Diseases – Definition, Classification, Types and Causes

A Disease is a condition that is strange and adversely influences the construction and working of organs or tissues or portions of a living creature. It very well may be expressed that an infection is a disagreeable condition that decays the ordinary working of the cells, organs, and tissues. It must be noticed that it isn’t because of any prompt outside injury and illness is an ailment that has explicit signs and side effects.


The disease can be categorized into different categories on the basis of mode of transmission, and period of transmission.

Chronic disease 

  • These kinds of infections are diseases that foster over the long run and persevere for quite a while or even a lifetime. Constant infection is characterized as an illness that endures for over three years. The prescription might have the option to fix a constant infection. Immunizations are additionally incapable of forestalling it. Persistent infections incorporate hypertension, joint pain, diabetes, and psoriasis.
  • The side effects are somewhat unassuming from the beginning. The persistent infection grows gradually and makes huge harm to the body. It can possibly be deadly at times. Age, orientation, and an undesirable way of life, in addition to other things, are risk factors for such sicknesses.

Examples are elephantiasis, asthma, tuberculosis, diabetes, malignant growth, and so on.

Acute Disease 

  • This type of infection shows up all of a sudden and happened for a couple of days. Intense illnesses, like the normal cold, are instances of them. Clinical treatment is an additional choice for treating this sickness.
  • An asthma episode, for instance, is intense and afterward becomes ongoing. Intense infections incorporate strep throat, broken bones, a ruptured appendix, flu, pneumonia, and others.
  • Intense infections regularly become ongoing on the off chance that they are not treated. Acute ailments can influence any piece of the body.

Examples are normal cold, influenza, pneumonia, jungle fever, and so on.

Non-infectious Diseases 

  • The sickness which doesn’t spread by contact among tainted and sound individuals through air and water is called non-irresistible infection.

Examples Cancer, hereditary anomalies, hypertension, and so on.

Infectious Diseases 

  • The sicknesses which spread because of contamination by miniature life forms are called irresistible infections.
  • At the point when an illness-causing creature enters our body it causes contamination, it duplicates and fills in the body called to have and miniature living beings duplicate in the host body.

Examples are Tuberculosis, lockjaw, Common cold, AIDS, and so on


An unfavorably susceptible response emerges when the body becomes overly sensitive to specific unfamiliar substances called allergens. This typically happens when the insusceptible framework responds strangely to any apparently innocuous substances.

  • Peanuts and different nuts have the capacity to cause serious hypersensitive responses that might prompt perilous circumstances, for example, trouble in breathing, tissues ballooning and obstructing the aviation routes, and hypersensitivity shock.
  • Normal allergens incorporate residue, dust, creature dander, vermin, quills, plastic, and furthermore certain food items like nuts and gluten.
  • Other normal and less perilous side effects incorporate hacking, wheezing, running nose, irritated and red eyes, and skin rashes. One of the most amazing instances of this unfavorably susceptible response is asthma.

Example Roughage fever (hypersensitive rhinitis), dermatitis, hives, asthma, and food sensitivity. 

Deficiency Disease 

Inadequacy illnesses are sicknesses that are brought about by the absence of specific fundamental supplements, particularly nutrients and minerals, in one’s eating routine over a delayed timeframe.

A decent eating regimen is critical for the great soundness of an individual. Any unevenness in the eating regimen could prompt abundance or deficient admission of specific supplements. Lacking admission of a specific supplement can prompt an inadequacy infection.

This kind of infection happens because of the lack of chemicals, minerals, supplements, and nutrients. For instance, diabetes happens because of a failure to create or use insulin, goiter is fundamentally brought about by iodine lack, and kwashiorkor is brought about by an absence of proteins in the eating routine. Lack of vitamin B 1 causes beriberi.

Example expanded thyroid organ, Scurvy, Rickets, Anemia, Night visual impairment, and so on.


  • Prompt reasonThe living beings that enter our body and cause the infection are named as a quick reason. For instance, infection, microorganisms, protozoa, and so on.
  • Contributory reasonThe optional variables which drove these living beings to enter our bodies are named a contributory reason. For instance, messy water, debased food, inappropriate sustenance, an unfortunate way of life, and so on.

Infectious causes 

They incorporate the specialists like organisms or miniature living beings as the prompt causes which spread the sickness from a tainted individual to a sound individual.

The sicknesses which spread because of contamination by miniature creatures are called irresistible infections.

At the point when a sickness-causing living being enters our body it causes contamination, it duplicates and fills in the body called to have, and miniature life forms increases in the host body.

  • Infections – Much more modest than microorganisms, infections cause a large number of illnesses going from the normal cold to AIDS.
  • Parasites – Jungle fever is brought about by a little parasite that is sent by a mosquito nibble.
  • Organisms – Many skin sicknesses, like ringworm and competitor’s foot, are brought about by parasites. Different kinds of growths can contaminate your lungs or sensory system.
  • Microscopic organisms – These one-cell living beings are answerable for diseases like strep throat, urinary parcel contaminations, and tuberculosis.

Non-infectious Causes 

  • The sickness which doesn’t spread by contact among tainted and sound individuals through air and water is called non-irresistible illness.
  • The sickness which doesn’t spread by contact among tainted and sound individuals through air and water is called non-irresistible illness.

Examples Cancer, hereditary irregularities, hypertension, and so on.

Inadequacy Diseases  

They happen because of the lack of chemicals, minerals, supplements, and nutrients. For instance, diabetes happens because of powerlessness to deliver or use insulin, goiter is fundamentally brought about by iodine lack.

Degenerative Diseases 

They are primarily brought about by the failing of fundamental organs in the body because of the crumbling of cells over the long run. Illnesses, for example, osteoporosis show qualities of degenerative sicknesses such as expanded bone shortcoming. This expands the gamble of bone breaks.


When the body becomes easily affected by specific unfamiliar substances in particular allergens, unfavorably susceptible responses occur. It happens when the safe framework responds strangely to any unfamiliar substances which can be innocuous.

Conceptual Questions

Question 1: How do diseases cause by indirect contact? 


Sickness-causing life forms likewise can be passed by backhanded contact. Numerous microbes can wait on a lifeless thing, for example, a tabletop, door handle or fixture handle.

Question 2: Explain the disease caused by insect bites? 


A few microorganisms depend on bug transporters — like mosquitoes, insects, lice, or ticks — to move from one host to another. These transporters are known as vectors. Mosquitoes can convey the intestinal sickness parasite.

Question 3: Mention some disease-causing agents? 


  • Plague – Pasteurella pestis
  • Cholera – Vibrio comma (Vibrio cholera)
  • Lockjaw – Clostridium tetani
  • Outshining hack – Borde tella pertussis
  • Bacillus anthracis – Bacillus anthracis
  • AIDS (AIDS) – Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
  • Chickenpox – Varicella-zoster infection
  • Hepatitis – Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis D, Hepatitis E infections

Question 4: Explain viruses and diseases caused by viruses? 


Infection is a microorganism that is consistently pathogenic in nature. They don’t have sub-atomic hardware to reproduce without a host. In this manner, they enter the host cell and repeat and in the process obliterate the host cell. A couple of the normal illnesses spread by the infections are cold, flu, dengue fever AIDS, and so on.

Question 5: Explain how diseases are caused by various forms? 


  • Microbes like infection, microorganisms, parasites, protozoans, or worms.
  • Inherited and hereditary turmoil. Absence of appropriate treatment of vaccination.
  • Natural contamination (air, water, and so forth.)
  • Chronic frailty and under-sustenance.

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