms of environmental pollution.

Table of Content

  • What is Environmental Pollution?
  • Causes of Environmental Pollution
  • How pollution Effects Health and Environment
  • How to Minimise Environmental Pollution?

Environmental Pollution

What is Environmental Pollution?

Environmental pollution refers to the phenomenon of undesirable changes in the surroundings which are harmful to plants and animals, and lead to environmental pollution. Pollutants can be liquid, gaseous, or solid forms, and a substance becomes a pollutant when there is an increase in the concentration of either human or natural activities. For example, DDT, plastic, and heavy materials take more time to degrade and are known as notable pollutants and the other two categories are fund and light pollutants. The concentration of pollutants is mostly measured for the determination of risk assessment in public health.

Causes of Environmental Pollution

Rise of industries and rapid migration of people from rural to urban areas and cities, in search of livelihood, employment etc. has increased the problem of housing and increased unhygienic living conditions. These issues have led to increase in the factors which causes pollution. Environmental pollution is mostly of 4 types:

Types of Pollution

  1. Air Pollution
  2. Water Pollution
  3. Soil Pollution
  4. Noise Pollution

Air Pollution

Air Pollution is one of the major sources of pollution in the present scenario. The smoke which comes out of the chimneys of factories and the automobiles pollute the air we breathe rapidly. Gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and others are emitted with smoke, which mixes with air and causes pollution of the air, which harms all the living beings. Others like dry farm waste, dry grass, coal etc. which are used for domestic fuels in villages, also produces many harmful gases.

Main Sources of Air Pollution are:

  1. Automobile Pollution
  2. Burning of Garbage
  3. Indoor Air Pollution
  4. Industrial Air Pollution

Water Pollution

The waste products which are generated from the industries and sewage waters, if not treated properly before disposition into rivers and other pure water bodies, leads to water pollution. Agricultural processes like excess use of fertilizers, pesticides etc. can also lead to water pollution.

Main Sources of Water Pollution:

  1. Industrial wastes deposited to oceans and seas.
  2. Marine form of commerce.
  3. Dumping of radioactive substances into seawater.
  4. Forms of recreational activities.

Soil or Land Pollution

Soil pollution is caused by deposition of solid waste, accumulation of certain biodegradable materials, deposition of poisonous chemical propositions, etc. on open land and certain waste products like plastics, bottles, polythenes etc. can cause soil pollution. Soil pollution leads to many diseases like dysentery, tyhoid etc.

Main Causes of Soil Pollution

  1. Urban commercial and domestic waste
  2. Chemical fertilizers
  3. Pesticides
  4. Industrial waste

Noise Pollution

With the processes of urbanization as well as industrialisation, there is a rise in population, there has been increasing issues of noise pollution. Noise pollution has become serious problem for human life, health etc. Certain important contributors of noise pollution include vehicles, music system etc.

Main Sources of Noise Pollution

  1. Noise from machines in factories and industries.
  2. Loudspeakers
  3. Blasting of rocks and earth.

How pollution Effects Health and Environment

The lives of people and various animals are affected by ecological pollution, both directly and indirectly. For a really long time, these living organic entities have coincided with people in the world.

Effect on the Environment

Exhaust cloud is framed when carbon and residue particles tie together in the air, leading to respiratory issues, dimness, and smoke. These are made by the ignition of petroleum products in modern and assembling offices and vehicle burning of carbon exhaust. Moreover, these elements influence the safe frameworks of birds, making them transporters of infections and sicknesses. It also affects structures and organs in the body.

Effect on land and food

Corruption natural and man-made waste damages land and food. It also provides synthetic materials in soil and water. Pesticides, compost, soil decomposers and crop residues are the main causes of soil and soil pollution.

Effect on water

Water is susceptible to any contamination, be it human waste or synthetic waste from manufacturing plants. We also use this water for our irrigation and drinking systems. They are also dirty due to pollution. Also, an organism bites dust because it drinks similarly contaminated water.

Besides, roughly 80% of land based toxins like compound, modern, and rural waste breeze up in water bodies. Besides, in light of the fact that these water bowls at last connect to the ocean, they debase the ocean’s biodiversity by implication.

Food Reaction

Crops and farming produce become toxic because of defiled soil and water. These yields are bound with compound parts from the very outset of their lives until reap when they arrive at a mass level. For this reason, spoiled food affects our health and organs.

Effect on Environmental Change

Environmental change is also a source of climate pollution. It also affects the physical and organic parts of the environment. Ozone layer depletion, release of ozone-depleting substances, and an increase in temperatures across the Earth are examples of natural pollution. Since these water bowls eventually connect to the ocean, they are implicitly polluting the ocean’s biodiversity. Furthermore, their results can be deadly in the future. The erratic cold and harsh environment affects the normal backdrop of the world.

How to Minimise Environmental Pollution?

To circumvent this problem, some precautionary estimates need to be made.

  • 3Rs Guide: To save the climate, use the 3Rs standard; Reuse, reduce and recycle.
  • To prevent and control air pollution, use smokeless energy and better planned materials in homes and businesses. An increasing number of trees must be planted to regulate the environment and control the effects of the nursery.
  • Collision pollution can be reduced with better planning and appropriate support. The hustle and bustle of modern life can be reduced by soundproofing devices such as generators, etc.
  • To control soil pollution, we must stop using plastic. Wastewater should be properly treated before being used for composting and landfilling. Powers natural farming as this interaction involves the use of organic materials and the removal of artificial ones to maintain soil maturity and biological balance.


It is our duty as citizens and individuals to save our planet from environmental pollution and their agents. The preventive measures are not taken by the future generation, it can lead to further decline of the environment and the government equally should take intitivates for reduction of pollution.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is environmental pollution?

Environmental pollution refers to the unfavourable changes to our surroundings, totally or as a byproduct to human actions, by direct or indirect effects on the changes in the pattern of energy, radiation, physical and chemical constituents.

What are the 4 types of environmental pollution?

The 4 types of environmental pollution are as follows:

  1. Air pollution
  2. Water pollution
  3. Soil pollution
  4. Noise pollution

What is the importance of pollution?

Pollution stops the process of economic growth, increases poverty and inequality in both areas of rural and urban, and leads to changes in the climate.

What are 9 types of environmental pollution?

9 types of environmental pollution include air pollution, light pollution, litter, noise pollution, soil contamination, thermal pollution, visual pollution, water pollution and plastic pollution.

What causes environmental pollution?

The environmental pollution is mostly includes harmful materials which include gaseous pollutants, toxic metals, sewage, agricultural runoffs and electronic wastes etc.

What is called pollution?

The introduction of harmful substances to the environment is known as pollution.

How to protect the environment?

Environment protection can be done in following ways:

  1. Reduce, reuse and recycle.
  2. Volunteer
  3. Educate
  4. Conservation of water

What is the effect of environmental pollution?

Environmental pollutants can cause health issues which include respiratory diseases, heart diseases and other types of health issues.

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