Diagram of Endoplasmic Reticulum with Labelling

Diagram of endoplasmic reticulum includes structures like Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER), Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER), Ribosomes, Membrane-bound vesicles, and Tubules. The Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) is a complex system of tubes found solely in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. We can learn about its structure with the help of a diagram of the endoplasmic reticulum easy way.

The diagram of the endoplasmic reticulum with labeling is given below:

Diagram of the Endoplasmic Reticulum

Table of Content

  • What is Endoplasmic Reticulum?
  • Types of Endoplasmic Reticulum
  • What is the Structure of Endoplasmic Reticulum?
  • Conclusion – Diagram of Endoplasmic Reticulum
  • FAQs on Diagram of Endoplasmic Reticulum

What is Endoplasmic Reticulum?

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a complex network of tubes and compartments located within cells. It is critical for several cell functions, including protein synthesis, lipid breakdown, calcium storage, and toxin removal. There are two types of endoplasmic reticulum: Rough endoplasmic reticulum and Smooth endoplasmic reticulum. It is absent in prokaryotes cells but found in all eukaryotic cells, except for mammalian red blood cells and germinal cells.

Types of Endoplasmic Reticulum

There are 2 types of endoplasmic reticulum:

  1. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
  2. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

The rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) is composed of layers of phospholipids, similar to the structure of the cell’s outer barrier, the plasma membrane.

  • The RER takes its name from its appearance.
  • It is composed of flat sacs that are linked together and covered with many ribosomes on the outside.
  • RER is responsible for the production and release of proteins such as hormones and chemicals in the liver and certain glands.
  • Cells with a high protein need, such as liver cells (hepatocytes), have a very rough ER.
  • The RER is primarily responsible for protein synthesis.
  • It’s critical for folding the proteins into the appropriate structures.
  • It also ensures that proteins are appropriately folded, similar to a quality check.
  • After producing and folding proteins, RER is responsible for sorting them into the proper locations inside the cell.

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

The SER is similar in structure to the RER except for the absence of the ribosomes. It consists of a network of tubes and flattened sacs.

  • The SER lacks ribosomes.
  • It is shaped more like tubes.
  • The smooth ER contributes to the production of phospholipids, which are essential for cell membrane formation and metabolism.
  • It also transports materials produced in the rough ER to other areas of the cell, such as the Golgi apparatus.
  • The SER synthesises essential fats such as phospholipids and cholesterol.
  • It also produces and secretes hormones called steroids.
  • SER contributes to the breakdown of carbs.
  • It accumulates and releases calcium ions, which are essential for the nervous system and muscles to function properly.

What is the Structure of Endoplasmic Reticulum?

The structure of ER includes a membrane of approximately 50 to 60 angstroms thick and has a fluid-mosaic structure similar to the plasma membrane. It connects to the plasma membrane, the membrane surrounding the nucleus, and the membranes of the Golgi apparatus. Inside the endoplasmic reticulum, there is a region that serves as a conduit for secretions. The endoplasmic reticulum contains few components like:

Component Description
Vesicles Small sacs originating from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) responsible for transporting chemicals, including proteins and lipids, to different parts of the cell.
Ribosomes Microscopic factories found in the cytoplasm and attached to the rough ER’s surface; involved in protein synthesis.
Cisternae Flat, bag-like compartments within the ER network; crucial for various cell functions such as protein synthesis, fat breakdown, and calcium storage.
Lumen The inner chamber or cavity of the ER, resembling the inside of a hollow tube or sac.
ER membrane Thin, flexible barrier surrounding the ER, composed of a double layer of phospholipid molecules similar to other cellular organelles’ membranes.

Conclusion – Diagram of Endoplasmic Reticulum

The diagram of Endoplasmic Reticulum consists of many structures that helps it in the different functions. It is an important element of the cell that performs a variety of functions. It has a network of tubes and sacs that produce proteins, degrade lipids, and store calcium. Diagrams of the Endoplasmic Reticulum class 8 help us grasp its functions and importantance for cell health. As scientists learn more, the endoplasmic reticulum diagram will continue to help us discover new methods to applying this information in medicine and other fields.

FAQs on Diagram of Endoplasmic Reticulum

What are the Different Types of ER?

There are two types of endoplasmic reticulum: rough endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER) and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (smooth ER).

What is the Function of the Endoplasmic Reticulum BSC 1st Year?

The endoplasmic reticulum serves as a site for protein synthesis, lipid metabolism, and calcium storage within the cell.

Where is Endoplasmic Reticulum Class 9 NCERT?

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a network of membrane-enclosed tubules and sacs (cisternae) that extends from the nuclear membrane throughout the cytoplasm.

Is the ER a Double Membrane?

The ER is composed of one completely continuous membrane bilayer and has a single continuous lumen.

What is Endoplasmic Reticulum and its Function?

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a part of a transportation system of the eukaryotic cell, and has many other important functions such as protein folding, calcium storage and lipid metabolism.

What are the Endoplasmic Reticulum SER and RER?

The smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) lacks ribosomes and is involved in lipid synthesis, metabolism, and detoxification. The rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) has ribosomes attached to its surface and is involved in protein synthesis and processing.

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