Druva Interview Experience for SDET 2023

Interview experience: Druva

Round 1 :

Coding Aptitude: 2 parts

  • 1. CNS, OS, Linux command, DSA-based basic MCQ questions
  • 2. Three coding problems:
  • Find the number of vowels present in the string
  • Check whether the given number lies in the Fibonacci series or not

(fib seq: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21….)

  • Find the maximum two-digit number present in the given big integer

Ex. I/p: 7649833

Ans. 98

Round 2: Technical interview (40 min.)


  • What is 1. subnet mask
  • IP address
  • Mac address
  • ipconfig
  • ifconfig
  • TCP
  • Difference between TCP and UDP
  • What happens when you type google.com in the browser
  • Protocol stake layer in OS model
  • DNS server
  • DHCP


  • What is multi-threading
  • What is thread and process
  • What is multi-processing

Linux questions:

  • Which one is used in Linux: ifconfig or ipconfig and what do they display after executing
  • What is the command used to find the specific string present in the file or not
  • What is the command used for finding file is present or not in the directory
  • How to search for a specific file like xyz.txt from the computer there are many

directories and files present in Linux on the terminal

Coding problems given in the technical round to write on paper:

1. Write a program in any language the find a particular string present in the file or not.

(I solved this using the file handling concept in Java)

2. Write a program in any language to remove the duplicate lines from the given log file.

(I solved this in Java using HashSet and file handling)

3. Given a list of single-digit integers we have to find the occurrences of 0,0,7 in sequence

There may other integers present between 0 and 0,7
Input list : [2,0,5,0,7,3]
Output: 1 occurrence of 0,0,7

Coding problem asked to others:

  • write merge sort
  • Find the third/second largest and third/second smallest integer in the list
  • Two sum and three sum problems from leetcode
  • Basic string manipulation

Round 2: Technical + HR interview :

I was not selected after technical, this was my first interview.

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