Electride Mobility Services Interview Experience for Digital Intern

I am a student in the pre-final year. Additionally, Electride is a startup that was come to hire web developers with solid knowledge of javascript and other web-related topics. There were two rounds:

  • Interview of 50 min
    Technical round of 2 hrs 

Interview Round: I was asked to introduce myself and my ideas by two interviewers during the interview. 

  • He began asking me projects-related questions after I gave my introduction. The main components of my projects are a Chrome extension, a portfolio website, and a sorting visualizer. 
  • As a result, he was asking questions about javascript, which I had used on my projects, as well as data structures, which I had touched on briefly. I therefore had all the responses. 
  • They posed numerous inquiries that were solely about web building. They asked a lot of questions regarding block chains because I also had a research scholar working on the development of blockchains. 
  • Finally, they inquired as to why they should hire me. And because I was a little perplexed after hearing this question, I said that because I work as a web developer, I am highly familiar with javascript and its frameworks, thus it’s probable that I wouldn’t perform well if you hired me as a Java or Python developer. 
  • After hearing my response, he retorted, “Since this is a startup, we may also assign you some other assignment that is not linked to web development but rather other technologies, therefore you need have the mindset to learn new things as well.” I wholeheartedly concurred with the interviewer’s response.

Only three students were chosen for the technical round after the interview. I was one of them as well.

Technical Round: The second round, which was a technical round, was held after two days.

  • They handed me a website and instructed me to copy it, add other elements to make it look more appealing, and increase its usefulness.
  •  I therefore added a lot of items to the website, and once he reviewed it and approved of it, he gave me some suggestions. Thus, the contest was ended.

After a few days, I received an email confirming my selection for the position of Digital Intern.

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