Difference between WiFi and GiFi

Wi-Fi is a wireless networking technology which allows devices such as computers, mobile devices and other electronic equipment to interface with the Internet. Wireless high speed Internet and network connections are provided by using radio waves. By the help of wireless router internet connectivity occurs. It is a wireless network protocols based on the IEEE 802.11 standards. Mainly it refers to wireless LAN technologies. 

2. Gigabit Fidelity (Gi-Fi) : 

Gi-Fi or gigabit wireless refers to a wireless transmission system. Gi-Fi provides a data rate of more than one billion bits per second. It is faster version of Wi-Fi. In general, as we will see it is ten times faster than WiFi technology. Gi-Fi technology is the transceiver of the world integrated on a single chip which operates at 60GHz using CMOS process. Gi-Fi defined in IEEE 802.15.3C standard. 

Difference between Wi-Fi and Gi-Fi :

S.No. Wi-Fi Gi-Fi
01. Wi-Fi uses radio frequency waves for data transmission over air. Gi-Fi uses millimeter waves for data transmission over air.
02. Frequency range of Wi-Fi is 2.4 GHz and/or 5 GHz. Frequency range of Gi-Fi is 57 to 64 GHz.
03. Wi-Fi provides a data rate/speed of 150 Mbps and more. Gi-Fi provides a data rate/speed of 5 Gbps and more.
04. Its coverage range is larger. Its coverage range is smaller.
05. Wi-Fi can cover a distance about 300 meters. Gi-Fi can cover a distance about 10 meters.
06. Its data density is very low. Its data density is very high.

Primary Users-

  • Enterprise Users

Primary Users-

  • Wireless Homes
  • Office Appliances
08. Development started in the year 1990. Development started in the year 2004.
09. Its cost is high. Its cost is low.
10. Specification authority of Wi-Fi is IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and WECA (Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance). Specification authority of Gi-Fi is NICTA (National Information and Communications Technology Authority).
11. Usage location is within WLAN infrastructure’s coverage area, which is typically within a building. Usage location is WPAN networks.
12. Notebooks, desktop computers, and servers are the main devices. Mobile phones, home devices, and industrial automation devices are the main devices.
13. Its power consumption is little bit high i.e. 10 mW (milli Watts). Its power consumption is little bit low i.e. less than 2 mW (milli Watts).


  • Mobility
  • Convenience
  • Productivity
  • Expandability
  • Cost


  • High data rate
  • Cost-effective
  • Low power consumption
  • Security (Service level and Link level)
  • Deployment is not time consuming


  • Security
  • Speed
  • Range
  • Reliability
  • Health issues


  • Works across a small area of roughly 10 meters due to severe attenuation.
  • Signals like RTS/CTS are not used.
  • Because of the shorter working wavelength, the GiFi signals were easily blocked by objects when we deployed this system.
16. Primary application of Wi-Fi is WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network). Primary application of Gi-Fi is both WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Network) and WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network).

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