Dolat Capital Interview Experience SDE

There were 3 rounds, which included one online test, one technical interview of 2hours, and one HR. For the online test, there were 2 sections. (i) 6 MCQs to be answered in 12 minutes, (ii) 3 coding questions. Q1 is to implement a billing system for the parking lot of a commercial building. Q2 is on the concept of finding the number of combinations. Q3 is based on a binary tree.

2nd round(Technical Round): 

This was around for 2 hours and he asked me questions from OOPs concept and C/C++. He asked me “what is virtual function and demonstrate it”, “What is Polymorphism and difference between compile time polymorphism and runtime polymorphism”, “Demonstrate operator overloading”,  “what is pointer”. He asked me questions related to dynamically memory allocation and where the memory got allocated during this in the memory. Then I was asked to write the code for the array of pointers using dynamic memory concept. Then I was given 3 DSA question which I have to write in docs from scratch. Q1. Code to check the palindrome in a string for each character, i.e., suppose the string is “dolat”, then you have to check the palindrome for ‘d’, ‘do’, ‘dol’, ‘dola’, ’dolat’. Q2. Code to return the average of last n number and if the number of total numbers is less than n then return the average of numbers which are present. Btw this whole program I had to implement through a class. Q3. He gave a string “I like Dolat 29.06 Capital 15” and the code should return “I like Dolat Capital 44.06”.

3rd round (HR Round):

This was around 15 minutes and started by our introduction. Then she asked me about my family and my location preference and why no other place and if other preference then which location I should prefer than Mumbai (This company has only one branch in Mumbai but she asked me this question). As this is a High Frequency Trading company and the profile is SDE but my resume contains most things related to ML and analytics, so she asked me why I choose this job when my area is ML. Then she asked me “whether this is my first interview?” I told “yes you are the first company I am eligible for” and she asked me why I was not eligible for other company and what is the CGPA criteria for other company. I had to tell something and I should not disclose information about other company and my CGPA is also above 8. So, I told “Your company is the first company in our college for CSE and IT branch and previous companies were for lower branch. (In reality this was not first company where I was interviewed but had to answer this question in diplomatic way bcz if you disclosed information about other company then consequences might be negative).

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