Effigo Global Interview Experience for Software Trainee Internship

I recently had the opportunity to interview with Effigo Global for the position of Software Trainee Intern. Here’s a detailed account of my interview experience:

The interview started with the classic “Tell me about yourself” question. I began by providing a brief overview of my educational background, highlighting relevant coursework and projects. I also touched upon my skills and areas of interest in the field of software development.

OOPS in C++:

The interviewer then delved into technical questions, starting with whether Object-Oriented Programming (OOPS) concepts can be used in C++. I explained that C++ supports OOPS principles, including features like classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction.


When asked about encapsulation, I defined it as the bundling of data and methods that operate on that data into a single unit, i.e., a class. I elaborated on how encapsulation helps in data hiding and abstraction, contributing to code organization and security.

Access Modifier:

The discussion continued with access modifiers in C++. I explained the three access modifiers – public, private, and protected – and their role in controlling the visibility of class members.


Shifting gears to database concepts, the interviewer inquired about my knowledge of SQL. I expressed my familiarity with Structured Query Language and its significance in managing and manipulating relational databases.

Difference between Primary Key and Unique Key:

Further, into the SQL discussion, I highlighted the difference between a primary key and a unique key. I emphasized that a primary key uniquely identifies each record in a table and cannot contain null values, while a unique key ensures that all values in a column are unique.

Output-based Code Snippet:

The interview included a practical coding aspect where I was given a code snippet and asked to predict the output. I carefully analyzed the code, discussed my thought process, and provided the expected output.

SQL Query on Lowest 3 Employees:

A SQL query challenge followed, where I was asked to retrieve the records of the three lowest-paid employees from a hypothetical employee table. I crafted a query using the ORDER BY and LIMIT clauses to fulfill this requirement.

Coding Exercise:

To assess my coding skills, I was given a coding task related to a specific scenario. I carefully tackled the problem, explaining my approach and thought process as I coded.

Skills Mentioned in Resume:

Towards the end of the interview, the conversation shifted towards the skills I had listed on my resume. The interviewer wanted me to elaborate on a specific skill mentioned, and I was asked to provide examples or share experiences where I had applied that skill in a real-world scenario.

Overall, the interview at Effigo Global was a comprehensive evaluation of both my theoretical knowledge and practical coding abilities. The questions covered a range of topics from OOPS in C++ to SQL queries, providing a holistic assessment of my suitability for the Software Trainee Internship role.

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