Electron Emission

Electron emission is when electrons are released from a surface of a material due to energy input, like heat or an electric field. It is the process behind technologies like cathode ray tubes in old TVs.

In this article, we will understand the meaning of electron emission, the formula of electron emission, types of electron emission and applications of electron emission.

Table of Content

  • What is Electron Emission?
  • Formula of Electron Emission
  • Types of Electron Emission
  • Applications of Electron Emission

What is Electron Emission?

Electron emission is when electrons break bonds from the surface of a material, usually metal and get released. This happens when the electrons get enough energy from outside to overcome the pull of the positive nuclei inside the material. Inside the material, there is a barrier in the form of electrostatic force or other types that holds the electrons in, called the surface barrier.

The least amount of energy needed to break through this barrier is called the work function of the material. Different materials have different work functions, depending on what they’re made of and how they’re made.

Electron emission can happen because of different kinds of energy, like heat, electric fields, light, or high-energy particles. There are four main types of electron emission: thermionic emission, field emission, photoelectric emission, and secondary electron emission. Each type has its own characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages.

Electron Emission From Metals

Electron emission from metals happens when they get enough energy to surpass the metal’s work function. This energy can come from various sources. Depending on where it comes from, the electron emission gets different names. Electron emission from metals finds use in various scientific and industrial applications, such as imaging and sensing.

Electron Emission in Intense Electric Field

In intense electric fields, electrons are pulled from a metal’s surface due to the strong electric force. This process, known as field emission and it occurs when the energy from the electric field overcomes the attractive forces holding the electrons in the metal. Field emission has applications in electron microscopy and flat-panel displays.

Formula of Electron Emission

The formula for electron emission, irrespective of its type, can be simplified to describe the process of overcoming the work function barrier. Here’s a basic representation:

KEmax ​= ϕ


  • KEmax​ is the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electron (joules),
  • h is Planck’s constant (6.62607015×10−34 J s),
  • ν is the frequency of the incident radiation (hertz),
  • ϕ is the work function of the material (joules).

Types of Electron Emission

There are several types of electron emission:

  • Thermionic Emission: Electrons are emitted from a heated material.
  • Field Emission: Electrons are pulled from a material’s surface by a strong electric field.
  • Photoelectric Emission: Electrons are released from a material when light shines on it.
  • Secondary Electron Emission: Electrons are ejected from a material’s surface by incoming high-energy particles or electrons.

We have discussed each type of electron emission in detail below:

Thermionic Emission

Thermionic emission happens when a material gets really hot. This heat makes the electrons inside the material move faster. Some of these fast-moving electrons can break free from the surface of the material and escape. The number of electrons that escape depends on how hot the material is and what kind of material it is.

Thermionic emission is commonly used in devices like vacuum tubes, which are used in things like old-fashioned TV screens and microwave ovens. These devices rely on the flow of electrons released through thermionic emission to work properly.

Photoelectric Emission

Photoelectric emission is when electrons are released from a material when light shines on it. Suppose you have a metal plate, and you shine a light on it. The light gives energy to the electrons in the metal, making them excited and able to break free from the surface. This is also called Photoelectric effect.

When light hits the metal, it transfers its energy to the electrons. If the light has enough energy (which depends on its frequency or color), it can give the electrons just the right push to escape from the metal’s surface. This process happens almost instantly, as soon as the light hits the metal.

Photoelectric emission is essential in many everyday devices, like solar panels, where light energy is converted into electricity. It is also the principle behind how your eyes work—they detect light, which triggers photoelectric emission in cells, allowing you to see.

Field Emission

Field emission occurs when a very strong electric field pulls electrons from the surface of a material. Imagine you have a metal, and you create a powerful electric field around it. This electric field is so strong that it can overcome the forces holding the electrons within the metal, causing them to be pulled away.

Field emission is important because it allows us to control the flow of electrons without needing to rely on heating the material. This makes it useful in technologies like electron microscopes and flat-panel displays. For example, in a flat-panel display, field emission is used to create bright and clear images by controlling the emission of electrons from tiny points on the display surface.

Secondary emission

Secondary emission occurs when high-energy particles or electrons collide with a material’s surface, causing the ejection of additional electrons from the material. Here’s an explanation:

When energetic particles, like electrons or ions, hit the surface of a material, they transfer some of their energy to the electrons in the material. This added energy can cause some of the electrons within the material to gain enough energy to escape from the surface, even though they weren’t originally heated.

For example, when the cue ball strikes another ball, it can cause that ball to move and hit other balls on the table. Similarly, in secondary emission, the incoming high-energy particles or electrons act like the cue ball, transferring energy to the electrons in the material and causing them to be ejected from the surface. These newly released electrons can then go on to strike other surfaces and cause further emissions, creating a cascade effect.

Secondary emission is used in various applications, including particle detectors, electron multipliers, and photomultiplier tubes. It’s particularly useful in devices where amplification of signals or detection of very low levels of radiation or light is necessary.

Applications of Electron Emission

Some applications of electron emission:

  • Cathode Ray Tubes (CRTs): Used in older television sets and computer monitors.
  • Vacuum Diodes: Used in early electronics for rectification and amplification of electrical signals.
  • Triodes: Essential components in early radio technology for amplifying and switching signals.
  • Magnetrons: Used in microwave ovens to generate microwaves for cooking food.
  • Electron Microscopes: Provide high-resolution imaging capabilities for scientific research and medical diagnostics.
  • Field Emission Displays (FEDs): Offer bright and efficient flat-panel displays for televisions and computer monitors.
  • Particle Detectors: Utilized in scientific research to detect and analyze subatomic particles in particle physics experiments.
  • Photomultiplier Tubes: Convert light signals into electrical signals with high sensitivity, used in applications such as night vision devices and particle detectors.

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FAQs on Electron Emission

What is cathode ray tube?

A cathode ray tube (CRT) is a vacuum tube containing an electron gun and a fluorescent screen, used in older television sets and computer monitors to display images.

What is field emission?

Field emission is a phenomenon where electrons are pulled from a material’s surface by a strong electric field surrounding it, without the need for heating.

What are free electrons?

Free electrons are electrons that are not bound to atoms and can move freely within a material or space.

What is work function?

The work function of a material is the minimum amount of energy required to remove an electron from its surface and emit it into free space.

Why does electron emission not occur at room temperature?

Electron emission typically requires the input of energy to overcome the work function barrier. At room temperature, most materials do not possess sufficient thermal energy to provide the electrons with enough energy to escape.

How is electron emission measured?

Electron emission can be measured using various techniques, including current-voltage measurements, electron energy distribution analysis, and electron microscopy.

What happens during electron emission?

During electron emission, electrons gain sufficient energy to overcome the work function barrier of a material and are ejected from its surface into free space. This process can occur due to heating, application of an electric field, exposure to light, or interaction with high-energy particles.

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