Elasticsearch Health Check: Monitoring & Troubleshooting

Elasticsearch is a powerful distributed search and analytics engine used by many organizations to handle large volumes of data. Ensuring the health of an Elasticsearch cluster is crucial for maintaining performance, reliability, and data integrity.

Monitoring the cluster’s health involves using specific APIs and understanding key metrics to identify and resolve issues promptly. This article provides an in-depth look at using the Cluster Health API, interpreting health metrics, and identifying common cluster health issues.

Using Cluster Health API

The Cluster Health API in Elasticsearch provides a comprehensive overview of the cluster’s health, offering crucial insights into its current state. It is a vital tool for administrators to ensure the cluster operates smoothly.

To access the Cluster Health API, you can use the below-following endpoint:

GET /_cluster/health

This API call returns a JSON object containing several important fields that describe the status of the cluster. Here is an example response.

"cluster_name": "my_cluster",
"status": "yellow",
"timed_out": false,
"number_of_nodes": 3,
"number_of_data_nodes": 2,
"active_primary_shards": 5,
"active_shards": 10,
"relocating_shards": 0,
"initializing_shards": 0,
"unassigned_shards": 2,
"delayed_unassigned_shards": 0,
"number_of_pending_tasks": 0,
"number_of_in_flight_fetch": 0,
"task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis": 0,
"active_shards_percent_as_number": 83.3

Interpreting Cluster Health Metrics

Understanding the metrics provided by the Cluster Health API is essential for effective monitoring. Below are key metrics to pay attention to:

Cluster Status

  • Green: All primary and replica shards are active and allocated. The cluster is fully operational.
  • Yellow: All primary shards are active, but some replica shards are unallocated. The cluster is operational, but redundancy is compromised.
  • Red: Some primary shards are unallocated. Data is missing or unavailable, and the cluster is not fully operational.

Number of Nodes

  • number_of_nodes: The total number of nodes in the cluster. It should match the expected node count.
  • number_of_data_nodes: The number of nodes designated for storing data.

Shard Statistics

  • active_primary_shards: The number of primary shards that are active. This should equal the total number of primary shards across all indices.
  • active_shards: The total number of active shards (primary and replica).
  • relocating_shards: Shards that are in the process of moving from one node to another. High numbers here may indicate ongoing rebalancing.
  • initializing_shards: Shards that are being initialized. Persistent high numbers may indicate problems.
  • unassigned_shards: Shards that are not assigned to any node. This is a critical metric to monitor as unassigned primary shards mean data unavailability.

Task Statistics

  • number_of_pending_tasks: Tasks that are waiting to be processed. A high number of pending tasks can indicate bottlenecks.
  • task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis: The maximum time a task has waited in the queue. Long waiting times can signal performance issues.

Shard Allocation Percentage

  • active_shards_percent_as_number: The percentage of active shards compared to the total number of shards. This should ideally be close to 100%.

Identifying Common Cluster Health Issues

Monitoring these metrics can help identify common issues that affect cluster health. Here are some frequent problems and their potential causes:

1. Unassigned Shards Unassigned shards, particularly primary shards, can lead to data loss and reduced availability. Common causes include:

  • Node Failures: Nodes going down can leave shards unassigned.
  • Disk Space Issues: Insufficient disk space can prevent shard allocation.
  • Cluster Changes: Adding or removing nodes can temporarily cause shards to be unassigned during rebalancing.

2. High Number of Pending Tasks A high number of pending tasks can indicate that the cluster is struggling to keep up with the load. Causes can include:

  • Resource Limitations: Insufficient CPU or memory resources.
  • Heavy Indexing Load: High volume of indexing operations overwhelming the cluster.
  • Complex Queries: Expensive queries consuming too much processing power.

3. Relocating Shards While some shard relocation is normal, persistent or excessive relocating shards can indicate:

  • Cluster Rebalancing: Frequent changes in node membership or shard allocation settings.
  • Hardware Issues: Nodes with failing hardware might frequently trigger relocations.

4. Red or Yellow Cluster Status A red or yellow status indicates problems that need immediate attention:

  • Red Status: Primary shards are unassigned, leading to data loss or inaccessibility. Urgent investigation and remediation are required.
  • Yellow Status: Replica shards are unassigned, compromising fault tolerance. This should be addressed to ensure redundancy.

Troubleshooting Elasticsearch


  • Cluster state is red or yellow.
  • Unassigned shards.
  • Delayed responses or timeout errors.

Troubleshooting Steps

Check Cluster Health:

Use the _cluster/health API to get an overview of the cluster’s health.

GET /_cluster/health

Review Cluster State:

Examine the current state of the cluster with the _cluster/state API.

GET /_cluster/state

Identify Unassigned Shards:

Use the _cat/shards API to identify unassigned shards.

GET /_cat/shards?v

Allocation Explanations: Use the _cluster/allocation/explain API to understand why shards are unassigned.

POST /_cluster/allocation/explain
"index": "your-index-name",
"shard": 0,
"primary": true


Regularly monitoring Elasticsearch cluster health using the Cluster Health API is crucial for maintaining a stable and efficient environment. By understanding and interpreting the key metrics provided by the API, administrators can quickly identify and troubleshoot common issues, ensuring the cluster remains healthy and performant. Proactive monitoring and timely intervention are key to leveraging the full potential of Elasticsearch and maintaining a robust search and analytics platform

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