Duration parse(CharSequence) method in Java with Examples

The parse(CharSequence) method of Duration Class in java.time package is used to get a Duration from a string passed as the parameter. The format for the String to be parsed is “PnDTnHnMn.nS” where “nD” means ‘n’ number of Days, “nH” means ‘n’ number of Hours, “nM” means ‘n’ number of Minutes, “nS” means ‘n’ number of Seconds and “T” is a prefix that must be used before the part consisting of “nHnMn.nS”.  The formats accepted are based on the ISO-8601 duration format. Syntax:

public static Duration parse(CharSequence text)

Parameters: This method accepts a parameter text which is CharSequence to be parsed into Duration. Return Value: This method returns a Duration representing the time passed in the form of CharSequence as parameter. Exception: This method throws DateTimeParseException if the text cannot be parsed to a duration. Below examples illustrate the Duration.parse() method: Example 1: 


// Java code to illustrate parse() method
import java.time.Duration;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Get the text
        String time = "P2DT3H4M";
        // Duration using parse() method
        Duration duration
            = Duration.parse(time);



Example 2: To demonstrate DateTimeParseException 


// Java code to illustrate parse() method
import java.time.Duration;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Get the text
        String time = "M";
        try {
            // Duration using parse() method
            Duration duration
                = Duration.parse(time);
        catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Exception: " + e);


 Text cannot be parsed to a Duration

Reference: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/docs/api/java/time/Duration.html#parse-java.lang.CharSequence-

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