Ember.js MutableArray addObjects() Method

Ember.js is an open-source JavaScript framework used for developing large client-side web applications which are based on Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. Ember.js is one of the most widely used front-end application frameworks. It is made to speed up development and increase productivity. Currently, it is utilized by a large number of websites, including Square, Discourse, Groupon, Linked In, Live Nation, Twitch, and Chipotle.

The addObject() method is used to add each object into the array.


addObjects( objects );


  • objects: It is the objects to add in array.

Return Value: It returned the EmberArray receiver.

Steps to Install and Run Ember.js:

Step 1: To run the following examples you will need to have an ember project with you. To create one, you will need to install ember-cli first. Write the below code in the terminal:

npm install ember-cli

Now you can create the project by typing in the following piece of code:

ember new <project-name> --lang en

Step 2: To start the server, type:

ember serve

Example 1: Type the following code to generate the route for this example:

ember generate route addObjects


import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
export default class WebsitesRoute extends Route {
    websites = [
            'name': 'Wikipedia',
            'link': 'www.wikipedia.com'
            'name': 'Facebook',
            'link': 'www.facebook.com'
            'name': 'Google',
            'link': 'www.google.com'
            'name': 'Twitter',
            'link': 'www.twitter.com'
    moreWebsites = [
            'name': 'Instagram',
            'link': 'www.instagram.com'
            'name': 'Amazon',
            'link': 'www.amazon.com'
    model() {
        return this.websites;
    setupController(controller, model) {
        this._super(controller, model);
        controller.set('websites', this.websites);
        controller.set('moreWebsites', this.moreWebsites);


import Ember from 'ember';
import { pushObjects, setEach } from '@ember/array';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
    actions: {
        add() {


{{page-title "Websites"}}
<br /><br />
        <th>Website Link</th>
      {{#each @model as |website|}}
<br /><br />
<input type="button" id="add-website" 
    value="More Websites" {{action "add"}} />

Output: Visit localhost:4200/addObjects to view the output

Ember.js MutableArray addObjects

Example 2: Type the following code to generate the route for this example:

ember generate route addObjects1


import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
export default class DetailsRoute extends Route {
    details = [
            name: 'Aaksh',
            mobile: '9811129967',
            city: 'Delhi',
            country: 'India',
            gender: 'M',
            zipCode: '800020',
            name: 'Sweta',
            mobile: '9456712890',
            city: 'Mumbai',
            country: 'India',
            gender: 'F',
            zipCode: '400001',
            name: 'Satyam',
            mobile: '2222222222',
            city: 'Raipur',
            country: 'India',
            gender: 'M',
            zipCode: '110012',
            name: 'Shandya',
            mobile: '1122113322',
            city: 'Bangalore',
            country: 'India',
            gender: 'F',
            zipCode: '530068',
            name: 'Ayushi',
            mobile: '2244668800',
            city: 'Thana',
            country: 'India',
            gender: 'F',
            zipCode: '302001',
    someMoreDetails = [
            name: 'Yogesh',
            mobile: '1133557799',
            city: 'Chennai',
            country: 'India',
            gender: 'F',
            zipCode: '600001',
            name: 'Sunny',
            mobile: '9911000000',
            city: 'Masore',
            country: 'India',
            gender: 'M',
            zipCode: '574142',
            name: 'Khushi',
            mobile: '8888888888',
            city: 'Pune',
            country: 'India',
            gender: 'F',
            zipCode: '111045',
    model() {
        return this.details;
    setupController(controller, model) {
        super.setupController(controller, model);
        controller.set('details', this.details);
        controller.set('someMoreDetails', this.someMoreDetails);
        controller.set('city', this.city);
        controller.set('code', this.code);


import Ember from 'ember';
import { addObjects, shiftObject, setEach } from '@ember/array';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
    actions: {
        checkCity(city) {
            alert(`Contains Person from ${city}:
            ${this.details.isAny('city', city) ?
                    'Yes' : 'No'}`);
        remove() {
        pushMoreDetails() {


{{page-title "Details"}}
<h3>List of People: </h3>
<br /><br />
        <th>Zip Code</th>
      {{#each @model as |detail|}}
<br /><br />
    <label>Enter City: </label>
      {{input value=this.city}}
        value="Check City"
        {{action "checkCity" this.city}}
<br />
<input type="button" id="remove-detail" 
    value="Remove" {{action "remove"}} />
<br /><br />
      value="Add More Details"
      {{action "pushMoreDetails"}}

Output: Visit localhost:4200/addObjects1 to view the output

Ember.js MutableArray addObjects

Reference: https://api.emberjs.com/ember/4.4/classes/MutableArray/methods/addObjects?anchor=addObjects

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