Does a VPN Protect You From Hackers?

Virtual Private Network (VPN) can keep you safer from bad people trying to steal your information online. It hides your real internet address and scrambles your online activities so no one can see what you’re doing. When you hide where you are and what you’re doing, it’s much harder for bad people to take your important data.

This guide will explain how to use a VPN to stay safe from bad people. We’ll cover the different kinds of attacks the VPN protects against and how to start using one. Everything will be explained in a simple way that is easy to understand.

Common Cyberattacks a VPN may Prevent

DDoS attacks

These attacks use fake traffic to overload websites so real people can’t get in. Bad people make networks of infected computers called botnets. Then they use the botnet to send too much traffic to the website. The website gets too much traffic and normal people can’t use it. These attacks can target big websites, games, banks, and businesses. A VPN hides your real address, so these attacks can’t find you accurately.

Man-in-the-middle attack

These attacks happen on free public wifi. A bad person gets between you and what you’re looking at online. When they can see what you’re doing, they can steal data they want. If you use a VPN on public wifi, your activities use secret codes. The bad person can’t see your data with the VPN codes – it’s all hidden.


Bad software like viruses and pop-ups can get into your computer easily from bad websites or files. VPNs don’t stop bad software directly. But top VPNs now include ad blockers to protect you from pop-ups, trackers, and other threats.

Session hijacking

Some sites let you log in without typing your password every time by giving you a session ID. Bad people can steal your session ID and trick the site into thinking they are you. VPNs use secret codes so the bad person can’t get your session ID.

Free public wifi hotspots

Public free wifi is risky because anyone can see your activities since it’s not coded. But a VPN puts your public wifi into a coded tunnel so no one can see what you do.


Bad people make fake websites and apps that look real. They want to trick you into giving them your private information like passwords and credit cards. They send messages telling you to click on a link to a fake site. If you enter your information on the fake site, the bad people can steal it. VPN ad blockers help stop you from seeing the fake sites and links used for these phishing tricks.

How Does a VPN Protect You From Hackers?

VPNs hide your real address

When you use a VPN, your traffic goes through one of the VPN’s servers and gets a new address. When your real address is hidden by the VPN’s address, your digital location is secret.


One of the best ways to stop hackers is using very strong secret codes. VPNs are great at putting secret codes on your data that hackers can’t break. Most good ones use AES-256 codes, which are used by governments and military. These codes are so strong that it could take over a trillion years for hackers to break them. With numbers like that, you can feel confident your online activities are safely hidden.

Ad blocker

With the best VPN providers, you get an ad blocker with your VPN subscription. These block annoying pop-up ads with bad software, suspicious websites used for tricks, and trackers trying to get your data.

Kill switch

A kill switch is another key safety feature to protect you from hackers. Most good VPNs have a kill switch that instantly disconnects you from the internet if the VPN disconnects. It protects you from accidentally going online without protection. If your VPN disconnects without a kill switch, you might keep browsing unsafely with no protection for your address or activities.

Secure tunnels

VPNs with secure tunnels help provide a stable and safe connection. The tunnel is the set of rules for how the secret codes are created. The most secure tunnels, like WireGuard and OpenVPN, are constantly reviewed by people around the world, so any issues get quickly fixed.

What Other Tools Can Help me Protect From Hackers

Use Password Managers

Making strong passwords and using two-step logins are important for secure accounts. If you have trouble remembering many complex passwords, a password keeper can help. Password keepers safely store all your unique, hard passwords. You only need to remember one password to access the keeper. Then it can automatically fill in your logins for any account.

Install anti-virus software

Great anti-virus software is a must to protect yourself from hackers. You can regularly scan your device for any bad software. If any is found, it will be removed. A VPN can’t undo exposure to bad software like anti-virus can. If you forget your VPN or ad blocker, anti-virus can clean up any bad software that gets through.

Get ad blockers

Not all VPNs have full ad blockers. Some only block trackers but still allow pop-ups. If you want full protection from threats, you can get a complete ad blocker. A great ad blocker stops you from visiting bad websites, hides all ads (harmful or just annoying), and blocks trackers following you online. Ad blockers work with different browsers and mobile apps.

Other safety steps

  • Secure your router, make your home wifi safer by enabling WPA2 setting. This requires passwords for new devices. Change your wifi password regularly using complex passwords.
  • Enable firewall, newer computers have built-in firewalls. Firewalls block outside threats, suspicious programs, and unwanted traffic.
  • Update software regularly, new software updates often have important security fixes. As flaws are found, updates patch holes to keep you protected. The more you update, the safer you’ll be.

What Doesn’t VPN Protect You From?

1. Malware: Hackers often use bad software like viruses to get into your devices. For example, if you click a bad pop-up ad or link in an email, a virus goes right onto your phone or computer. A VPN can’t protect you if bad software is already on your device. Anti-virus software or an ad blocker can help prevent this.

2. Phishing: Hackers send fake emails pretending to be real companies like banks. They try to make you click a link by creating urgency. You can prevent this by only clicking links you know are real, as VPNs can’t protect you once the hacker has your data.

3. Humar Error: No cybersecurity tools can protect you if you make a mistake. Even the strongest VPN can’t keep you safe if you accidentally turn off your anti-virus or keep using a dangerous website.

How to Choose a VPN that can Protect You From Hackers?

1. Encryption: Make sure your VPN uses great secret codes. AES-256 codes come standard with most top VPNs and hide your online activities well.

2. Ad blocker: Not all VPNs include a full ad blocker. Choosing one that does, can help block trackers and bad software threats.

3. Kill switch: A good kill switch will never let you go online without your VPN protection by mistake. Check if your VPN has a kill switch that works on your devices.


VPNs hide your internet address and code your activities so bad people can’t see what you do online. Top VPNs use super strong codes and have safety extras like ad blockers. But VPNs don’t stop all bad stuff like viruses. You still need anti-virus protection and safe habits. Pick a VPN with the best codes, ad blocker, and kill switch to stay fully protected.

Frequently Asked Questions on Does a VPN Protect You From Hackers? -FAQs

Can hackers see my internet activities if I use a VPN?

No, with a VPN your online activities are coded so hackers cannot see what you do.

Do all VPNs use good enough codes to stop hackers?

No, you need to choose a VPN that uses very strong coding like AES-256 to keep hackers out.

What if I accidentally go online without my VPN on?

Get a VPN with a kill switch feature. It stops you from browsing unsafely if the VPN disconnects.

How can I avoid fake websites and phishing scams?

VPN ad blockers help, but you must also be careful only clicking on links you know are safe and real.

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