Direct and Inverse Proportions

Direct and Inverse Proportions is a mathematical concept which help us understanding how quantities are dependent on each other. Let’s say if you drive faster you will reach your destination in less time, similarly if a laborer works for more hours he will earn more.

Direct and Inverse Proportions

Here we see that speed and time are in opposite relation and hence are in inverse proportion while wage and working hours are in direct proportion. Direct and Inverse Proportion is a very important topic for class 8 to understand ratios and proportions.

Let’s understand in detail about Direct and Inverse Proportions definition, formula and properties.

Table of Content

  • Direct and Inverse Proportions
    • Direct and Inverse Proportions Definition
  • Direct Proportion
  • Direct Proportion Formula
  • Examples of Direct Proportion
  • Solved Examples on Direct Proportion
  • Inverse Proportion
  • Inverse Proportion Formula
  • Examples of Inverse Proportion
  • Difference between Direct and Inverse Proportions
  • Solved Problems on Inverse Proportions

Direct and Inverse Proportions

When two quantities are in direct proportion (or directly proportional), they increase or decrease in the same ratio. If one quantity doubles, the other also doubles; if one is halved, the other is halved as well. Direct and inverse proportions are mathematical concepts used to describe the relationship between two variables. Understanding these relationships helps in solving real-world problems where quantities are interdependent.

  • When two variables are in direct proportion, as one increases, the other increases at a constant rate. This relationship is often expressed as y = kx where y and x are the variables and k is a constant factor.
  • In an inverse proportion, as one variable increases, the other decreases such that the product of the two variables is a constant. This is expressed as xy = k, where where y and x are the variables and k is a constant factor.

Direct and Inverse Proportions Definition

The proportion is said to be a direct proportion between two values when one is a multiple of the other while The value is said to be inversely proportional when one value increases, and the other decreases.

Direct Proportion

If x and y are any two quantities such that both of them increase or decrease together and x/y remains constant (say k), then we say that x and y are in Direct Proportion. This is written as x ∝ y and read as x is directly proportional to y.

Direct Proportion Formula

x ∝ y

(x/y) = k ⇒ x = ky 

Where k is constant of proportion.

 Similarly, if y1 and y2 are the values of y corresponding to the values of x1 and x2 of x respectively, then


Examples of Direct Proportion

On the occasion of the School Anniversary, the Head Master of the school decided to take up a plantation of saplings. The number of students in each class is given below in the form of a table.







Number of Students






Each student has to plant two saplings. Find the number of saplings needed for the plantation for each class.







Number of Students






Number of Saplings required






What can you say regarding the number of saplings required? What kind of change do you observe in the number of students and number of saplings required? Either both increase or decrease.

Now, let’s help our friend Geethika in finding the total number of cups of water required to cook 6 cups of rice. As mentioned earlier, Geethika uses 4 cups of water to cook 2 cups of rice.

Number of cups of rice 



Number of cups of water



Here, it can be observed that the number of cups of water required increases with an increase in the number of cups of rice.

In this case, 2 is the constant of proportion. Here, the two quantities number of cups of water and the number of cups of rice are said to be in direct proportion to each other i.e.,

Number of cups of water ∝ Number of cups of rice

Solved Examples on Direct Proportion

Problem 1: A vertical pole of 10 m height casts a 20 m long shadow. Find the height of another pole that casts an 80m long shadow under similar conditions.


The length of the Shadow is directly proportional to the height of the pole.

Height of Pole



Length of Shadow



So, (x1 / y1) = (x2 / y2). Here, x1 = 10m   y1 = 20m   x2 = ?   and y2 = 80m.

Upon substituting the values,

(10 / 20) = (x2 / 80)

x2 = (10 x 80) / 20

x2 = 40m

Therefore, the height of another pole is x2 = 40m.

Problem 2: If the cost of 50m of cloth is Rs. 1500, then what will be the cost of 10m of that cloth?


The cost of the cloth is directly proportional to the length of the cloth.

Length of cloth



Cost of cloth



So, (x1/y1) = (x2 / y2). 

Here, x1 = 50m, y1 = Rs.1500, x2 = 10m, y2 = ?

