Different Ways to Find the Type of Variable in Golang

Variable is a placeholder of the information which can be changed at runtime. And variables allow to Retrieve and Manipulate the stored information.
There are 3 ways to find the type of variables in Golang as follows:

  • Using reflect.TypeOf Function
  • Using reflect.ValueOf.Kind() Function
  • Using %T with Printf


// Golang program to show the different ways
// to find the Type of a Variable
package main
// import the fmt and reflect package
import (
//main function
func main() {
    // string type
    var1 := "hello world"
    // integer
    var2 := 10
    // float
    var3 := 1.55
    // boolean
    var4 := true
    // shorthand string array declaration
    var5 := []string{"foo", "bar", "baz"}
    // map is reference datatype
    var6 := map[int]string{100: "Ana", 101: "Lisa", 102: "Rob"}
    // complex64 and complex128
    // is basic datatype
    var7 := complex(9, 15)
    // using %T format specifier to
    // determine the datatype of the variables
    fmt.Println("Using Percent T with Printf")
    fmt.Printf("var1 = %T\n", var1)
    fmt.Printf("var2 = %T\n", var2)
    fmt.Printf("var3 = %T\n", var3)
    fmt.Printf("var4 = %T\n", var4)
    fmt.Printf("var5 = %T\n", var5)
    fmt.Printf("var6 = %T\n", var6)
    fmt.Printf("var7 = %T\n", var7)
    // using TypeOf() method of reflect package
    // to determine the datatype of the variables
    fmt.Println("Using reflect.TypeOf Function")
    fmt.Println("var1 = ", reflect.TypeOf(var1))
    fmt.Println("var2 = ", reflect.TypeOf(var2))
    fmt.Println("var3 = ", reflect.TypeOf(var3))
    fmt.Println("var4 = ", reflect.TypeOf(var4))
    fmt.Println("var5 = ", reflect.TypeOf(var5))
    fmt.Println("var6 = ", reflect.TypeOf(var6))
    fmt.Println("var7 = ", reflect.TypeOf(var7))
    // using ValueOf() method of reflect package
    // to determine the value of the variable
    // Kind() method returns the datatype of the
    // value fetched by the ValueOf() method
    fmt.Println("Using reflect.ValueOf.Kind() Function")
    fmt.Println("var1 = ", reflect.ValueOf(var1).Kind())
    fmt.Println("var2 = ", reflect.ValueOf(var2).Kind())
    fmt.Println("var3 = ", reflect.ValueOf(var3).Kind())
    fmt.Println("var4 = ", reflect.ValueOf(var4).Kind())
    fmt.Println("var5 = ", reflect.ValueOf(var5).Kind())
    fmt.Println("var6 = ", reflect.ValueOf(var6).Kind())
    fmt.Println("var7 = ", reflect.ValueOf(var7).Kind())


Using Percent T with Printf

var1 = string
var2 = int
var3 = float64
var4 = bool
var5 = []string
var6 = map[int]string
var7 = complex128

Using reflect.TypeOf Function

var1 =  string
var2 =  int
var3 =  float64
var4 =  bool
var5 =  []string
var6 =  map[int]string
var7 =  complex128

Using reflect.ValueOf.Kind() Function

var1 =  string
var2 =  int
var3 =  float64
var4 =  bool
var5 =  slice
var6 =  map
var7 =  complex128

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