Ecologically Sensitive Zones

Ecologically Sensitive Zones (ESZ) are the areas designated to protect the biodiversity and conservation of natural habitats for specific species. It aims to minimize the conflict between man and nature and reduce forest depletion and ecological imbalances. The purpose of declaring ESZs is to create some protected areas, especially around natural parks and wildlife sanctuaries, by regulating and controlling certain activities. It includes areas within 10 km of the boundaries of national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, considered eco-fragile zones and protected by regulations. 

Ecologically Sensitive Zones (ESZ) in India:

Ecologically Sensitive Zones are notified by the Central Government through the Ministry of Environment Forests and Climate Change under the Environment Protection Act 1986. India has more than 600 Ecologically Sensitive Zones declared across different states. Some of India’s major Eco-Sensitive Zones are Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Karnataka.

These Zones are restricted for activities like commercial wood usage, set up of industries, mining, and tourism. The discharge of solid or fluid waste, production of hazardous substances, and operations leading to any kind of pollution are also strictly prohibited. The areas surrounding the forests and wildlife corridors are often crucial for maintaining ecological links and, therefore, need protection. This would prevent the destruction of biodiversity and the natural growth of flora and fauna.

Ecologically Sensitive Zones(ESZ) in India

Purpose of Ecologically Sensitive Zones (ESZ):

The purpose of creating Ecologically Sensitive Zones is to maintain the ecological balance and biodiversity in different regions of the country where the natural environment of the habitat of animals is facing a threat due to the rapid increase in various development projects like the establishment of industry, mining, erection of dams, and road construction. These developmental activities have led to the depletion of forest lands and affect their natural growth due to increased pollution. The areas reserved for the survival and growth of natural flora and fauna must be protected from human intervention by building a protective boundary around them.

Features of Ecologically Sensitive Zones(ESZ):

As per the regulations imposed concerning the ESZ, certain activities are regulated or not permitted in and around these protected areas, which are creating potential risks and hazards to natural resources. Activities that aim to reduce environmental pollution, protect natural lives, and enhance agricultural outputs are permitted around the ESZ. The details are given as follows:

A. Activities Permitted: Ongoing agricultural or horticultural practices, rainwater harvesting, organic farming, and renewable energy sources. 

B. Activities Prohibited: Commercial mining, sawmills, industries causing pollution, hydroelectric projects, commercial use of wood, tourism activities like hot-air balloons, and discharge of industrial and domestic waste. 

C. Activities Under Regulation: Establishment of hotels and resorts, commercial use of natural water, laying of electrical cables, adoption of heavy technology, and widening of roads.

Ecologically Sensitive Zones are meant to guard the ecologically sensitive areas from the negative impact of specific human developmental activities. The guidelines state that the SEZs are to be created considering the daily livelihoods of local people to bring some refinement to the environment around them. 

Significance of Ecologically Sensitive Zones(ESZ):

Following are the significance of Ecologically Sensitive Zones:

  • Areas declared as Ecologically Sensitive Zone would minimize the impact of man-made activities, including industrialization and other developmental activities.
  • Creating Ecologically Sensitive Zones minimizes the destruction of forest areas, maintains biodiversity, prevents soil degradation, and reduces conflict between man and animal by providing a sustainable environment.
  • These zones are created to protect natural resources and consider local communities’ socio-economic development.
  • It benefits the local people by refining the surrounding environment.
  • The ESZ created around protected areas like wildlife sanctuaries and national parks act as a guard to minimize the negative impact of pollution and hazardous waste generation.
  • These are site-specific and based on regional features, which deal with conserving specified endangered species by protecting their natural habitat.

Procedure for Declaring Ecologically Sensitive Zones(ESZ):

The established procedure for declaring Ecologically Sensitive Zones is:

  • A Committee is made of wildlife experts, ecologists, revenue department officials, and officials from local administration to study the activities happening around protected areas.
  • This committee prepares an audit report based on the study of land use patterns, different types of activities, and industrial operations around protected areas and wildlife corridors. 
  • Chief Wildlife Warden then categorizes the activities under prohibited, restricted, or permissible categories.
  • The final proposals of the committee are sent to the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate change for further consideration, processing, and issuing notification for implementation.
  • Finally, the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate change declares Ecologically Sensitive Zones.

Challenges Faced by Eco-Sensitive Zones:

The guidelines of ESZ define the 10 km boundary around the protected areas that fall within habitat zones in many states and affect developmental activities. Local people have raised some concerns as the restrictions may affect their daily livelihood activities. The existing regulations have adversely affected the traditional practices of the local people and therefore caused apprehension that it would worsen their socio-economic conditions. 

To deal with these challenges, the government has proposed that the boundary of ESZs had to be determined based on region-specific requirements. A team of representatives from the forest department, revenue department, and Panchayat discuss together to decide on the zone selection considering the interest and concerns of local groups.


The natural parks and wildlife sanctuaries contribute significantly to the ecological balance by maintaining biodiversity and the natural growth of flora and fauna. So protecting these areas from the adverse impact of human intervention and maintaining an optimum ecological balance is necessary. A forest area or a protected zone cannot be separated from the mainland by a definite boundary line. The Ecologically Sensitive Zone extending around a few kilometers around the protected areas acts like a shock absorber to protect the ecologically fragile zones from the negative impact of human intervention on its core areas.

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