Difference Between Zombie and Logic Bomb in Cyber Security

Any malicious software intended to damage or exploit any device, service, or network is mentioned as malware. malware is short for malicious software and mentions any software that is designed to cause harm to computers, networks, or users. Zombies and Logic Bomb are kinds of malware. Malware includes computer viruses, Zombies, Logic bombs, worms, Trojan horses, ransomware, spyware, and other malicious programs.

What is Zombie?

In Cyber Security, Zombie is a cyber security threat. A zombie is a laptop that has been infected with malware and is now below the manipulation of an attacker. Zombies are regularly used to release denial-of-carrier attacks, spam campaigns, or other malicious sports. New risks are constantly emerging, and cyber protection is continuously evolving. Zombies are one of the most present-day dangers. Infected laptop systems controlled by hackers are referred to as zombies. They could be used for evil deeds like sending unsolicited mail, stealing statistics, or even attacking personal pc structures. Zombies pose a critical danger to people, corporations, and society at large. It is critical to be aware of the threat and to take precautions to defend yourself.

What is a Logic Bomb?

A logic bomb is a piece of malicious code that is hidden in a laptop device and is designed to motivate harm whilst a selected occasion takes place. Logic bombs are frequently used by disgruntled personnel or ex-personnel to damage their former business enterprise’s computer systems. A logic bomb is a shape of malicious code intentionally inserted right into a computer device with a hidden motive. Unlike traditional malware that operates upon infection, a logic bomb stays inactive until positive predetermined situations are met. These conditions may be based totally on precise dates, events, or maybe user interactions. Once brought about, the logic bomb springs into movement, executing a malicious payload that can vary from fact deletion to system crashes, or maybe unauthorized get admission to touchy statistics.


  • Malware: Malicious software that is designed to harm a laptop device. Malware can take many forms, such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and logic bombs.
  • Virus: A kind of malware that could mirror itself and spread from one PC to another. Viruses often connect themselves to other files, consisting of electronic mail attachments or software program downloads.
  • Worm: A kind of malware that could spread from one PC to every other without the need for human interplay. Worms frequently make the most vulnerabilities in software program to spread.
  • Trojan horse: A type of malware that is disguised as a valid application. Once the Trojan horse is achieved, it could set up other malware on the PC or thieve facts.
  • Logic bomb: A sort of malware that is designed to cause harm when a specific event occurs. Logic bombs are often utilized by disgruntled employees or ex-employees to damage their former agency’s PC systems.
  • Backdoor: A manner to advantage of unauthorized access to a computer machine. Backdoors are frequently created by attackers to permit them to return to the device at a later time.
  • Rootkit: A collection of software gear that offers an attacker complete control over a laptop machine. Rootkits are frequently used to cover malware from antivirus software programs.
  • Denial-of-service (DoS) assault: An attack that is designed to make a PC system or community unavailable to its intended users. DoS attacks may be carried out by flooding the machine with so many site visitors that it will become overloaded.
  • Spoofing: A method that is used to cover the supply of a message or packet. Spoofing may be used to hide the identity of an attacker or to make it seem that a message or packet came from a valid supply.
  • Phishing: A social engineering attack this is used to trick users into revealing sensitive statistics, inclusive of passwords or credit card numbers. Phishing assaults are regularly executed thru emails or websites that appear to be from valid assets.

Difference Between Zombie and Logic Bomb

Zombies Logic Bomb

Zombies are self-replicating.

Logic bomb are non-replicating.

Zombies are controlled by hacker.

Logic bomb are not controlled by hacker.

Zombie activate when a certain event occurs.

Logic bomb occurs when a certain condition is met.

To be used maliciously, such as for data theft, denial-of-service assaults, or transmitting spam.

To be used for revenge or sabotage.

Zombies are frequently created via attackers who use quite a few methods to infect computers. Logic bombs are normally created through insiders who have get right of entry to a computer machine.
Zombies propagate malware by infecting other computers by sending infected files or links to users. it can motive a variety of harm, along with deleting files, corrupting statistics, or disrupting the operation of a computer device.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1: Explain zombies and What are they used for?


Zombie is a Malicious software. It is a type of malware. A zombie is a computer system that has been infected with malware(malicious software) and it manipulate by an attacker. Zombies are generally used to release denial-of-carrier attacks, spam campaigns, or other malicious sports.

Q.2: How do I find out if my computer is a Zombie?


By performing the following, we can determine whether our computer is a zombie.

  • Check the efficiency of computer. our computer may have been compromised if it is freezing or operating slowly.
  • If we see unusual or unexpected network activity, our computer may be in contact with a zombie.
  • If we notice any strange programs running, our computer may be infected with zombie.
  • Check the event viewer on our computer. If we see odd occurrences or failures, our computer can be infected with malware zombies.

Q.3: What is Logic Bombs and how to protect against them?


A logic bomb is a piece of malicious code which is hidden in a computer system and is designed to motivate harm whilst a selected occasion takes place.

There are many ways to prevent logic bomb attacks.

  • We should use trusted antivirus software.
  • Don’t download untrusted link which we don’t know.
  • Regular OS updates helps to protect our computer.

Q.4: How Does A Logic Bomb Work?


When a specific condition is met the positive trigger logic bombs go off, such the date of a significant business event or when you access a particular file. And a logic bomb with negative triggers is one that explode when a particular condition is not met, such as when user is unable to deactivate the code by a particular time.

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