DXC technology Interview Experience (On-Campus) 2024

Dxc Technology visited for campus placements.
Eligibility criteria:
Percentage in X and XII – 60% or 6.0 CGPA
Pursuing Degree – 65% or 6.5 CGPA
No Standing of Arrears

1st Round:

The platform for conducting exams is the SHL platform. 2 and a half hrs exam. There are many sections:

  1. Aptitude: simple arithmetic aptitude( Indiabix is enough)
  2. Cognitive mcqs etc.
  3. Communication assessment( paragraph questions, basic English, speaking, listening reading etc..)
  4. Pseudo codes
  5. 2 coding questions( very easy 1 is prime numbers and other is strings.simple)

After 1 month got results for 1st Technical Round.

  • Introduce Yourself
  • Which language are u proficient in? Why u choose that language?
  • Oops concepts (basic 4 pillars)
    Runtime vs compile time
    Multiple inheritance in java
    What are interfaces
    What do you know about abstract classes
  • Y did u do those certifications?
  • What are the current technologies You know?
  • What do u know about cloud computing?
  • Explain your projects. and some questions from our projects what technologies and why did I choose those technologies?
  • Group project or single project?
  • Where do u see yourself in the next 5 years?
  • What are our strengths? What are our weaknesses?
  • What do you know about dxc?

The interview lasts around 45 to 50mins. The interviewer was very friendly and I couldn’t answer some questions on malware and attacks in cyber security as I have a certificate in cyber security he asked. he didn’t bother much about that. Be confident and be honest. honesty helped me a lot. After 1 month I got an email regarding my 2nd round of interviews.. yes the process is too slow.. and irritating but the interviewers are good.

2nd Round

Again followed up with an introduction then he asked about my projects and technologies and explained them.

  • What are the operating systems u know? Have u worked on them ( kernel, Linux etc..)
  • Some dbms ( very basic theory not queries..)
  • Again what do u know about dxc?
  • Any group projects? any conflicts in the project etc.

Lasted for 30 mins.

Still, results are pending.

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