Differences between Django and Ruby On Rails

Django: Initially, Django was founded between 2003 and 2005 by a development team responsible for the formation and management of newspaper websites. The team started factoring out and reusing plenty of familiar code and design practices after building a variety of pages. This specific code developed into a standardized platform for web creation which was open-sourced in July 2005 as the “Django” project. It is developed in the context of several architecture ideologies. Every stack part is designed to render it separate and, thus, loosely connected. The developer will write fewer code while encouraging the fast creation of applications. When completed, the model does not replicate itself, maybe easily replicated at several intersections in application formation. Consequently, it encourages best practices in technology by keeping a clean architecture in its own application and thus a super-fast growth. It is a high-level web framework from Python that allows for the rapid implementation of security and sustainable websites. Designed by seasoned programmers, it takes care of most of the web creation headache and you can focus on developing the software without the need to start from scratch. It’s free and open-source, it has a vibrant and involved community, excellent resources, and lots of free and paid services. It has a customized caching system. Django REST framework is one of the best tools for building API’s.


  1. Data-analysis tools.
  2. Photo-based verification systems.
  3. E-mail systems.
  4. Famous companies that use Django framework:
  • Instagram
  • NASA
  • Dropbox
  • Spotify etc.

Ruby On Rails: David Heinemeier Hansson, developed Ruby on Rails. He also served at 37-signals (now known as Basecamp) business to build a framework for project management in Ruby. In order to help or speed up the process, he developed Ruby on Rails software platform. Traditionally described as Rails. It is a server-side web application development framework written in Ruby language. It allows us to write fewer lines of code than other languages and frameworks. It includes everything required to build a model-view-controller (MVC) pattern, database-backed web applications. Rails are loaded up with many features, such as metaprogramming, that make developers more efficient. Another approach utilizes extensive scratch generation of code, but it uses techniques for metaprogramming. It also uses code generation but rely on metaprogramming for difficult tasks. An active record will archive an object in the database. It does not need much modification, as it prefers the traditional method. It is a series of application libraries that provide a ready-made solution for routine activities such as designing on-site tables, templates, or menus. Ruby, programming language is paired with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to build web applications that operate on a web server. Ruby on Rails is known as a back-end or web application creation tool on the server-side because it operates on the web server. It is like PHP on Laravel and Symfony, or on Django as Python. It’s the greatest attraction to the programmers lies under the language’s compact size and beauty. It is designed to promote agile growth or development and provide the production teams with efficiency and versatility.


There are many applications and websites that are built with ruby on rails:

  • GitHub- It is a platform that brings together the community of developers to discover, share, and develop better software.
  • Crunchbase- It is one of the top platforms to collect the company’s information for both private and public entities.
  • Basecamp- Business managing project scheduling and tools for team collaboration.
  • Ask.fm, SlideShare, Shopify, Hulu, Zendesk, etc., are some other applications and websites that use Ruby On Rails framework.

Differences between Django and Ruby On Rails:


Ruby On Rails

It is a Python-based framework. It is a Ruby-based framework.
It follows Model-view-template (MVT) pattern. It follows a Model-view-controller (MVC) pattern.
It is written in Python and released under a BSD license. It is written in Ruby and released under a MIT license.
It is used in developing complex database-driven websites. It is used in developing database backed web-application and metaprogramming.
It has good readability of code and hence the curve is small. There are lot of independent concepts to understand, therefore it has a steep curve.
It has a principle which states that explicit is better than implicit. It has a principle of convention over configuration.
It is easy and faster to install as compared to Rails. Its installation takes more time as compared to Django.
Web servers used are Apache, Nginx and Gunicorn. Web servers used are WEBrick, Apache and Nginx.
It has a small community of developers. It has a huge community of developers.
It serves static files as they are configured. It has a built-in static compilation by default.
It’s applications are Instagram, NASA, Dropbox, Spotify, etc. It’s applications are Github, Ask.fm, SlideShare, BaseCamp, etc.

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