Upon substituting the values,

(50/500) = (10/y2)

⇒ y2 = (10×1500)/50

⇒ y2 = 300

Therefore, the cost of 10m cloth is Rs.300.

Problem 3: Following are the vehicle parking charges near a Bus Station.

Number of Hours 


Parking Charges


up-to 4 hours


up-to 8 hours


up-to 12 hours


up-to 24 hours


Check if the parking charges and parking hours are in direct proportion.


We can observe that the parking charges (y) increase with the increase in the number of hours (x). Let’s calculate the value of (x / y). If it is a  constant, then they are in direct proportion. Otherwise, they are not in direct proportion.

   x /y = 4/40 = 8/80 = 12/120  = 24/240 = 1/10

Here, (1/10) is constant and is called the constant of proportion. You can easily observe that all these ratios are equal. So they are in Direct Proportion.

Problem 4: If the cost of 35 rice bags of the same size is Rs. 28,000. What is the cost of 100 rice bags of the same kind?


We know that if the number of rice bags purchased increases then the cost also increases. Therefore, the cost of rice bags varies directly with the number of rice bags purchased.

Number of rice bags (x)



Cost (y)

Rs. 28,000


So,  (x1/y1) = (x2/y2)  

Here x1 = 35, y1 = Rs. 28000, x2 = 100, and y2 = ?

Upon substituting the values,

(35/28000)  = (100/y2)

⇒ y2 = (100 ⨯ 28000)/35

⇒ y2 = 80,000

Therefore, the cost of 100 rice bags of the same size is y2  = Rs. 80,000

Inverse Proportion

Two quantities change in such a manner that, if one quantity increases, the other quantity decreases in the same proportion and vice versa, then it is called Inverse Proportion. 

Inverse Proportion Formula

In the above example, the number of persons engaged and the number of days are inversely proportional to each other. Symbolically, this is represented as 

If x and y are in inverse proportion, then x ∝ (1 / y)

x = k/y ⇒ xy = k

Where, k is the constant of proportionality.

For two cases of each variable, let’s consider  y1 and y2 are the values of y corresponding to the values of x1 and x2 of x respectively then


Examples of Inverse Proportion

A Parcel company has a certain number of parcels to deliver. If the company engages 36 persons, it takes 12 days. If there are only 18 people, it will take 24 days to finish the task. You see as the number of persons is the halved time taken is doubled if the company engages 72 people, will the time taken be half? Yes, it is. Let’s have a look at the table 

Number of Persons






Time Taken






How many persons shall a company engage if it wants to deliver the parcels within a day? This question can be answered using the inverse proportions as 

Difference between Direct and Inverse Proportions

The key difference between direct and Inverse Proportions is as follows:


Direct Proportion

Inverse Proportion

Relationship When two variables change in 
the same direction
When two variables change 
in opposite directions
Formulay = kx (where k is a constant)y = k/x (where k is a constant)
GraphA straight line passes through 
the origin (0,0)
A hyperbola
ExampleThe more hours you work, the 
more money you earn
The more people sharing a pizza, 
the smaller the slice each person gets
Symbol∝ (proportional to) E.g. a ∝ b∝ (inversely proportional to) E.g. a ∝ 1/b
Equationy = kxxy = k

Note: In direct proportion, as one variable increases, the other variable increases proportionally. In inverse proportion, as one variable increases, the other variable decreases proportionally.

Solved Problems on Inverse Proportions

Problem 1: If 36 workers can build a wall in 12 days, how many days will 16 workers take to build the same wall? (assuming the number of working hours per day is constant)


If the number of workers decreases, the time to take built the wall increases in the same proportion. Clearly, the number of workers varies inversely to the number of days.

So here, x1 y1 = x2 y2 

Where x1 = 36 workers, x2 = 16 workers, and y1 = 12 days and y2 = (?) days

No. of Workers

No. of days





Since the number of workers are decreasing

36 ÷ x = 16  

⇒ x = 36 / 16

So the number of days will increase in the same proportion i.e,

⇒ (36 / 16) × 12 = 27 days

Substitute, (36/16) = (y2/12)

⇒ y2 = (12 × 36)/16  = 27 days.

Therefore 16 workers will build the same wall in 27 days.

