Double Buffering

Double Buffering refers to minimizing the delay that occurs between input and output operations in database management systems that use a buffer. Double buffering saves time and allows multiple processes to run simultaneously. It allows one set of data to be used while another set of data is collected, and then these two sets of data switch places. 

Double Buffering:

Double Buffering is a temporary storage area in the main memory that allows data to be stored while it is being transferred. The buffer manager is in charge of allocating space in the buffer for data storage. All actions of the buffer manager are performed internally and are not visible in the program.

For example, while program A is being read, program B can be written, and while program B is being read, program A can be written. It takes place in two places at the same time.

Double Buffering 

Computers prefer to deal with chunks of data rather than the entire program, and in these cases, a double buffer is frequently used. It increases the speed of the program.

The use of multiple buffers increases the overall throughput of a device and helps in the prevention of bottlenecks or setbacks. A bottleneck is a setback that occurs when too much data enters a source, causing a computer to slow down. A computer may become unresponsive due to a bottleneck.

For example, if too many people use a website at the same time, it may become unresponsive. Some users may experience errors, or the website may take longer to load.

 In graphics, for example, double buffering can display one image or frame while another frame is buffered to be displayed next. This method produces more realistic animations and games than the single buffer mode.

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