Distributed Coordination services (ZooKeeper) | System design

We can think of Distributed Coordination Services (DCS) as teachers who guide students on projects and ensure collaboration between students. DCS also bootstraps nodes and manages multiple nodes in parallel. In this article, we will discuss about Distributed Coordination System with the help of an example.

Important Topics for the Distributed Coordination Services

  • What is Distributed Coordination Services?
  • Example of Distributed Coordination System (DCS):
  • How does Distributed Coordination Services (DCS) works?
  • Components of Distributed Coordinate Services (DCS):
  • Benefits of Distributed Coordination Services:

What is Distributed Coordination Services?

Distributed Coordination Service (DCS) is a service that allows multiple nodes to operate and coordinate in a distributed system.

They provide tools to manage all nodes and integrate everything to ensure consistency and prevent errors. The primary goal of a DCS is to ensure that different components or nodes can work together coherently in a distributed environment.


One of the problems that arise in the ethical model is reaching a consensus of nodes, which can be done independently and is associated with failure or delay. Agreement is the process of reaching agreement among a group of nodes, even if there are errors or delays in some nodes. This is called the Consensus Problem.

Example of Distributed Coordination System (DCS):

A popular example of a shared hosting service is Apache ZooKeeper. Apache ZooKeeper is an open-source integration service that provides a reliable and powerful way to manage roles in an integrated environment. It is designed to be simple and effective by providing a convenient mechanism that the dispatcher can use to synchronize between nodes.

In this diagram,

  • ZooKeeper is widely used in large systems to store configuration information and manage voting managers across different collaborations.
  • All servers store a copy of the data in memory.
  • Client is connected with only one server, whereas server is connected with other servers as well as other clients.
  • In Apache Zookeeper, clients send the request, gets response, watch the events and connection between them is TCP.
  • Let suppose if the TCP connection to the server breaks, then client is connected with different servers.

How does Distributed Coordination Services (DCS) works?

Apache ZooKeeper works by maintaining a collection of nodes that agree on payment status using a consensus process. It provides a simple and reliable basis for building business applications by ensuring the principles of coordination and integration.

  • ZooKeeper Ensemble:
    • ZooKeeper is written on a decentralized cluster where several nodes (servers) communicate with it. alone. This process elects the leaders of most nodes to control and manage the servers.
  • ZooKeeper Datamodel:
    • Applications or products that need to be included in the integration connect to the ZooKeeper server as clients. Clients can read and write files in a hierarchical directory, similar to publishing.
  • Quorums:
    • ZooKeeper uses the same rules (as mentioned above) to maintain consistency throughout the collection. For the operation to be successful, the majority of the nodes (called the cluster) must agree on the state machine. Generally, the cluster is created by selecting a model consisting of multiple nodes.
  • Read and Write Operations:
    • Read and write operations performed on Znode. While reading can be done by one of the nodes, most of the nodes must agree for writing to be considered successful.
  • Sequential Znodes:
    • ZooKeeper provides the feature of creating sequential znodes. This is useful for adding order and ensuring a stable sequence of events.
  • Watches:
    • Customers can set monitoring of znodes. These clocks are triggered when data in the monitoring znode changes. Hours is a concept that allows users to receive notifications about changes to the device they are paying for.

Components of Distributed Coordinate Services (DCS):

Consensus protocols:

The basis of collaborative service is the consensus algorithm that helps nodes agree on a selected price or lot of work. They ensure consensus of nodes even in the event of failure or network delays. Examples of consensus algorithms: Paxos, Raft, and the two-phase devote protocol.

Leader Election:

Having a unified director (manager) consisting of several departments can facilitate the selection process. One node is appointed as the leader to manage the coordination process and maintain equality.Decentralized coordination products often include a leader election mechanism to choose the node responsible for the decision.

Shared data structures:

Distributed locks, queues, and key/value stores provide mechanisms for sharing and managing data in a consistent manner.

Distributed Locking:

Coordinated access to shared assets is a task in the distributed model. Decentralized coordination objects are often distributed locking mechanisms.Nodes can write access codes to help assign locks, prevent conflicts, and ensure isolation.With distributed locks, nodes can gather specific get right of entry to to a aid, stopping conflicts and making sure mutual exclusion.

Event Notification:

Decentralized systems often need to react to changes in decentralized countries. The decentralized coordination program provides an incident notification mechanism. Nodes can be notified of changes in the system and appropriate actions can be taken as a result.Customers can check (view) satisfaction of specific facts and be notified when information is updated, allowing for efficient collaboration.

Benefits of using Distributed Coordination Services:

  • Consistency: Ensure that all nodes in a given service are consistent in job status and setting.
  • Reliability: Provides security by allowing systems to continue operating even if some nodes fail.
  • Synchronization: Coordinate the operation and timing of nodes, avoid racing and ensure correct operation.
  • Scalability: Scale horizontally by adding nodes to the assembly to accommodate increased events
  • Event Notification: Support time-based schedules from maintenance, allowing additional changes to be made to the distribution of events in response to changes.

Therefore, integration services such as ZooKeeper are crucial for creating a powerful, large capacity and reliable distribution system and ideas for coordination, synchronization and consensus between nodes. They ensure data consistency and reliability, allowing programs to run seamlessly in a distributed environment.

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