Diiffernce Betweeen Docker Network And VM Network

The focus of the modern software industry is now on the way applications are packaged, distributed, and executed with Docker and virtual machines (VMs) being the core technologies behind their accomplishments (the revolution). Whether it be using Docker or VMs, they both provide isolated operations that help run applications, but their approaches are different as shown when it comes to the issue of networking. In this post, we will attempt to unravel the complex rules of Docker networking and VM networking, by outlining the differences, major terms associated, and their practical significance.

Difference Between Docker Network vs VM Network

  • The following are the difference between docker network and virtual network:


Docker Network

VM Network


Process-level isolation

Full OS-level isolation

Resource Utilization

Lightweight, minimal resource overhead

More resource-intensive

Networking Models

Bridge, overlay, host networks

Bridged networking, NAT, VLANs

Network Abstraction

Abstracts networking at the container level

Abstracts networking at the virtual machine level

Deployment Scalability

Well-suited for microservices architectures

Suitable for dividing applications into segments


Generally offers better performance

May suffer from performance overhead

Management Complexity

Generally simpler to manage and configure

May require more configuration and management

Use Cases

Ideal for cloud-native and containerized apps

Commonly used for legacy applications and VMs

Understanding Primary Terminologies Of Docker

Container: In Docker, an image is regarded as a blueprint for the container runtime while container is an isolated runtime environment for the Docker image. It represents whole application function based on which libraries, dependencies, and binaries are shared and all these are required to run it reliably across a wide variety of platform. These architectures are characterized by the following: containers are lightweight, portable, isolated, and self-contained making them well-suited for packaging and the delivery of applications to customers. Majority of them take already available features from the host operating system’s kernel grounds for resource management and process isolation.

Docker Network: Docker Network is a networking feature provided by the Docker that has the ability to assign IP addresses to each container and passes the network traffic between containers and external networks. Enabling containers to speak with other ones and with resources except Docker environment, like other containers, host machines or external services, is its aim. Docker, on one hand, comes with a handful of networking choices, including, bridge networks, overlay networks, and host networks, which are fit for different operations and purpose in specific situations.

Dockerfile: Dockerfile is a very helpful plain text file where the build instructions as well as commands to build an image are listed. It’s considered a Dockerfile, the image’s building formula, to define the base image, environment variables, the file system changes, network ports and other configurations that are needed for the application to correctly execute in container. Everything instructive in the Dockerfile is in the form of declarations and together with the docker build command which is a way of automating the build process of images.

Docker Image: The image of Docker is a static snapshot of the Docker container which is the app code, its runtime environment, all the dependencies, and settings that are needed for the application functionality. The docker images are build based on the instructions the dockerfile and contain many layers each of them represent a specific change or addition to the file system. The images are saved in the registry which hits the types like Docker Hub or a private repository. Consequently, the content can be downloaded, versioned and reused in different circumstances.

Understanding Primary Terminologies Of Virtual Machine

Hypervisor: The hypervisor (i.e. software layer) is creating and managing the virtual machines in the environment of physical host machine. It is the core of the virtual computing architecture that employs abstraction and virtualization of underlying physical resources such as CPU, memory, storage, and internet access, which enables multiple guest operating systems to run simultaneously on the same physical machine. Hypervisors come in two main types: In type 1 hypervisors run on bare-metal hardware behind the scenes, while in type 2 hypervisors a host operating system lies approximately the way they work.

Virtual Network Interface: An inside network interface is a program that allows a VM to scramble a host machine and handle network connections between the virtual environment and the host. It is has the same functionality of an other NIC which connect external networks and services. Network automation addresses a wide range of deployment and day-to-day operational problems. Virtual network interfaces are defined with IP addresses, subnet masks and other network settings, enabling VMs to communicate with each other but also with external resources which are not part of the virtualized environment.

Guest Operating System: In this case, the guest operating system is the operating system inside the virtual machine while the host operating system is in charge of running the virtual machine. It acts autonomously and does not depend on the host operating system. Its constitute of its own kernel, file system, and user space environment. The OS producing the guest could be any operative framework of the kind, for example, Linux, Windows or OS X, and it is an attribution of the user’s choice of OS.

Virtual Disk: A virtual disk is an abstract disk image, which is filed or set of files that imitate a physical drive inside a virtual machine. It functions as a container that provides the operating system for the guest and a storage capacity for apps and data which are managed by the hypervisor storage subsystem. The size of virtual disks can be set as fixed or dynamically allocated and they can use numerous disk formats and storage technologies like VMDK for VMware, VHD for hyperviziation or qcow2 for QEMU/KVM.Practical Implications And Examples

We will be work on a case where we have more than one microservice that is included in Docker container, and these microservices should be communicating with each other. By with pooling the important property of user-defined Docker network, we can guarantee that APP containers of different levels will communicate with each other in a secure and efficient way.

In cloud-like architecture, virtualized system, in other words, VMs, are applied to divide various services or applications into separate pieces. Thus, each VM processes individually and has own OS and network configuration in it.

