ECB Mode vs CBC Mode in Cryptography

The Electronic Code Book (ECB) is the easiest block cipher way of functioning. It is easier since each block of input plaintext is directly encrypted, and the output is in the form of encrypted ciphertext blocks. In general, if a message is bigger than b bits in size, it can be divided into many blocks and the process repeated. Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) in Cryptography is a block mode of DES that XORs with the next block of plaintext to be encrypted. The first encrypted block is an initialization vector with random data.

What is ECB Mode?

The Electronic Code Book (ECB) in Cryptography is the most basic and weakest version of DES. At the sender site, plain text messages are split into 64-bit sub-blocks. This technique encrypts each subblock individually. Two plaintexts with partially similar sections (such as a letter header) encrypted with the same key are partially identical ciphertext portions. ECB is appropriate for encrypting small messages, but CBC is better suited to encrypting larger ones.

How Does ECB Mode in Cryptography Work?

  • The Electronic Code Book (ECB) mode is one of the easiest and most effective algorithms to use as a simple replacement technique.
  • The input plaintext is divided into blocks and encrypted separately with the key. This enables the decryption of each encrypted block independently. Encrypting the same block twice returns the same ciphertext twice.
  • In general, if a message is greater than b bits, it can be divided into blocks and the process repeated.

What is CBC Mode?

CBC (cipher-block chaining) in cryptography is an AES block cipher mode that improves the ECB mode for minimizing patterns in plaintext. CBC mode does this by XOR’ing the first plaintext block (B1) with an initialization vector before encrypting it. CBC also uses block chaining, in which each following plaintext block is XOR-ed with the ciphertext of the preceding block.

How Does CBC Mode in Cryptography Work?

  • In CBC mode, the current plaintext block is added to the previous ciphertext block, and using the key. the output is encrypted Decryption is thus the opposite procedure, which entails decrypting the current ciphertext and then adding the preceding ciphertext block to the production.
  • The advantage of CBC in Cryptography over ECB is that altering IV produces a different ciphertext for the same message. On the downside, the chaining effect causes the mistake in transmission to spread to a few more blocks during decryption.
  • It’s worth noting that CBC mode provides the foundation for a well-known data origin authentication scheme. Thus, it benefits applications that require both symmetric encryption and data origin authentication.

Which One Should I Choose?

ECB and CBC are two block cipher modes of operation in cryptography. The best option depends on the requirements of the project. For example, ECB and CBC modes ensure secrecy, but the Galois Counter Mode protects confidentiality and integrity.

When deciding between ECB and CBC mode, always go with CBC. As previously stated, ECB mode exposes information about the plaintext since identical plaintext blocks yield similar ciphertext blocks. A ciphertext never reveals any information about the plaintext used to generate it, hence ECB mode is unsafe and should never be employed. Parallel encryption of blocks of bits is possible, making it an easier way to encrypt.

Key Differences Between ECB and CBC

ECB Mode

CBC Mode

The Electronic Code Book (ECB) mode uses basic substitution, making it one of the most straightforward and efficient algorithms to implement.

CBC (cipher-block chaining) is an AES block cipher mode that improves the ECB mode for minimizing patterns in plaintext.

The ciphertext is simple for decoding in ECB mode.

In CBC, it is difficult for the attacker to decrypt the ciphertext.

It is appropriate for encrypting small messages.

It’s useful for encrypting large messages.

ECB does not take advantage of the feedback mechanism.

CBC uses a feedback mechanism.

ECB does not use an Initialization Vector.

CBC uses an Initialization Vector.

It is used to transmit a single value securely.

It is used to encrypt blocks of text during authentication.


ECB and CBC are two of the several block cipher modes of operation. A ciphertext is not supposed to disclose any information about the plaintext used for it, hence ECB mode is insecure and should never be used.

Frequently Asked Questions on ECB Mode vs CBC Mode in Cryptography – FAQs

Why is CBC better than ECB?

In ECB mode each block of plaintext is encrypted entirely separately. This issue is solved by CBC mode, which transfers information from one block to the next during encryption or decryption.

Why is ECB rarely used to encrypt the message?

ECB is not recommended for use in cryptographic protocols because ECB encrypts identical plaintext blocks into identical ciphertext blocks and can not hide data patterns well.

Why should block ciphers not be used in ECB mode?

Block ciphers should not be used in ECB mode, encrypting identical plaintext blocks into similar ciphertext blocks, does not conceal data patterns well.

Is ECB mode secure?

You should avoid using ECB mode because it encrypts identical message blocks into similar ciphertext blocks.

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