Druva Interview Experience for Software Engineer

They conducted 3 rounds

  1. Coding round
  2. Technical Interview
  3. Techno Hr

Round 1 :

There were 3 easy-medium Coding questions and 10 MCQs to solve within 70 min.

  1. A question is similar to  Capitalize the first letter of a sentence. with variations.
  2. Next permutation of given number digit. ( Similar to next permutations)
  3. Given a string having words separated by spaces. Print the words with a frequency of character more than 1 then print the word.  Input:   “Aabc abcd abdd”  Output :”Aabc abdd”
  4. There were 10 MCQs to solve  topics including Cs fundamentals from 
    1. CNS ( DDOS, Man in middle attack, SQL Injection ) 
    2. Linux ( Difference between > and >> ,Linux chmod command) 
    3. DBMS ( index) 
    4. OS ( cache) 

Around 500 students appeared for the first round, and 14 students were shortlisted for the next round. The evaluation criteria focus on the correctness of responses and the timeliness of submissions.

Round 2: Technical Interview

The interview primarily centered around fundamental concepts, serving as a gauge of your understanding of the subject matter. The process proceeded seamlessly, with the interviewer providing assistance whenever necessary. In instances where you encountered challenges, the interviewer thoughtfully offered hints to guide you toward a solution.

Questions asked were : 

  1. Deadlock vs Livelock. 
  2. Join 2 tables based on some condition. The interviewer was expecting multiple approaches.
    1. Table join.
    2. Subqueries. 
  3. Set operations in SQL.
    1. Left outer join diagrammatically using Venn diagram.
  4. Table joins.
    1. Cross join vs inner join.
  5. Implementation of the stack. Discussion regarding stack operation and time complexity. 
  6. Implementation of min stack.
  7. Priority queues time complexity and operations such as Heapify. 
  8. Rearrange characters in a String such that no two adjacent characters are the same.

The interviewer asked if I had any questions to ask. Asking inquiries can demonstrate your interest in the company, which is a good idea. I asked about the following:

  1.  How Freshmen Fit In: I was curious as to how fresh graduates like myself adapt to the way the business operates.
  2.  Obtaining Projects I enquired as to how they determine which tasks each employee completes and how they ensure that it matches their qualifications and preferences.
  3.  What the Business does additionally, I was interested in learning more about the services the business offers to its customers.

By asking these questions, I demonstrated not just my enthusiasm for the business but also got valuable knowledge.

After Round 2, 5 students were selected.

Round 3: Techno HR

  1. The first question was how would you differentiate yourself from others in the office.
  2. Describe yourself in one word.
  3. Then we moved to the project section. I had 2 internships and did a couple of projects. Questions were asked from that domain.
  4. Peer-to-peer communication.
  5. WebRtc what is it that we establish and how does the connection is established between peers?
  6. Given 3 cities assume it to be Delhi, New York, and Boston and we are sending data from Delhi to New York and from Boston to New York which will reach first and what will happen if the bandwidth is increased or decreased. 
    1. Discussion around Bandwidth, delay, and latency.
  7. TCP vs UDP Connections. 
  8. When to use TCP and when to use UDP.
  9. UDP use cases and why UDP is used for real-time video conferences.
  10. UDP in real life. (example I gave was WIFI )

Coming to other projects which was a movie booking website 

  1. He asked whether the website is hosted or not. (advice: Hosted website is a plus point).
  2. How I implemented the functionality of seat booking by the customers. 
  3. If collisions occur whenever 2 or more people are booking a movie, such that they have selected overlapping seats and the server receives the request at the same instant, how will you resolve it? Who will be getting the seat?
  4. Java is an interpreted or compiled language. What is JVM ( I wasn’t comfortable in Java, so he didn’t ask further questions from Java).
  5. Why node Js?
  6. Is node js interpreted language or compiled language?
  7. How many programs does node js run at one time?
  8. Event looping in node js.
  9. What is thread, process, and program?
  10. How is thread different from the process?
  11. What would happen if thousands of requests come to your server at the same time which one will be executed first (given that the arrival time is the same). How will the data remain consistent?
  12. Deadlock on the server side.
  13. What is JWT? Why is it used for?
  14. How you implemented authorization using JWT?
  15. Activities that I do that I haven’t written in my resume.

After this interview, I asked if I had any questions. I asked a few questions that were :

  1. About company work culture. Junior-senior relationship.
  2. Why use cloud service? Why can’t we have a data center?

Every question that I asked. I got a detailed answer to my doubts.

Out of the 5 selected 2 cleared the interview and I got selected.

Tips for the interview :

  1. Keep the interview more engaging and do not just consider it a question-answer type thing.
  2. Even if you do not know the answer, don’t say I don’t know, instead try one or two times and ask for hints. Even if you didn’t catch the answer, do ask the interviewer for the answer. They just want to check you’re never giving up attitude.
  3. Before rushing towards telling the solution or anything first understand the question. Always start by telling the brute force approach and then explain the demerits of the approach. It can be time complexity or other than give some optimized solution if present. If there is a more optimized approach, wait till the interviewer asks.

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