EmailFinder – Fastest Way to Find Emails

EmailFinder is a free and open-source tool available on GitHub. This tool is used to find potential email addresses of a person on different sites. This tool is based upon OSINT Technology, which means Open Source Intelligence technology. This tool allows its users to find the potential email address of a person on social network sites and any website and web application. This tool also finds the user’s email address associated with that user’s id. 

The tool provides you with many features. This tool will alert you about the presence of a data leak in the emails that were found. This tool is written in Python, so you must have python installed in your Kali Linux in order to use the tool. The EmailFinder interface is very similar to Metasploit 1 and Metasploit.

 EmailFinder provides a command-line interface that you can run on Kali Linux. The interactive console provides a number of helpful features, such as command completion and contextual help. EmailFinder is a command-line utility that is used to search email addresses from a domain through a search engine. This tool is one of the fastest and easiest to use tools and gives us accurate details as quickly as possible.


Step 1:

Open your kali Linux operating system and install the tool using the following command.

pip3 install emailfinder

Step 2: intothehelp

The emailfinder tool has been downloaded successfully in your operating system. Now use the following command to run the tool and to open the -help menu of the tool.

emailfinder -h

You can see that the tool has opened the -help menu of the tool. This means that the tool is running successfully. Now we will see examples of using the tool.

Example 1: Use the emailfinder tool to grab Email Addresses from a website.

emailfinder -d

Using this tool, we have found a total of 2 email addresses associated with that website. This is how you can also find email addresses associates with any website.

Example 2: Use the emailfinder tool to grab Email Addresses from a website.

emailfinder -d

After scanning this website, we got a single email address. This is how you can also perform scanning and can find addresses on your own email address.

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