Problem 2: A car takes 4 hours to reach the destination by traveling at a speed of 60 km/h. How long will it take if the car travels at a speed of 80 Km/h?  


Method 1: As speed increases, time is taken decreases in the same proportion. So the time is taken and varies inversely to the speed of the vehicle, for the same distance.







(60 / 80) = (x / 4)

60 x 4  =  (80  x  x)

x = (60 x 4) / 80 =  3hrs.

Method 2:




4 ÷ x



(60)(x) = 80 and 4 ÷ x = y

⇒ x = 80 / 60

⇒ 4 ÷ (80 / 60) = y

⇒ y = (4 x 60) / 80 = 3hrs.

Therefore, the time taken to cover the distance at a speed of 80 Km/h is 3hrs.

Problem 3: 6 pumps are required to fill a tank in 1 hour 40 minutes. How long will it take if only 10 pumps of the same type are used?


Let the desired time to fill the tank be x minutes. Thus, we have the following table.

Number of pumps



Time (in minutes)



The lesser the number of pumps more will be the time required to fill the tank. 

So, this is a case of inverse proportion. 

Hence, (100)(6) = (x)(10)  

[As in direct proportion x1 y1 = x2 y2]

⇒ (100 x 6) / 10 = x

⇒ x = 60 minutes

Thus, time taken to fill the tank by 10 pumps is 60 minutes or 1 hour.

Problem 4: A school has 7 periods a day each of 45 minutes duration. How long would each period become, if the school has 5 periods a day? (assuming the number of school hours to be the same)


Let the desired duration of each period be x minutes. Thus, we have the following table.

Number of periods


Time for each period (in minutes)



The lesser the number of periods a day, the more will be the duration of each period.

so, this is a case of inverse proportion.

Hence, (7)(45) = (x)(5)

[As in direct proportion x1 y1 = x2 y2]

⇒ (7 x 45) / 5 = x

⇒ x = 63 minutes

Thus, time duration of each period if the school has 5 periods a day is 63 minutes or 1 hour 3 minutes.

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Direct and Inverse Proportions Worksheet

Problem 1: A car consumes 5 liters of fuel for every 100 kilometers it travels. How much fuel will it need to travel 450 kilometers?

Problem 2: If 9 workers can build a wall in 15 days, how many days would it take 5 workers to build the same wall, assuming they work at the same rate?

Problem 3: A recipe for cookies requires 250 grams of flour to make 20 cookies. How much flour is needed to make 80 cookies?

Problem 4: If it takes 6 hours for 4 machines to complete a task, how long will it take 10 machines to complete the same task, assuming all machines work at the same efficiency?

Problem 5: A school planned a field trip that requires $600 for transportation. This cost is evenly split among the students attending. If 20 students initially plan to go, how much does each student pay if 5 more students join?

Problem 6: A pump can fill a tank in 3 hours. How long would it take for two identical pumps working together to fill the same tank?

Direct and Inverse Proportions – FAQs

What is Direct Proportion?

Direct proportion is a relationship between two variables where they change in the same direction, meaning that if one variable increases, the other variable also increases, and vice versa. 

What is Inverse Proportion?

Inverse proportion is a relationship between two variables where they change in opposite directions, meaning that if one variable increases, the other variable decreases, and vice versa.

How can we determine if two variables are Directly Proportional?

We can determine if two variables are directly proportional by plotting them on a graph and checking if the graph is a straight line passing through the origin (0,0). Also, we can also check if the ratio of the two variables is constant.

How can we determine if two variables are Inversely Proportional?

We can determine if two variables are inversely proportional by plotting them on a graph and checking if the graph is a hyperbola. Also we can also check if the product of the two variables is constant.

What are some Examples of Direct Proportion?

Some examples of direct proportion are:

  • The more hours you work, the more money you earn.
  • The more ingredients you use, the more cookies you can bake.
  • The faster you run, the more distance you cover.

What are some Examples of Inverse Proportion?

Some examples of inverse proportion are:

  • The more people sharing a pizza, the smaller the slice each person gets.
  • The more you dilute a solution, the weaker it becomes.
  • The the narrower the strap of your bag, the more pressure you feel on your shoulder.

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