Choosing Between Docker Network And VM Network

Whether Docker or VM network matches your specific requirements and infrastructure set up more becomes a matter of the application architecture and its unique set up.

Let’s break down the considerations for each:

Docker Network

  • Lightweight Virtualization: Docker containers work out an extremely easy way of implementing virtualization by sharing the operating system’s kernel used on the host machine. Consequently, containers are becoming a more popular choice of development because of the performance improvements in startup times and optimized resource use compared with VMs.
  • Isolation: Docker regards containers to have process-level isolation that is simply a single process run as an isolated process, while they all use the same host OS. This type of containers can provide a specific level of process isolation but are capable of sharing the OS resources.
  • Networking Flexibility: The containers accessible through Docker networks can interact with each other and with the outside networks. Docker offers an array of networks that include bridge networks, the layered networks, and host networks, and this gives you a lot of choices to go with depending on how your containers speak to each other.
  • Microservices Architecture: Docker is generally used in a micro-services architecture wherein the applications are divided into smaller service contributions that operate independently. The Docker container having the lightweight characteristic and favorable networking performance is widely used to handle and manage microservices.

VM Network

  • Full Isolation: Virtual machines give us total independence to do multiple jobs because the guest operation system is separated from each other (located on the hypervisor). The separate environment is created by each VM through its own kernel and resources, and such isolation being the criteria that fits applications that have components which should be highly isolates.
  • Compatibility: VMs accordingly should be capable of running any sort of operating systems obtained through the APIs, for instance. The objective audience can then choose the OS environment for the applications they need. It is indeed useful to run the applications which were formerly run on computers or applications which require specific software dependencies to be fulfilled.
  • Security: VMs give you the possibility to create strong SI boundaries between the applications because each VM run always in its own distinct environment. This could be a key factor for the use in specific contexts that require strict security measures or, for instance, in cases where many applications with a range of security levels are being run on the same infrastructure.
  • Resource Isolation: VMs segment devoted CPU, memory, and storage resources to each virtual machine instance, thus giving rise to predictable performance and strict resource encapsulation. Such differentiation could be useful for applications with fluctuating resource demands or for use of the same resource infrastructure by running different applications with different resources used by each application.

Applications Of Docker And VM Networks

  • Development and Testing Environments: Moreover, developers and testers may also run docker containers or virtual machines to simulate production or separate development environments. Developers can create Docker containers or VMs exactly like production environment locally and which help in easy trouble shooting of app code.
  • Continuous Integration And Deployment (CI/CD): Docker containers are usually deployed in CI/CD pipelines to be used for uniformly packaging and delivery of applications for all different kinds of environments whether they be development, testing or production. This separation allows for multiple stages of CI/CD workflows to run in a single host, providing an isolated environment for test runs and application deploys.
  • Scalable Web Applications: Docker containers can be extremely useful in instances that require scalable web applications, especially when applications are built to use microservices architecture. Docker’s characteristic portfolio of qualities, which include lightness and networking properties, help to develop a unified solution with the ability to scale separate components of the application without any difficulty.
  • Legacy Application Migration: VMs are oft times used in order to port legacy apps onto a new environment of modern infrastructure. Through the use of stand-alone package by wrapping up the legacy app inside a VM, organizations will continue working with their very own OS and dependencies and while at the same time, takes advantage of the scale and flexibility of virtual environments


Networks in Docker and VM stand for two different strategies for handling isolation and networking in contemporary software solutions. While Docker containers grant those elements the advantage of being lightweight and performant in sharing the kernel resource, the VMs provide additional robust isolation with independent operating system instances. Recognizing the distinctions of such networking models is a must-know for purposes of development and management of applications that can withstand massive scales and resist failures across different deployment environments.

Docker Network And VM Network – FAQs

Can Docker containers And Virtual Machine Networks Communicate With Each Other?

Definitely, Docker container and virtual machine network can be set to perform communication. Through docker networking interfaces, containers are connected to external networks, including virtual machines (VM), which the contain processes transmit data through numerous methods.

What Is The Primary Aim Of The Docker Networking Concept?

Specifically, the Docker networking concept aims at giving networking abilities with containers on a single host or more hosts in the cluster. That is to say, that Kubernetes synthesizes some of Docker’s standard networking components and presents an even further standard to accommodate for the management of containerized applications at scale.

Is It Possible To Run Docker Containers Inside A Virtual Machine (VM)?

Yes, it’s actually both possible and a common practice to run Docker containers inside a VM. It thus allows finer grained isolation indirectly by employing nested virtualization whenever the host dos not directly support Docker.

What Are The Key Components For Ensuring Security In The Docker Networking Platform?

Setting and managing the right access controls on the networking and using secure communication protocols to make the Docker networking platform more secure are the key components. It is important to intends updating the Docker container and its dependencies on a regular basis as a way to ensure a safe operating environment.

How Does Docker’s Impact Compare To Docker Network?

Like Docker Network, Docker usually shows the marginal impact. Nevertheless, drivers which the network may be chosen as well as a topology of the network might impact these factors. The ability to monitor further and optimize network performance will help in overcoming network building problems or bottlenecks.

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